Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 817 Preparing for War

And the other side.

"No!" The figure rolled down from the passage and then sat on the ground blankly.

Mike walked over quickly and looked at the figure falling out of the passage, frowning slightly: "Mu Wanxia?"

The figure that fell from the passage was clearly Mu Wanxia.

"What's going on?" General Mike looked at the other refugees around the passage.

"Someone discovered us...attacked us..." The refugees who came down earlier also had complicated expressions.

"What about the remaining 300,000 people?" Mike suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Mu Wanxia raised her head and said with a trembling voice: "Dead, all dead."

Mike was stunned.

"They used their lives to hold back the refugees who were attacking us!" Mu Wanxia's eyes were filled with tears. "They pushed me down and detonated the explosives! Along with the refugees who were attacking us, and the entrance to the passage Buried in the mountains.”

Mike was silent.

"You can rest assured." Mu Wanxia said to Mike: "No one will find that entrance again! No one has evidence to doubt you!"

"That's not what I meant." Mike sighed.

At this moment, the cell phone on Paul's waist rang.

"Sir." Paul frowned while holding the phone: "It's Mr. Carnegie."

Mike nodded to pick up, then leaned close to the phone and said with a smile, "Is something wrong?"

"Mike, I discovered something interesting... Just now, my men received intelligence..." Mr. Carnegie smiled and said, "It said that someone actually built a passage in the construction area you are responsible for."

"I remember that you were in charge personally and blocked it completely. If that's the case..."

"Huh? You mean that I helped open a passage for those damn refugees?" Mike smiled: "You can report me at the Jishi Association meeting."

"Mike, it's just a joke." Mr. Carnegie laughed: "You are the person I trust most!"

"And I have no evidence. The mountain collapsed and the gravel covered everything. The gods will come three days later. I can't dig out the hundreds of meters of gravel on the entire hillside just to find a A channel the size of a wellhead.”

"It's just that things are a little strange. I just found someone here without a bracelet...and those people would rather die than accept interrogation."

"Now, something like this has happened to you again..." Mr. Carnegie chuckled and said in a joking tone: "Mike, you are very suspicious."

"You can dig out the gravel after the arrival of the gods to see if there is a hole." Mike said calmly.

"Your joke is very humorous, I like it." Mr. Carnegie smiled and hung up the communication.

General Mike was silent.

Mu Wanxia, ​​who was on the side, forced down the sadness in her heart, looked at General Mike and said, "Are you suspected?"

Although the tone on the other end of the phone was joking.

But Mike knew that the other party was doubting him, and that Carnegie might really dig out a mountain of gravel after the coming of the gods, just to find the entrance to the cave.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Mike sighed, but still talked about the thing that he was hesitant to talk about before: "I need your help."

"What help?"

"I need a group of people to die." Mike said word by word.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Wanxia's expression changed: "Mike, in your eyes, are we people saved by you, so we should become your tools, because you will die just one word?"

"I must be responsible for them! The 300,000 people above died just to let more people live!"

"If we are exposed, we will never implicate you. But... if you want to let them die for your own selfish desires, this is impossible!"

"No, you misunderstood." Mike sighed: "To be precise, Daxia needs your help."


"The gods are about to come, and human power cannot defeat them from the front... Daxia now has a plan, which is our last hope."

"But this plan includes a free state."

"But I can't do this because my security team only has more than a thousand people...and now there are only more than 900 people left."

"But you can! There are five million of you!"

Mu Wanxia frowned slightly: "What's the plan?"

"Open the door."

"Open the door?" Mu Wanxia was stunned: "To whom?"

Mike's voice was cold: "To God."

Open the door to God!

"When the battle is at its fiercest, break into the consortium's main control room and open the gate!" General Mike added: "This will be very dangerous, because the soldiers stationed by the consortium are armed with live ammunition."

"But it can be done, because during the battle, the consortium will never think that someone can break into their main control room from the inside!"

"However, once it is breached...when the consortium reacts, those who entered will not be able to get out."

"How many people?" Mu Wanxia frowned.

Mike was silent for a moment: "Two hundred thousand people!"

"I can't force them to agree." Mu Wanxia sighed.

"This is our last hope!" Mike said solemnly: "If Daxia loses, how long can the Free Country hold on even if it has a floodgate?"

"Ji Shi Hui only considers their own interests. They hope that Da Xia can win without them suffering losses and reaping the benefits. So they will not help Da Xia hold back the gods at all."

"But, if we don't cooperate with Daxia, then Daxia will lose this battle! Humanity will lose! Not only these five million people, but everyone in this shelter will die!"

Mu Wanxia was silent.

She also wanted to agree.

However, she cannot decide their life or death for others.

Do you want to tell those 200,000 people to go to hell?

So what is the difference between her and those who put profits first?

Right now.

"If that's the case... I can!"

A man who had just escaped from above slowly walked forward.

Immediately, more people came forward.

"Up there, a stranger was killed by the refugees trying to let me in. Now it's my turn to die."

"Yes, there are 4.7 million of our comrades here!"

"If one me dies, there are still thousands of me."

"Not only are our comrades here, there are 100 million people, and there is also the Jishi Association."

"Haha, it's quite interesting to think about it. Those people abandoned us, but we actually have to die for them to live."

"Humph, who is doing it for them, I am doing it for my children!"

People walked out one by one covered in mud.

They are the outcasts, the ones who live on the edge of the refuge, among the sludge and garbage.

But when Jishihui decided to close the door and not fight for their own interests, these people were actually willing to die for those who had abandoned them.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated. These people may just be there because they have their families and their children in this shelter.

"You are more noble than those people."

Looking at the figures covered in mud and smelly, Mike choked up a little, but then he slowly saluted: "Thank you!"

"Haha, give us a specific plan, and we will implement it ourselves in three days." One person smiled and said, "Don't worry, we won't be caught alive."

"Oh, by the way, we can even surprise you."

"What surprise?" Mike was stunned.

"You'll know what it is exactly when the time comes." The man smiled, and even Mu Wanxia didn't tell him.

Mike sighed, turned to Mu Wanxia and said, "Thank you."

"No need to thank me." Mu Wanxia said calmly.

Mike also knew what Mu Wanxia was thinking: "Don't worry, I won't let you sacrifice blindly, and I won't just use you."

"I know you are in a difficult situation here."

"After some time, I will find a way to secretly give you some weapons...With weapons, you can have your own territory!"

"With the land, you can absorb more people and even engage in some businesses. You know, the residents here cannot fully meet their needs. There are always some things they need but cannot buy, which are controlled by the consortium. .”

"Such as medicines, such as water filtration devices..."

Mu Wanxia was stunned: "You want us to establish an underground black market?"

"This is better than picking things up in the garbage." Mike smiled: "Also, maybe with further development, you can control a shelter in the future..."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Wanxia was stunned, and even those who took the initiative to sign up to die looked hopeful, even if what happened next had nothing to do with them.

But thinking about that image, thinking about those who share the same faith as myself being able to take control of a refuge... that's enough!

Time flies and it is already three days later!

In the past three days, Daxia has entered a first-level combat state, and all soldiers have entered combat positions and stood on the Great Steel Wall.

The European side also announced that it has entered a level 1 combat state and is preparing for war.

Everyone knows that life and death will be a battle again!

Only the Free State announced that the shelter plan was officially operational and would close the door until the end of the battle. I wish Daxia and Europe a successful start.

Under the watchful eyes of countless citizens of the Free Country, the only entrance and exit of the shelter slowly closed, and heavy gates were lowered one after another, completely cutting off the sky and sunlight.

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