And the other side.

Mike and Lin Fan ended their communication, and then took Paul out of the Jishiji building.

The black Jeep walked around the shelter a few times to make sure there was no one around, and then quietly changed into a civilian car in an unmonitored corner.

The civilian vehicle slowly drove into the mud at the edge of the Hope Refuge and finally stopped in the mud.

A few filthy people who were rummaging through the garbage pile tightened their expressions and slowly came forward. When they saw it was General Mike, they immediately smiled.

"Here comes Mike!"

"Oh my God, General Mike is here!"

More people gradually came around the stinking mud. Although they were all a little thin, they all had smiles on their faces.

They are now in a shelter too!

The short thirty-second rappel was like a dream, but it was the difference between life and death!

A young assistant named Mu Wanxia walked over in the mud and said with a smile: "General Mike, you are here."

"Yeah." Mike stepped out of the car, his expensive leather shoes stepping on the sewage, "Where's Mu Wanxia?"

"She is still maintaining order outside and organizing entry," the assistant replied.

Mike nodded: "How is the situation?"

The assistant immediately said: "There are still 500,000 people who have not come in. It is estimated that all of them can come in within three days before the gods come."

"Yes." Mike breathed out and arranged: "After the last person comes in, detonate the explosives I left for you and let the mountain gravel bury the entrance. The exit here is sealed with concrete so that the consortium will not find it. .”

"Are there any difficulties at the moment?"

"The comrades scattered in various shelters are short of food and fresh water." Mu Wanxia's assistant sighed: "We underestimated the difficulty of surviving here."

"This shelter is indeed safe, but without ID bracelets, we don't even have the most basic jobs, and we can't buy food and water."

"We also want to live inconspicuously like mice, but without food and water, we can't stand."

"Recently, we have caught all the rats and cockroaches here." Having said this, the assistant was a little nervous: "Yesterday, a dozen members couldn't bear it anymore and tried to go to the street to exchange for something to eat, and then they lost contact. ……Are you OK?"

"It's okay. They didn't give themselves a chance to be interrogated." Mike sighed.

Everyone's eyes were slightly red, and they knew what this sentence meant.

"You must establish a foothold in your own way, find a way to survive, find a way to obtain food and water, and even grow stronger step by step." Mike muttered: "After I go back, I will think of a way for you..."

But then, Mike's expression became complicated: "Now, I have one thing that I need your help with."

"What's wrong?"

The assistant feels something is wrong.

Mike sighed and was about to say something when he heard a loud bang from the passage!

Countless gravel and smoke fell from the exit, and at the same time, a petite figure rolled out of the passage in embarrassment.

"What's going on!" General Mike's expression changed and he ran away quickly.

And just ten minutes ago.

Passage entrance in the Rocky Mountains.

The sea has reached the foot of the mountain, and huge waves continue to roll down some refugees who cannot enter the shelter.

Cries and roars resounded throughout the Rocky Mountains.

Desperation reigned everywhere, and those who could not enter the shelters almost went crazy.

"If we can't get in, we will definitely die!"

"Even if we weren't hit by the waves, we would die of thirst and starvation!"

"If you are not afraid of death, rush in with me!"

Some red-eyed refugees rushed to the shelter, but all they got in return were roaring bullets. A mountain of corpses had fallen in front of the only entrance to the shelter. Soldiers even had to drive excavators and bulldozers to shovel the corpses. open.

Facing the increasingly crazier refugees, the gunfire has been roaring for three days without stopping. Almost every second, new refugees roar and rush towards the shelter.

After all, everyone knows that if you can't get in, you will die!

It wasn't until countless refugees turned into corpses and the doors of the shelters were soaked in blood that the other refugees barely calmed down.

The consortium used its strength to let them know its attitude.

Break into the shelter and die immediately.

If you stay outside honestly, you can survive for a few days until the gods come.

For refugees, there is a difference between dying immediately and dying a few days later.

At this time, countless refugees were crying in despair on the mountain.

On a secluded hillside, half a million disgraced refugees stared nervously at the surroundings with joy on their faces.

"Great, we can get in alive!"

"My wife and children have gone in, now it's just me!"

"Haha, thanks to Mike and Mu Wanxia this time!"

Mu Wanxia stood in front of the door of the stone house and said with a smile: "Hurry up, hurry up, speed up!"

"We dug this out with great difficulty, so we can't waste time at this time."

"Every second of delay, someone may not be able to get in!"

Someone asked curiously: "Boss Mu, why don't you go in?"

"I will go in last." Mu Wanxia smiled: "When we all go in, I will detonate the explosives buried above and jump in!"

"By then, this passage will never be discovered again!"

The atmosphere here is very harmonious.

And the next moment.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice suddenly broke the harmony.

Mu Wanxia and everyone else's expressions suddenly changed. On the hillside not far away, a refugee who had somehow gotten here was staring with wide eyes at the people who were queuing up quickly to enter the stone house. He said in disbelief: "Have you entered?" aisle?"

Mu Wanxia's expression was grim: "Catch him!"

In an instant, the 100,000 people in the queue picked up steel bars and other construction materials, dragged their hungry and exhausted bodies, and rushed towards the refugee.

Everyone knows the price of news leaking!

But instead of running away, the refugee shouted behind him: "They have a way in!"

Just a moment!

"What? Passage?"

"A way into the shelter?"

Countless refugees came roaring from all directions, their eyes all red, it was the hope of survival!

"Let me in!"

"Add me too!"

"Go and tell big brother that there is a passage here!"

Countless refugees are running towards here like a tide, each one like a wild beast!

There were also refugees running towards the distance, shouting as they ran: "There is a passage here! A passage into the shelter!"

And as the shouts spread, more refugees rushed in densely!

"Damn it!" Mu Wanxia's face instantly turned ugly. Looking at the refugees rushing in like a tide, she gritted her teeth and said, "Block them! We can't let them in!"

These refugees are not the comrades she trained. They have no organization or discipline at all!

Once these unorganized refugees are allowed to enter the shelter, they will be immediately caught by the consortium, and then interrogated to find out such a passage established in the area where General Mike is stationed!

By then, five million people, as well as Mike who helped them, will all die!

"Don't worry, hurry up and enter the shelter!" The hundreds of members of the security team left behind by General Mike immediately set up their rifles on the outside and shouted at the refugees rushing from all directions: "Get back all!"

No one paid attention.

After all, this is the hope of survival!

"They have access!"

"Let me in!"

The refugees didn't care, roaring and rushing towards them like evil ghosts.

At this moment, a more intense conflict than at the door of the shelter officially broke out!

It broke out between two groups of refugees!

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