Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 867 The only normal person

"In the first battle, Daxia wins!"

These roars resounded throughout Daxia and spread among everyone in Daxia.

Countless Daxia spectators clenched their fists and roared!

In the first battle, Daxia wins!

Humanity has faced the greatest victory against the gods so far!

Countless people also set off firecrackers.

On the Great Steel Wall, countless soldiers gasped for breath.

But his face was full of excitement.

This battle was actually easier than they imagined!

The encirclement surrounding the Bohai Sea composed of 25 million warriors blocked the huge waves of the entire Bohai Sea and killed a total of 40 million sea beasts!

In previous battles, this was almost unimaginable!

A tiny human being can actually kill nearly two ferocious sea beasts starting at seven or eight meters tall on average!

And all this is because of the preliminary preparation!

These sea beasts face not only 40 million soldiers, but also the concerted efforts of 140 million Daxia people, the 500-meter-high Steel Great Wall, and countless ammunition supplied by the northwest production areas!

"Hoo, ho, ho." A soldier gasped, "Damn, it's so enjoyable."

"Er Gouzi, did you see that I killed five of them and even took your share with me!"

The young squad leader silently touched the grenade in his arms. He thought he would have a chance to use it, but in the end there was no chance at all.

It’s Daxia’s preparations that are too powerful!

Even if any sea beast rushed up, it would not be able to get close to ordinary soldiers. It could not even stay on the Great Wall for more than two seconds before being killed by the God-killing Army and the disciples.

For a moment, his eyes turned red.

If Daxia could be as strong as it is now when the old squad leader was around, then maybe the old squad leader...

"Old squad leader, have you seen it?" He smiled bitterly: "I also want to imitate you...but Daxia won't give me a chance..."

on the intercom.

"All warriors, don't relax, there will be a bigger battle to fight next!" Mr. Jin said loudly: "Quickly replenish your physical strength, and each warrior will rest for four hours immediately!"

"Logistics team, transport meals and replenish ammunition! Chocolate Red Bull will also follow, we will need it later!"

"Medical team, check the soldiers and treat the injured soldiers immediately!"

"The scientific research team and the maintenance team are preparing for emergency repairs on the returning steel mecha!"

"Next, we will face the Lord of the Sea, Poseidon!"

Face the Lord of the Sea, Poseidon!

For a moment, the soldiers' joy of victory seemed to fade a lot. The words Poseidon were always pressed against their chests like a huge boulder!

This battle is just the appetizer!

Poseidon is the most difficult opponent. Whether it is his own strength or the strength of his followers, he cannot be matched by the dozens of mid-level ocean gods and low-level ocean gods combined!

The Ocean Temple is thinning today, but it still stands in the God Realm. Temples from all over the world are looking at it with eager eyes but dare not take action, just because of Poseidon!

The battle with Poseidon is the decisive battle!

An invisible tension spread, and the soldiers had no time to cheer and cheer, and all departments operated in an orderly manner.

The members of the logistics team delivered the boxes of meals in an orderly and fast manner, and the hungry soldiers took big mouthfuls and swallowed the sea water on their faces.

There was no time to taste the delicious food, and I couldn't even taste it except for the fishy smell of sea water in my mouth. I just wanted to replenish energy.

Even the animals were engrossed in eating, without any conversation about victory.

Bars of chocolates, boxes of Red Bull, and mountains of ammunition were piled next to the fighting position again, just so that the soldiers could maintain their physical strength and mental concentration during the battle.

"There is an injured person here! Suspected spleen rupture!"

"Send it down and notify operating room No. 3 to prepare for the operation! Prepare for blood transfusion!"

"Don't hide those who are injured. Mr. Jin said that anyone who hides and refuses to report will be directly dismissed from the military! Life is the most important thing!"

Injured disciples were quickly sent back down below by the medical team and members of the medical sect. Minor injuries were simply bandaged, while serious injuries were immediately operated on by medical sect members.

The soldiers didn't even have time to remove the Great Steel Wall that was wet with seawater, so they slept in the cold seawater and their clothes.

After a while, the Great Steel Wall, which had been roaring with artillery fire just now and finally won the victory, fell silent. Despite the roar of the sea, the soldiers snored one by one.

It was really an eight-hour battle that was too exhausting.

And this is also to force oneself to rest. On the battlefield, rest is particularly important. Every soldier seems to have mastered a skill of falling asleep quickly in the mud and loud noise.

Some of the God-killing Army and disciples who were responsible for fighting the sea beasts at close quarters were injured and were sent down for simple treatment.



The huge waves were shattered, and the steel mechas walked back from the sea water one by one. Behind them were the legendary sea beasts that were beaten and deformed, like mountains, but floating motionless in the water at this time.


The jet pipes buzzed, and thirty thousand mechas returned to the Great Steel Wall for quick maintenance.

Most of the mechas have some wear and tear, some are missing parts, some are missing arms, and some armors are completely deformed.

The worst thing about it was that the more than one hundred God-killing mechas were carried back by a few mechas.

But thanks to the strong productivity in the northwest production area, the parts have already been prepared. Behind the Great Steel Wall, machinery roared. Engineers as small as ants held electric welders in their hands and quickly inspected the God-killing Mecha. Huge robotic arms continued to replace parts.

"The battle on our side is over!" Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "It took a total of eight hours and three minutes."

"Less than originally planned."

Jin Lao added.

Lin Fan nodded: "Okay, the sooner the better."

"Every minute faster, the pressure on the European side can be reduced by one point."

"What's the damage on the Great Wall?" Lin Fan suddenly asked.

"The battle damage is not big," Jin Lao breathed out: "The casualties have not yet been calculated, but it is estimated that only a hundred people were seriously injured or killed, and most of them were the God-killing Army and disciples who were responsible for close combat with sea beasts."

"Most ordinary warriors barely have a chance to get blood on their bodies. Very few sea beasts can charge up the Great Wall. Even if they do, they will be killed immediately."

"None of the God-killing mechas were damaged, and only a hundred were severely damaged, but repairs can be completed."

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded, "A hundred people... is not bad."

Although I know I should be happy.

After all, facing a total of 50 million sea beasts, Daxia only suffered 100 casualties and annihilated them all. This result was almost like a dream.

However, as long as this number is not zero, Lin Fan still feels uncomfortable.

Everyone is a family!

Everyone's passing is sad for the whole family and for Daxia!

But compared to the previous life, this battle loss ratio is already an unimaginable victory.

"You guys hurry up and get ready to meet Poseidon. I'll do something quickly and go to the battlefield on the European side to pick up my father immediately." Lin Fan warned Mr. Jin: "In addition, send a supersonic fighter plane Come see me off, I have to go quickly.”

Although Lin Fan can't contact Brenda now, and he doesn't know what the battlefield situation is like on the Gods Alliance side, it must be very critical!

After all, they were facing Poseidon!

It's very likely that for every second it takes, someone will die!

"Okay, I wish you peace." Mr. Jin didn't say much and hung up the communication.

Wish you peace, these three words seem to be the greatest blessing in this era.

Lin Fan turned around, looked at the gods of Daxia who were holding the heads of gods in their hands, and asked in a deep voice: "How are they doing?"

"For Diao Chan, I can fight ten more!"

Lu Bu was covered in blood, but his aura was full of murderous intent.

Apparently in good shape.

"I suffered some flesh wounds, it's okay." Sword God Zhang Feng said expressionlessly. There was a wound on his left arm that was bleeding, but fortunately the wound was not deep.

"The fly whisk was almost broken by a god of the sea... Damn it..." Dao Wanqian looked angry, with only three hairs floating on the fly whisk in his hand. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, but he was just a little embarrassed.

In any case, the God of Great Xia faced far more enemies than himself this time.

After a round, most of them, whether it was Daji, Xingye, or Mr. Zhang, were slightly injured, but fortunately they were not serious.

"Mr. Zhang, please provide treatment quickly." Lin Fan said straightforwardly: "It will take two hours for the supersonic fighter to arrive at the European side. It will take another two hours for me to bring Poseidon back. Poseidon will arrive in about four hours. ”

"Yes." Mr. Zhang nodded: "Don't worry, it's just a minor injury. With the medicinal wine I made, you can recover most of it in no time."

"Haha, you are too weak!" Bai Qi, who had been silent before, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "Are you still injured?"

"I just feel like nothing is wrong!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Bai Qi, and then their pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw Bai Qi, his thighs were rubbing and bleeding!

The blood is flowing!

However, Bai Qi didn't seem to notice it and was still laughing at Lin Fan and other gods of Great Xia!

"Are you okay?" Mr. Zhang asked quickly while checking Bai Qi's injuries.

"It's okay!" Bai Qi snorted proudly: "I am Bai Qi, killing a few gods, what does it mean? Avoiding attacks is a shame for me!"

"I just feel a little numb in my legs...but it's not a problem!"

"It's not a problem!" Mr. Zhang suddenly exclaimed, "The arteries in your legs were cut open! How the hell can you still fight for eight hours and then stand here and say that your legs are numb but it's not a problem!"

"Oh? Is it so serious?" Bai Qi was stunned, then frowned and asked, "What is an aorta?"

Mr. Zhang did not answer, but took a pulse to diagnose, but was surprised to find that Bai Qi's heartbeat was still extremely strong, as if he was not injured!

"If it had been anyone else, you would have died in three minutes... What kind of perverted physique do you have?" Mr. Zhang was amazed, and quickly took out the hemostatic forceps and silver needle to stop the bleeding, and muttered: "You have to let me do an autopsy later, this Is the Great Qin Killing God really that resistant to being beaten?"

Lin Fan on the side also understood why Bai Qi never defended himself... This guy could still fight for eight hours after his aorta was cut open, and he was so innocuous... This perverted physique like Xiao Qiang who couldn't kill Xiaoqiang didn't need to defend at all...

He is indeed the God of Killing in Great Qin.

Wang Hu rushed over quickly, opened his fangs and said, "Don't waste it, don't waste it!"

I didn't forget to protest a few times: "Mr. Zhang, please slow down and let him bleed for a while. Anyway, he said it's okay and he won't die..."

After all, this is the blood of the Great Qin Killer God. One more sip is just one sip...

Gongshu Ming, who was on the side, looked at Bai Qi thoughtfully: "If you unfortunately die in battle, can I use your parts? Is it okay if I burn three kilograms of paper money on you every day?"

Mr. Zhang: "..."

Are you still human?

Mr. Zhang always feels that he is the only normal person among the gods of Daxia, and he always feels out of place because he is not perverted enough.

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