Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 82 The Empress Phoenix Phi

on the video screen.

Looking at the angry representatives of the Free State, Shang Weitian almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but after all, he was professionally trained and kept his expressionless expression.

"So, that's it?" Shang Weitian said calmly.

There was also an eerie silence in the white palace.

A reporter whispered: "I can't see anything at all..."

Netizens around the world who watched the live broadcast were even more merciless. After a brief silence, all kinds of comments came out.

"Um, can anyone explain to me what the word evidence means?"

"What does this prove? I can't see anything!"

"Although I also support a free country,, your video has a completely black screen, and you can see the back of a bird from the beginning to the end!"

"Speaking of which, false accusations don't have to be so direct, right? You can't use special effects to make a surveillance video!"

"Are you going to get a test tube of laundry detergent next?"

The global audience was stunned.

They thought that the Free Congress would come up with some strong evidence to condemn Daxia, but in the end, our pants were half taken off. Why don't you show me this?

On the podium, the representatives of the free countries gripped the table tightly.

He is really unjust!

Those guys left no evidence at all. The two-story building of the Order of the Phoenix was burned to ashes by an inexplicable fire, and nothing could be found at all.

And the only surveillance video...

But at this time, Shang Wei seemed to be dead, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, you may have just picked up the wrong USB flash drive. I believe you must have conclusive evidence in your hand."

"Can you take it out and show it to us?"

"All surveillance videos are like this!" The Free Country representative gritted his teeth, "But this is enough to prove..."

"What do you prove?" Shang Weitian pushed up his glasses expressionlessly, "You said that Daxia sent people to infiltrate, but even if you infiltrate, if you want to go all the way to the residential area, you still need to pass through a lot of streets, right?"

"At least there will be a few figures left behind, right?"

"Could it be that all surveillance is blocked by the bird?"

"Or do you mean that the birds in your Free Country are all spies for me, Daxia?"

As soon as these words came out, even the reporters at the Free State press conference couldn't help laughing, but then they remembered that they were from the Free State's side and immediately put away their smiles.

"If videos like this are considered evidence, then I, Daxia, can also provide similar videos, saying that your Free Country invaded my country, Daxia."

"So, you have no evidence at all." Shang Weitian said lightly: "I, Daxia, seriously condemn the frame-up of the Free Country."

"As for the cannon fire you mentioned, I have some evidence here." Shang Weitian said calmly: "You haven't finished the video just now, why don't I continue."

A video appeared on Shang Weitian's screen.

The video seemed to have been shot on a battleship. Below the battleship was a beach, and on the beach were soldiers from the Free State, surrounding several people with oriental faces.

It seems tense.

And right now.



Cannon fire! !

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

The audience who saw this scene were shocked.

"Did Daxia really start firing?"

"That's the territory of the Free State, isn't it? Is Daxia going to start a war?"


After a while.

But no artillery fire fell, and no explosion occurred.

At the same time, on the battleship, banners were opened one by one, and the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became extremely festive...

"Welcome back home!"

"Daxia is here to pick you up!"


An old man in general uniform drove a small boat alone and rushed directly to the beach of the Free State.

The video ends abruptly here.

"This is the invasion you are talking about. Do you mean firing?" Shang Weitian said calmly.

The representative of the free country didn't know how to answer.

"We just fired off a salute, hung up banners, and walked around in a circle. If you want to say that we entered the country illegally, then you have been wandering around our waters before." Shang Weitian said calmly, "Okay, this is Let the matter settle down, as I said before, Daxia protests against the frame-up of the Free Country."

The free country's vigorous pursuit of accountability ended just like this.

In fact, it is not that the Free State does not have more clues, such as why Mr. Jin came forward alone, such as why those Daxia people were besieged by the Free State soldiers.


Daxia also has a handle on the Free Country!

Not to mention why the Empress Phoenix Phi recaptured by Lin Fan was hidden by the Free State. Once the three members of the Order of the Phoenix who captured superpowers in Daxia were exposed, the Free State would shoot itself in the foot. !

That's when it really comes.

Instead, Daxia became famous as a teacher!

Therefore, it is better for everyone to have a quarrel and let this matter pass silently.

It's just that the Free Country didn't expect that Daxia would be so tough!

That's right.


This live broadcast made people all over the world discover the fact that Daxia has suddenly become tough!

Although he was still full of protests and condemnations as before, this time, Daxia made the Free Nation speechless!

And just three days after this press conference.

A military transport plane took off from an aircraft carrier fleet performing exercises on the high seas.

Four hours later, the transport plane landed at Jingzhou Airport.

At the airport, Guozhao personally greeted you!

The red carpet was laid, flowers were placed, and reporters from Daxia set up cameras!

At this moment, all TV stations and live broadcast platforms across the country are conducting this live broadcast.

"I'll go, I'm new here, who can tell me why it's such a big scene?"

"Is this standing there the throne of state?"

"Who can be welcomed by the throne like this? How old is he?"

"Silly, look at the live broadcast theme!"

News theme - "Welcome to the return of the national treasure of Daxia - Empress Fengpi!"

At this moment, everyone who saw this title opened their eyes wide.

The Empress' Cloak!

These four words directly caused a tsunami on the Internet.

"Empress Feng Pi...which empress is she?"

"Have you never read a book? Who is the most powerful female emperor in Daxia?"

"Wu Zetian?!"

"Wu Zetian's phoenix robe? The first phoenix robe in Daxia!"

"Everyone, I am a professor of the history department. In fact, Wu Zetian is not the only empress in the history of the Xia Dynasty, but the most famous, the most powerful, and the one who best symbolizes the mother's grace in the world is Wu Zetian. And she has a famous saying, I am the only one who Xia women, regardless of whether they are poor or rich, can wear royal attire when they marry, with a phoenix crown and a harem. That is, a phoenix pi. And the first phoenix shawl in Daxia, the Queen's phoenix pi, is my national treasure of Daxia, no doubt!"

"It can be said that it is related to the destiny of our country!"

"It's just that the whereabouts of this national treasure have long been unknown. I didn't expect that it could be recovered and returned to Daxia now!"

With the popularity of some professionals and hosts, the audience also knows about the Empress Phoenix Phi and the importance of the Empress Phoenix Phi!

this moment.

There is only one question in everyone's mind.

"Who found this phoenix cloak?"

Anyone who can retrieve this phoenix cape deserves to be called a hero!

And while everyone is waiting.

A transport plane that had just landed was taxiing slowly over.

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