Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 877 Fifty Million Sea Beasts

The waves roared.

The cold sea water surrounds the lonely Rocky Mountains. On the top of the mountain, under the glory, human figures seem to have broken free of their restraints, breaking their skin in painful roars.



Hard scales!

Flesh squirmed.

The traces of humanity gradually faded from the body, and life began to twist in glory and divine power.


When they.


Not them.

When they raised their heads again, their once tiny bodies had turned into ferocious sea beasts that were seven or eight meters tall.

Some of the lucky ones even became legendary sea beasts, with huge bodies like mountains.

The scarlet eyes were no longer emotionless, only indifference, greed, and fanatical belief remained.

Although the mutated body cannot stand upright, the powerful strength makes them unable to help but clench their claws and become addicted to it.

The memory of being a human being is gone, human emotions have disappeared in that glory, the history of ancestors, the laughter of family members, and the inheritance of civilization are gone.


On Rocky Mountain, countless sea beasts looked up to the sky and roared!

this moment.

These humans, abandoned by their fellow humans, gave up their human dignity and fell into the arms of the gods.

The roar of the sea beasts resounded across the sea, and the 40 million sea beasts in the sea also roared fiercely, as if they were welcoming new compatriots!

Compatriots transformed by God!


These newly born sea beasts seemed to be particularly hungry. Having lost their emotions and memories, they immediately roared, grabbed the human corpses next to them, and chewed them.

Just a moment ago, these corpses were compatriots who died before their eyes.

But at this moment, it’s just food!

Right and wrong, right and wrong, seem to have become blurred.

No one can judge these refugees who gave up their human identity and fell into the arms of gods. When a person is abandoned by his compatriots and other human beings, strictly speaking, he is no longer a member of the human race.


Fifty million newly born sea beasts roared and devoured food and ran across the Rocky Mountains.

"It went really well." The leader, Zhong Shen, looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

Every time they conquer a believer, they, the gods, always feel a sense of pleasure when they watch these sea beasts that they have turned around devour their former compatriots.

The pleasure of preying on the weak.

The thrill of being at the top of the food chain.

The pleasure of spreading glory.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect it to go so smoothly." The middle god on the side couldn't help but look surprised. "I originally thought that although humans are weak, if hundreds of millions of humans gather together... we may still have to fight hard."

"I didn't expect it."

"We have just arrived, and there are so many humans right in front of us on this lonely mountain on the sea."

"Defenseless, unarmed."

"This is literally a gift from humanity."

“Even the speed at which faith is established is beyond imagination.”

The middle god smiled happily, "After all, even those already conquered planes stored in the ocean treasure house have received so many years of brainwashing and established beliefs for so many years... Orcs, wolves, foxes... those stupid No race can truly abandon their bloodline and civilization, accept our glory wholeheartedly and without resistance, walk on the path we guide, and let us transform into sea beasts."

"Thanks to the humans hiding underground, they who should have joined a group to keep warm actually put some of their compatriots outside the shelter... Haha, this is how these 50 million people can establish their faith so quickly and abandon their blood and civilization. .”

"They must be desperate."

Despair is always the best catalyst for faith.

"Yes." The leader of the middle gods nodded.

This plane is indeed very fertile.

He could no longer imagine what state the Ocean Temple would reach after it mastered this plane.

An army of seven billion sea beasts?


Even if placed in the God Realm, it is a number so terrifying that it makes the scalps of all temples tingle!

"Let us continue to conquer." The Zhongzhong God on the side could no longer hold back and looked at the thick mountain below.

He can feel it.

More gifts are under this thick mountain.

"There's no rush." ​​The middle-sized sea god who took the lead smiled and looked at the sea beasts gnawing on the corpses below. "These fifty million sea beasts have just been born...let them eat more."

"When you are full, you will have the strength to kill for us."

And the other side.

Rockefeller Building, top floor conference hall.

Looking at the picture on the screen, all the members of Jishihui widened their eyes.

Those refugees abandoned by them actually...abandoned human dignity, accepted the bath of glory, and became sea monsters?

"These worthless ants..." Mr. Carnegie threw his cigar to the ground and gritted his teeth: "They actually chose to be our enemies!"

The other members also turned pale.

"Damn it! If we had known this, we shouldn't have been so merciful and allowed them to take refuge in the Rocky Mountains! We should have directly executed these guys!"

"Don't these ants have any dignity? They have given up their dignity as human beings and human civilization!"

"We are their compatriots, are they trying to help the gods become our enemies?"

"The gods are invaders! Don't they know?"

"Damn it, do these guys still hate us? If it weren't for us, all the citizens would have died! It was us who helped the valuable citizens survive! It was us who provided astronomical resources and built this shelter!"

"Even if we give up on them, it's because they have no value... This is their problem, they don't work hard enough. We just make a reasonable choice for most people! Abandon the least valuable group in exchange for others Human survival!”

"We have worked hard to build the shelter. As compatriots, do they still want to be our enemies?"

On the screen, sea beasts looked up to the sky and roared, devouring the corpses smashed by the huge waves.

There are no more human emotions, no more memories of being human, only the instinct of sea beasts to devour.

"Calm down!" The old man sitting at the front snorted coldly.

For a moment, everyone shut up forcibly.

"Why panic! What are you afraid of!" The old man looked at the 50 million sea beasts on the screen that covered the entire Rocky Mountains, devoured corpses, and roared with excitement, and said coldly: "So what if there are 50 million sea beasts?"

"There are five million warriors and 20,000 god-killing mechas on our passage!"

"And, Little John, Nicole."

"And three hundred and fifty-six steel gates!"

"Although the gap is huge, it is still very simple for us to hold on!"

at the same time.


The elevator rang again, and General Mike walked out of the elevator and said bluntly: "I heard that there are fifty million more sea beasts on the gods' side?"

The old man glanced at General Mike, and glanced at the mud stained on General Mike's shiny leather shoes with an imperceptible gaze: "Back from inspection?"

"Yes, it's all arranged." General Mike nodded.

The old man looked at the screen again and said in a deep voice: "Mike, please analyze, will these 50 million extra sea beasts have any impact on us?"

I was a little tired and sleepy some time ago, so the updates are intermittent.

Now I am adjusting my status. I will be updating like crazy in the near future, at least three or four times a day. Anyway, from eight o'clock or seven o'clock, after finishing my daily chores, I sit in front of the computer and write as much as I can.

The performance has also declined recently. I also understand that the main reason is that the pace has been slow recently, and the Free Country has slowed down the pace.

But it is necessary, because this is a story, and it cannot be beaten in one sentence on the Daxia side, and in one sentence on the Free Country side. The changes within the free country will also be explained through this coming of the gods.

Of course, adjustments still need to be made. On the one hand, I plan to speed up the plot by increasing the amount of updates.

On the other hand, some unimportant plots are omitted, such as how the European side fought hard and delayed.

In addition, the Ocean Temple, as the first temple, will be written in more detail, and the process of the rise of Daxia will be involved. After this battle, Daxia has become qualified to fight directly with the temple, so the subsequent temples will not be like this again. thin.

After this battle, the second temple will appear, you can take a guess.

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