"You arranged it well, you took the trouble." Mu Wanxia looked at the small courtyard: "Although such a pawn shop is inconspicuous, it can help us ship goods and exchange some looted items for the food we can't get through work. and water.”

"Medicine is in great demand right now. The poor people here need a lot of medicine, but a small medicine is very expensive. We sell it at half price and pay for it with food."

"As for the staff in charge here, they have basically been bribed. People who have no faith are always easy to bribe."

Mu Wanxia smiled.

Now, with Mike's help, they are gradually gaining a firm foothold.

Although most of them are still hiding in the sewage and contaminated with mud, at least food and water are provided.

General Mike nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "It is not safe to exchange stolen medicines for food and water. Every robbery may cause casualties. I will secretly get you some medicine production equipment in the future."

"As long as we have the equipment...the cost of medicines is very cheap."

"The profit is beyond imagination. The cost of a drug that costs ten dollars a piece is only a few cents."

"But you still have to look for opportunities slowly." General Mike rubbed his eyebrows. "Drugs are very important to the consortium. They use expensive drugs to completely control these poor people living in muddy water and screen out young and strong laborers in disguise."

"They are very strict about instruments and equipment."

Mike now also knows a lot about some things about the Jishi Association.

"Yeah." Mu Wanxia nodded.

Mike stopped talking and said bluntly: "Are you all ready?"

"Ready." Mu Wanxia nodded: "They are already waiting."

Mu Wanxia said, picked up the walkie-talkie and said two words: "Gather."




The whole earth seemed to be shaking.

Five thousand people, almost walking in the same footsteps, walked out of every dark corner of this slum area, or walked out of each roaring factory.

Like mighty dark clouds, gathering here!

Fire burned in their eyes!

They stood quietly outside the small courtyard, shoulder to shoulder, almost filling the entire alley of the slum area.

This is a sea of ​​people.

"Get ready!" The entire ghetto roared!

This scene also appeared in the other 999 shelters in the fringe slums!

Seeing the huge crowd in front of him, even General Mike was stunned for a moment and asked in amazement: "How many of you are there now?"

"Each slum, seven thousand." Mu Wanxia said coldly: "Total, seven million!"

Seven million!

Under Mu Wanxia's terrorist organization, the number of 4.5 million people entering this shelter has almost doubled!

Just as the half million people who could not enter the shelter and were buried under the mountain with the crazy refugees hoped.

This rat-like, shady organization is developing rapidly in the corner where the bright lights of the consortium cannot shine!

"Pay attention to screening. It is still dangerous to develop so fast." General Mike was worried.

"Don't worry, they have all passed the examination." Mu Wanxia smiled, "If your family is so oppressed by Ji Shihui, if you know that your children will live in sewage like you when they grow up, for Water, food, and medicine work as hard as you do, becoming the fuel under the bright lights of the consortium..."

"Suddenly someone said to you."

“Join us and let’s change that and light up the world.”

There was fire burning in Mu Wanxia's eyes: "You will also throw yourself into this flame, even if you are shattered to pieces."

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

In this dark underground, in this smelly and dirty mud, a dazzling fire is burning!

Mu Wanxia looked at the "Xinghuo Pawn Shop" sign. Hidden under the sign was a pair of red flags!

In this dark underground shelter, the red flag is still there!

Where there is oppression, there is resistance!

General Mike looked at those people.

Those people, old and young, all look different, but their eyes are equally shining!

They were covered in stench and mud, but no one dared to call them dirty!

In fact, the reason why the team has developed so fast is, on the one hand, because Jishihui has squeezed them too hard.

If Jishihui really treats them as human beings, maybe Mu Wanxia won't be able to talk to so many people at all.

"How many people are needed?" Mu Wanxia asked bluntly.

"There are 50,000 troops stationed in Jishihui, but most of them are not there. There are only 10,000 troops stationed there." Mike said slowly: "But they are all loaded with live ammunition and well-equipped."

"There are low-altitude weapons, machine guns, and tanks."

"If we want to break through, we need at least... half a million."

"Moreover, once those 500,000 people attack it, they will be unable to retreat and will be surrounded." General Mike said complicatedly: "What awaits them is death."

"Only in this way can we help Daxia hold off the gods and allow humans to win this war."

"Okay." Mu Wanxia nodded and picked up the intercom: "Five hundred people come out of each shelter, and the mortality rate is 100%."

Mortality rate, 100 percent.

Go and die.


"I go!"

"I go!"

In each shelter, the five thousand people gathered shouted that each of them was not afraid of death!

"Everyone be quiet!" Mu Wanxia listened to the noisy voice on the intercom, gritted her teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Those over fifty years old, get out of the queue!"



One by one, the slightly older middle-aged people took a step forward!

They smiled proudly and looked at the red-eyed compatriots around them.

"The old method is to tie yourself under the high-speed trains that travel between shelters, hide under the trucks transporting goods, disperse into the wealth shelter, and then enter the sewers." Mu Wanxia said: "Gather in the sewers under the Rockefeller Building. I'll wait for you there."

in other shelters.

Countless people covered in filthy mud were like rats, crawling into sewer openings in the slums, marching in the dark in the dirty and smelly sewers, stepping on the mud, and finally arrived under the station where the shelter was located.

In the brightly lit station, next to an inconspicuous trash can, a sewer opening was opened.

Dirty figures emerged one after another, hiding in the darkness and running to the bottom of the subway.

In the cold steel, he quickly tied himself under the car, with his body only a dozen centimeters away from the track below.


The high-speed train started, and those figures who tied themselves under the car like mice also followed the high-speed train to the refuge of wealth.

"Don't move!" someone shouted softly from under the car.

If they move, they will fall and be crushed to pieces.

At this moment when the gods are about to descend, half a million people, like half a million rats, gather towards the refuge of wealth!

Undercurrent is surging!


There is only one update today, the second chapter will be added tomorrow afternoon.

Sweet dreams everyone. Tomorrow the war begins among the free nations.

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