Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 853: Ling is on the left and on the right, Lei Gong helps me!

Although each ray of blazing sun is far inferior to the golden wheel of merit inherited by Mr. Zhang from his predecessor Hua Tuo, these countless blazing suns are connected together and are almost more dazzling than the sun!

It illuminates the entire sea surface in an instant, almost blinding the eyes of sea beasts!


Countless silver needles splashed away like fish, like a wall!

The disciples of the God-killing Army even roared angrily. ,

"Wind superpowers, raise your shield with me!"

"Fire superpowers, raise your shield with me!"

"Wood-type superpowers, raise your shield with me!"

"Ice superpowers, raise your shield with me!"

"Earth superpowers, raise your shield with me!"

"Metal system..."

Just a moment!

Many elements rise up!

Countless wooden stakes stabbed out, and green vines grew and spread out above the sea.

All the sea beasts that came towards me were impaled by wooden stakes and strangled by vines!

There is a sea of ​​fire burning like a wall, almost igniting the ocean!

There was a strong wind that shattered the huge waves, and the wind blades circled densely, crushing every sea beast!

Thick gravel and soil rose up from the bottom of the sea, burying the sea beasts that came with huge waves one after another into the bottom of the sea!

There was a freezing cold wind, and the huge waves were instantly frozen into ice walls, and the roaring sea beasts turned into hard ice together!

There were "shields raised" one after another, and the roars of individuals gathered together.

this moment.

Superpower connection!

The rhyme of Taoism blends with the energy of the sword, and the light of Buddha interweaves with the energy of blood!

In the God-Slaying Army, each sect is responsible for an area, but they are all connected with each other.

Buddha's light and sword energy, blood energy and blazing sun, mechanisms and super powers, turned into another Great Wall besides the Great Steel Wall!

Shield of Great Xia!

The entire Great Steel Wall around the Bohai Sea was surrounded by waves of terrifying energy. Each of the disciples and members of the God-killing Army released billowing sword energy, Buddha light and supernatural powers, surrounding the entire Bohai Sea and blocking all incoming sea beasts!


Tens of thousands of Godzillas stand upright in the sea, like terrifying mountains, facing countless cannon fire, and suddenly open their mouths.

Laser brewing!

The violent energy made the surrounding IE space seem to be fluctuating.

"Prepare defense!"


Tens of thousands of Godzillas let out a roaring roar, and at the same time, dazzling rays carrying scorching heat rushed across several kilometers of the Bohai Sea, surpassing the Great Steel Wall in all directions!

Like a purple river of energy!


The superpowers and disciples gritted their teeth!


The long river crashed into the Great Xia Shield outside the Great Steel Wall, charging with the Buddha's light, colliding with the sword energy, and colliding with the bloody beast!

In just an instant, the entire Great Steel Wall was shaking!


"Hold it all!"

"Our senior brother is fighting with the gods in front. Although our cultivation is not as good as his, we can't be embarrassed!"

"Behind us is our home!"

"Superpowers, release all your power!"


The Buddha's energy became more and more dazzling, and millions of flying swords shattered the rays!

The eyes of the superpowers were red, and they broke their limits again and again. Rolling superpowers rushed out of their hands like pillars, just to block the erosion of the ray!

And right now.


The other legendary sea beasts carried the huge waves and finally rushed under the Great Wall under the terrifying firepower!

Behind that huge body are densely packed sea beasts!


The huge waves crashed hard on the Shield of Great Xia, causing huge waves to rise.

The huge tentacles of the giant squid rose from the sea, like countless whips, striking hard on the Shield of Great Xia.


The hard carapace of the thousand-meter giant crab collided with a crash, and the sharp claws hit the shield of Great Xia again and again. Each mechanism was broken, and wisps of sword energy were cut off.


The Shrimp King and Dragon Whale ejected from the sea, accompanied by a deep roar, were carried by the huge waves and smashed into the Shield of Daxia like a battering ram.

Just a moment.

The Buddha's Qi shook violently, and the sword Qi became weaker and weaker even though it tried hard to chop up each sea beast and cut off the rays.

The five giant beasts of blood howled and endured the burning of the rays while fighting with dozens of legendary sea beasts at the same time. The three dragon whales opened their mouths wide and bit into the claws of the ten-thousand-meter tiger, and the tiger crushed a giant crab. The carapace of the dragon whale was smashed with sharp claws!

"Hold it all!"

The sword cultivator who took the lead had a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, but he still raised the sword in his hand and gathered all the sword energy out.

"Otherwise, how will we face Senior Brother!"


The disciples of Momen struggled to maintain the machine skills, waved their arms to create afterimages, and quickly manipulated them!

The disciples of the Xingyi Sect poured all their blood into their fists, and kept punching out, urging the blood to flow out. Blood was almost dripping from the pores on everyone's body. This was a side effect of forcibly stimulating the blood!

But even so, there are too many sea beasts!

Those ordinary sea beasts also collided crazily with the Shield of Great Xia at this time. Although they are far inferior to the bodies of legendary sea beasts, they will be smashed into flesh by the Shield of Great Xia at the moment of impact, and they will be smashed by the sword energy and Buddha energy. He was strangled, beaten to death by a giant beast of blood, and burned by thunder and fire.

But even so, these sea beasts still rushed forward crazily, using their bodies to consume the Great Xia Shield!

"Increase the firepower!" The gun-wielding soldiers roared loudly. Each soldier directly picked up the machine gun and jumped onto the city wall. He stepped on the edge of the city wall and fired downwards. The dense rain of bullets passed through the Great Xia Shield, killing those who dared to hit it. Shoot all the sea beasts of the Great Xia Shield!

Rp\\/G, mortars, and grenades were dropped like they were free, and the entire Great Steel Wall was ablaze!

But the pressure brought by the legendary sea beast is too much!

The Great Steel Wall can withstand the erosion of huge waves and the impact of ordinary sea beasts.

However, it is still difficult to withstand the direct impact of a legendary sea beast weighing tens of thousands of tons and measuring over a kilometer!

"Hold on!" Mr. Jin roared loudly while shooting: "Before the legendary sea beast is wiped out, the Shield of Great Xia must not collapse!"

And right now.

"It's time for us to take action." Mr. Chen, who was standing on the Great Steel Wall, looked at the dense sea beasts below the Great Steel Wall, roaring madly, nodded slightly, and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"All science team members, listen."

"Although we assisted in the previous battles, we never officially entered the battlefield! We could only watch the soldiers charging forward, and watch each brother fight with his life against the sea beasts!"

"I know a lot of people are holding back a lot of energy."

"Many people say that Bai Wuyi is a scholar, but we can't refute it!"

"Now, the opportunity has come!"

"Let everyone see, let the sea beasts see, I, the scholar, am not useless!"

"I, a scholar, can also step onto the battlefield! I can also kill enemies! Even more!"

"Let them understand what the power of science is!"

Mr. Chen said loudly: "Are you all ready?"

The scientific researchers scattered on the Great Wall looked excited: "Regional Power Grid No. 1 is ready!"

"Regional Power Grid No. 2 is ready!"

"Regional power grid No. 3 is ready!"


"All the electricity used in Luzhou has been transferred, and the voltage is 300 million volts, which is stable!"

"Ready to generate electricity!"

Beside it, a high-voltage coil as thick as a thigh crackled and emitted dazzling electric light through the insulation layer!

High voltage electricity from all over the country!

For this moment, the entire Luzhou suffered a power outage. Only hospitals, schools and other necessary facilities were powered by backup generators. All power grids were out of power for twelve hours, and all the current flowed into this place like a surging river!

"The electric fish plan starts now!" Mr. Chen looked up to the sky and laughed: "Zero on the left and fire on the right, Thunder Lord helps me!"

The sky is filled with dark clouds and bursts of thunder!


Mr. Chen, who was wearing a heavy insulating suit, inserted the neutral wire and the live wire into the slot at the same time. In an instant, the surging current seemed to have found a vent and rushed in! !

Under the sea surface, strips of silent exposed wires are spread out on the seabed, instantly bursting into dazzling light!

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