The sea is boiling.

The huge waves were like the slaps of giant beasts, and waves one to two hundred meters high crashed onto the Great Steel Wall!

As long as it is hit from the front, you will definitely die!

Standing on the 500-meter steel Great Wall, looking down, the 400-meter drop is even more dizzying, as if you will be shattered if you fall!

The calm ocean in the past was like a giant beast, roaring and opening its mouth to welcome it under the Great Steel Wall.

The soldiers looked at all this and replied uniformly: "Don't be afraid!"

His eyes are all burning with fire!

As long as you become a god, you can fight for Daxia with the body of a god!

The gods of Great Xia are fighting head-on with the gods!

This is what they have only dreamed of!

Chique gritted her teeth. As the captain of the God-killing Army who was rescued by Lin Fan from the Order of the Phoenix and was the first to be recruited by Lin Fan, she had been stuck in the demigod realm for a long time but could not break through.

Now there are three members of the God-Slaying Army among her subordinates who have become the gods of the sea. As the commander-in-chief, she has not yet made a breakthrough, and her usual toughness in her speech is gone.

Lin Fan glanced at every young but resolute face, and finally nodded: "Okay! Divide into thirty groups, the first group will stay! The other twenty-nine groups will stay where they are, and are not allowed to leave here, and are not allowed to talk to anyone. Cut off all contact with the outside world!"

Soon, more than 10,000 divine army reserves came out.

They carried surfboards on their backs and stood on the specially built diving platform on the edge of the Great Wall. They looked nervously at the roaring sea below with cold sweat streaming down their foreheads.

Some people's legs were even shaking.

After all, there is a drop of four hundred meters!

Lin Fan asked Mr. Jin in a low voice: "Is the protection work in place?"

"It's in place." Mr. Jin nodded and said in Lin Fan's ear: "I checked just now. There is a safety net hidden under the sea. The three Great Xia Ocean Gods are waiting under the sea. In addition, Dao Wanqian, Bu Wu, Xing Ye, Gong Shu Ming, Wang Hu and other gods are all hiding in the sea water, and the shadows of ten thousand sea beasts are also lurking below, ready to rescue at any time."

"Mr. Zhang is also personally in charge of the Great Steel Wall. Even if there is any accident, it will be difficult to die."

After all, the Great Steel Wall still has a forty-eight-hour rule prohibiting entry by the God of Death...

"That puts me at ease." Lin Fan smiled and nodded, feeling relieved.

He couldn't really let the soldiers die just to give Daxia a few more gods.

Turning around, Lin Fan's smile disappeared, his expression was terrifying, and his voice sounded as if it came from hell, extremely cold.

"Everyone!" Lin Fan glanced at the already nervous warriors, transformed into a pressure monster, and pressured these warriors again: "Perhaps you haven't realized the seriousness yet, if you jump, you will really die!"

"There's no protection down there! There really isn't any!"

"Four-hundred-meter diving, two-hundred-meter wave, if there is a slight mistake, you will be shattered to pieces!"

The soldiers stared blankly below. The sea surface 400 meters below seemed to be far away and then closer. The huge waves one to two hundred meters high were like the claws of the ocean extending towards them, trying to drag them down alive!

A large amount of sweat flowed down the forehead, and some soldiers' legs even trembled physiologically.

Lin Fan was almost frightened when he saw this, and his tone suddenly became high-pitched: "But, as long as you survive, you may become the gods of Great Xia!"

"When the time comes, you will be able to fight side by side with those who have become gods, fight head-on with the gods, and use your power to protect your relatives and friends!"

"Think of your relatives and friends being submerged in the sea and crushed by huge waves!"

"Imagine the scene of your parents being torn apart by roaring sea beasts!"

“Imagine your house being crushed by a wave!”

"The road is in front of you now, jump off, or go home crying!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he stood with his hands behind his back and didn't say anything, just watching quietly.

Although safety measures have been taken, he will not force these warriors to jump, because becoming a god requires you to take that step yourself.

If you don't even have the courage to face life and death, how can you become a god?

Furthermore, without that firm belief, even if you jump, you will probably be scared crazy.

The soldiers stood there, staring at the sea below.

The tide surges.

"Damn it, if you jump down, you will really die..." A soldier muttered in a low voice.

Survival is the instinct of every living thing.

But at this moment, their will and survival instinct are entangled.

A warrior clenched his fists: "My wife just gave birth to a baby...the gods are coming to conquer us!"

"Even if I die, I don't want to see me kneeling on the ground as a believer! See my son and wife being killed by a huge wave!"

"Damn it, don't you just jump down!"

"I'm not even afraid of gods!"

The warrior roared angrily, the confusion in his eyes turned into determination, a flame burned in his eyes, and he jumped directly!


"Damn it, he jumped!"

The reserves who were still waiting in line and the soldiers on the city wall exclaimed in disbelief.

The audience in Daxia looked at the scenes on TV in horror, with faces full of astonishment.

"Isn't this looking for death?"

"The commander-in-chief is too cruel! You will definitely die if you jump!"

"No, in order to fight against the gods and get more Daxia gods, do we have to sacrifice a group of warriors?"

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a line of small writing under the TV... I have received professional training and taken precautionary measures. It is not life-threatening. Please do not imitate..."

"Oh, safety measures have been taken..." Daxia's audience breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed with strange expressions: "Then wouldn't this just become a simple exciting adventure..."

This is also the reason why Lin Fan wants other reservists to stay on the Great Steel Wall, not allowed to leave, and to cut off external communication, because although Daxia has taken protective measures, he cannot let them know, and must make them feel that they will die if they jump. , otherwise there would be no such emotional fluctuations between life and death.


The first warrior to jump roared loudly.

The air roared in my ears, and the roaring sea surface was getting closer and closer to me!

Feeling of weightlessness!

This kind of stimulation caused him to secrete adrenaline instantly. His God-killing and Demon-Slaying Skills were running wildly, and his muscles were tense!

"Ah! Come on!"

The soldier gritted his teeth. At this moment, life and death depended on each other!

The images of his parents, wife, children, and friends appeared in his mind. A huge wave hit him head on. The soldier was not afraid at all, his eyes were firm!


Before he could touch the surface of the sea, a huge wave had swept him down from the air and crashed into the seawater without a trace.

There was silence on the Great Steel Wall.

Everyone stared at the sea.

But there was no movement, only a pair of goggles slowly floated up.

"Dead, dead?" A struggling soldier's eyes turned red.

"There are no corpses?"

"I'm really going to die..."

Looking at the huge waves below, the fear in the eyes of the reserve soldiers of the Divine Legion was even greater. Even those soldiers who were still busy picking up fish were silent.

There was no trace of sadness on Lin Fan's face, as if he had a heart of stone.

at the same time.

Under the sea.

The soldier looked confused. The huge waves that could have smashed him to pieces actually became softer the moment they hit him. When he wanted to swim to the sea, the surrounding sea water enveloped him. Surround him and prevent him from surfacing.

"You are already dead."

There was a voice coming from behind him.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, was he already dead? Is this what it feels like to die? Just such a painless death?

Is it Death who is speaking?

Turning his head to look, he saw a soldier wearing a Daxia military uniform floating in the sea and approaching him, and then stuffed an oxygen bottle into his mouth.

"Gululu?" The soldier looked confused.

Why is the god of death who leads him wearing the military uniform of Daxia?

"Ahem, I was sent by the commander-in-chief to secretly protect you. You are not dead yet, but you can't let them see it now." The Daxia warrior who is the third-order Ocean God of Daxia smiled, "You It failed this time, but it’s okay. The chance of becoming a god is very small in the first place, but there will be more opportunities in the future. The shadow of this sea beast will take you away secretly from under the sea. Don’t go up to the Great Steel Wall recently, don’t let them see it.”

"The commander-in-chief wants them to think you are dead."

The warrior was stunned and a little moved, but before he could get moved, a shadow of a sea beast grabbed the warrior and sneaked all the way under the sea back to Daxia...

At this time, the atmosphere above the Great Steel Wall was very solemn.


A soldier's eyes were red and he looked at the sea below with grief: "Squad leader, are you going to die now! Just say something!"

All the reservists who were still preparing to dive had solemn faces, sad and nervous.


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