Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 851 Use my million swords to build my shield of Great Xia


The roars of the subjugated slaves resounded through the sky.

The Daxia warriors on the side couldn't help but have complicated expressions when they saw this scene.

"I wasn't very optimistic about these subjugated slaves at first, and I thought why did Mr. Jin choose them, but I didn't expect these guys to be really fierce."

"These former citizens of Space Country... are quite capable."

"Nonsense, when the sea monster kills your wife and children, you will be more ruthless than them!"

"I, a Daxia person, would rather not have this kind of cruelty! I am a belated ruthless person, and I am showing off my cruelty again after losing my family, friends and homeland... I, a Daxia person, don't need it!"

"My Daxia's ruthlessness is all about protecting our home and country, and fighting head-on! Listen to all my soldiers. If Daxia falls, they will kill themselves. Don't do this to me! Use your strength now, don’t wait for revenge!”

"We can't be embarrassed, damn, this is our own home! How can we, the natives of Daxia, be worse than them?"

"Look at what they look like. If you don't want to be like them, use all your strength to protect your home and country!"


"I'd rather die than be a slave to the country's subjugation!"

The entire sea seemed to be silent under these roars.

In the air, the salty sea breeze carries the pungent smell of gunpowder, as well as the smell of grilled seafood that makes people's fingers itch...

For a moment, the highly concentrated soldiers suddenly felt a little hungry.

"Brothers, kill them quickly. After the fight is over, let the cooking team cook braised swordfish warriors for us!"

"I haven't even finished the meat from the sea beasts I killed last time... To be honest, I'm a little tired of it."

"You don't understand. You're new here. Let me tell you, this kind of fresh food is different from the ones kept in cold storage. You have to eat it while it's hot!"

"That's right, look how fresh this thing is, it's still jumping when it's fried to pieces! Vibrant seafood!"

A soldier couldn't bear it any longer and called out to the eldest brother of the logistics team: "Brother, next time you deliver ammunition, bring me some grilled octopus balls. I'm really hungry."

But even so, even if the entire sea surface is dyed red with the blood of sea beasts, even if the remains of sea beasts are covered all over the sea surface.

The remaining sea beasts are still rushing towards the Great Steel Wall under fire!


Even if the compatriots beside you are blown to pieces, you will never retreat!

There is no fear in his eyes.

Only crazy faith!

Seeing that the humans on the Great Steel Wall actually started to eat the bodies of their own kind, each of these sea beasts became even more jealous.


"They are provoking us!"

"Weak humans dare to eat our flesh!"

"Wait...that piece, that piece is..." an Octopus warrior roared with great anger: "That's the leg of the Octopus clan's eldest brother under the command of God Afar! I even worshiped him!"

"Don't eat it!"

"Human! Don't..."

However, under the sad and indignant gaze of the octopus warrior, the soldier who was shooting wildly with his machine gun maintained his firepower while devouring the piece of fish, and then burped with satisfaction.

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight..." The warrior grinned, then was suddenly startled: "Then why does the sea beast feel like it's always staring at you? Is it none of your business that I eat?"

I swept the shuttle casually, and the grieving sea beast just followed the big brother away...

But more sea beasts are getting closer and closer to the Great Steel Wall!

"Giant whale warriors, stay in front!"

"These human weapons are indeed powerful, we must organize them!"

"Dragon whale, giant squid, Godzilla, thousand-meter giant crab, lobster king, you legendary sea beasts are at the front!"

One by one, the Chosen Sea Beasts roared under the water.

Just for a moment, there was a terrifying shadow surging in the deep sea.


The sea water is surging, and the giant beasts in the deep sea open their eyes and emerge from the water!


The terrifying roar resounded across the sea, and at this moment, even the waves were silent.

The entire Bohai Sea is shaking, as if something very terrifying is awakening!


The sea surface surged, and huge terrifying beings stood slowly on the sea surface, like mountains!

Like mountains.

The huge eyes, with indifference and coldness, looked at the level of the humans on the Great Steel Wall, but the gaze made people feel like they were looking down.

Feeling insignificant!

Feeling of oppression!

A terrifying behemoth with a body of a thousand meters!

Facing the huge eyes of this giant beast, all the soldiers felt frightened. This was suppression at the life level and had nothing to do with psychological quality.

Over countless years of evolution, a message has been engraved in the genes of all animals.

The taller you are, the more powerful you are.

With a height of 1.6 meters, when faced with a strong man of 1.8 meters, he would instinctively feel a sense of oppression.

What's more, the beast is a thousand meters long, and even if it is crawling on the sea, it is still four to five hundred meters high!

They stand above the sea, as if declaring their dominance of the ocean.

Legendary sea beast!

Although these thirty mid-level ocean gods and fifty low-level ocean gods' sea beasts are far less terrifying than Poseidon's army of sea beasts, at the beginning, there were 40 million in number, including one hundred thousand legendary ones. sea ​​beast 1

Terrifying firepower hit them, and the artillery fire enveloped their bodies, but it was unable to tear the hard scales apart at all.

Even if some flesh and blood are occasionally blown to pieces, those explosions are nothing more than flesh wounds for this thousand-meter-long body!


Each Godzilla stood up slowly under the gunfire, roaring, and the dazzling rays condensed in the fanged mouth!

The dragon whale ignored the artillery fire and rushed towards the Great Steel Wall under the terrifying artillery fire, like a huge battering ram!

The giant squid spread out its densely packed tentacles, blocking out the sky and the sun. It danced towards the Great Steel Wall and fired missiles one after another, as if it was going to smash the wall!

The giant crab waved its sharp claws, and its thick and hard carapace was as smooth as new under the bombardment of artillery fire, but it was only slightly red!

The shrimp king is also like a cannonball, quickly ejecting in the water!

Like a heavy tank, it passed through the artillery fire and rushed in all directions in the Bohai Sea, heading straight for the Great Steel Wall around the Bohai Sea!

Like huge black spots, facing the dazzling artillery fire, rushing towards the land from the Bohai Sea.

And densely packed sea beasts followed behind these giant beasts, using the cover of the giant beasts to rush towards them under the gunfire!

The distance is getting closer quickly!

For a moment, all the soldiers were shocked.

Faced with this kind of life...

But suddenly.

"Fire force, keep up the firepower!" Old Jin's orderly order came from the intercom, "The sea beast is ten kilometers away. God-killing army, disciples, and members of the scientific team, raise your shields!"

"Activate all the God-killing mechas, prepare to fight in the sea, and kill the legendary sea beast with a heavy attack!"

"Daxia Iron Armor, Daxia Iron Cavalry, Beast Legion, and Shadow Legion, be prepared for battle. Don't let any sea beast rush onto the Great Steel Wall!"

Facing the charging sea beast, on the Great Steel Wall, the superpowers and disciples of the God-Slaying Army formed formations and stood on the wall!

Even groups of scientific researchers in white coats with no strength in their hands stood on the Great Steel Wall under the leadership of Chen Lao. One by one, white-haired or elegant middle-aged young people lined up for 200 kilometers, holding in their hands There is a button in each, and there are thick wires under the feet!

The Great Steel Wall roared.

"Shield up!"

Shield of Great Xia!

In just an instant, we were on top of the Great Steel Wall.

There is sword energy like a dragon!

There is Buddha’s light shining brightly!

There is a furnace for burning incense!

There is a Confucian scholar holding a pen!

There are clouds of assassins!

A warrior makes a fist!

Sword fairies in white stand on the Great Steel Wall. Facing the sea where huge waves are raging and sea beasts roar, they all hold swords. Behind them, millions of flying swords are like clouds!

There is no fear in his eyes, only a fierce sword intent!

The young man at the head slowly raised his sword in front of him, his body filled with awe-inspiring sword energy and his white clothes surging.

"I, the sword cultivator of Daxia, would rather break than bend, and fight to the death rather than retreat!"

"Shushan disciples obey orders!"

"Raise your sword! Use my million swords to build my shield of Great Xia!"

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