As soon as these words came out.

Other members of the Jishihui also said loudly: "Yes, we are the Jishihui!"

"There's nothing more important than us!"

"Get all the soldiers here quickly!"


These three words seem destined to be superior to others.

On the intercom, Mike's voice still refused: "Those ten thousand soldiers are stationed at the control center, and the control center controls the Steel Gate..."

"So what!" Mr. Carnegie seemed frightened by the fighting below and the crowds of people who were not afraid of death. He looked at the 300,000 people who were dying with red eyes and said without any doubt: "We might as well control the center! We built the Steel Gate!"

"These people are not going to attack the control center with nothing to do! They just want to kill us!"

"They don't dare to open the steel door! Then everyone will die! They just want to break into the building!"

Other members of the Society were also infected by Mr. Carnegie's nervousness, and they all echoed loudly.

The old man coughed with displeasure in his eyes: "Mr. Carnegie, calm down."

"Calm down, why are you telling me to calm down? Look at those people outside who are dying!" Mr. Carnegie pointed out the window: "If they seize the opportunity, they will definitely tear us into pieces!"

“I demand a voting meeting!”

Mr. Carnegie shouted.

Suddenly, the originally tense conference room fell silent.

Voting session!

Mr. Carnegie shouted: "Raise your hands if you agree to call in other soldiers to protect us!"

After speaking, Mr. Carnegie was the first to raise his hand.

The old man glanced with cold eyes. Some members did not dare to look at the old man, but listening to the gunshots and crazy crowds outside the window, they still raised their hands silently.

In the end, among the thirteen people, only the old man did not raise his hand.

"Old man." Mr. Carnegie laughed and said, "Did you see the voting results?"

As the top spot, the old man has two votes.

General Mike is not here, so the old man can cast his vote on his behalf.

But even with three votes, the result is still obvious.

"This is the result of everyone's vote, and this is the will of the Jishi Association." Mr. Carnegie said solemnly: "Old man, the voting results of the Jishi Association cannot be violated!"

The old man said nothing.

"Mike!" Mr. Carnegie grabbed the walkie-talkie: "Mobile all the soldiers outside the Steel Gate! Come and protect us!"

"You're crazy!" Mike yelled on the intercom: "Then the control center..."

"This is the voting result of the Jishi Association!" Mr. Carnegie said solemnly: "You should know what this means. If you violate it, your soldiers will go hungry from now on and won't even have water to drink. Look at them Who will you listen to then?"

The intercom fell silent.

The old man sighed and said slowly: "Mr. Carnegie, can you transfer five thousand?"

"The control center is very important."

Looking at the old man's expression, Mr. Carnegie finally relaxed his bottom line and said in a deep voice: "Seven thousand! No more!"

The old man was silent for a moment: "Mike, just listen to him."


"Didn't you hear? This is the result of the voting meeting." The old man said slowly: "Just listen to him."

"Okay." General Mike sighed and motioned to the staff officer on the side to get another walkie-talkie. After briefly tuning it, he raised it to Mike's mouth.

Mike said solemnly: "The control center is stationed."

"This is the Rockefeller Building station, and the person talking to you is General Mike."

A respectful reply came over the intercom: "Please give instructions."

"Send seven thousand people to support the Rockefeller Building station and strangle the mob from behind." General Mike said solemnly.


Thirty seconds later.


Located in the "military zone" is a small courtyard surrounded by high walls, connected to an electric grid, and heavily armed.

There is a bunker-like building in a yard of only a few hundred square meters. It has no windows and is airtight.

There are more than a dozen reconnaissance watchtowers outside the yard. Each watchtower has five soldiers, equipped with heavy snipers, r/pg, as well as light and heavy machine guns,

And at this time.


The heavy iron door slowly opened, and military vehicles full of soldiers drove out!

There were even armored vehicles, tanks and other heavy armor roaring towards the tall Rockefeller Building.

And with the departure of these seven thousand soldiers, the original defensive force of the control center was visibly reduced, and there were only two soldiers left on each watchtower.

On the street outside the courtyard gate, there is a sewer.

A pair of eyes peered through the cracks in the sewer, looking at the yard in the foul-smelling mud.

"Boss Mu." A figure came from the sewer and whispered: "You can't enter the sewer in front. Just like the Rockefeller Building, only the pipes are connected to this place, and the sewer is not allowed to pass."

"Then we can only attack head-on." Mu Wanxia exhaled and looked behind her.

Behind him, there was a dense crowd of people standing in the sewer!

"Everyone." Mu Wanxia picked up the walkie-talkie: "The three hundred thousand brothers over there are frantically attacking the Rockefeller Building."

"But honestly, their offense is not going to get results."

"Their mission is to use their lives to buy us time so we can start the real fight."

"Now, most of the soldiers in the control center have gone to support the Rockefeller Building."

"It's our turn!"

Mu Wanxia pushed open the sewer exit and said in a deep voice: "All exits, Master, take down the control center!"

Just a moment.

In the alleys of the surrounding streets, sewer exits were opened one after another, and rat-like figures got out one after another!


In an instant, figures in work clothes filled the streets around the courtyard. Three RPGs with swaying firelight rushed towards the heavy iron gate!


The iron gate is broken!

"Come on!"

"Fight in!"

In the small courtyard, gunfire erupted from the security tower. A soldier shouted with a walkie-talkie: "Enemy attack!"

But when he raised his head and saw the dense crowd of people on the street, he suddenly felt desperate.

How many people does this take?

How can they stop the remaining three thousand people?

Just half an hour.

The courtyard fell.

Although the defenders at the control center are well-equipped, there are only three thousand people left!

And those people in work clothes screamed and rushed in as if they were desperate for their lives, and those in the front row were carrying heavy steel plates to resist bullets.

The people in the front row were killed by grenades, and the people in the back row filled in, stepping on the corpses and continuing to rush in!

Three thousand people can't stop so many people!

In just half an hour, the streets were filled with corpses, but the control center also fell.

A middle-aged man pointed a gun at the soldiers with their hands tied and drove them out of the courtyard.

"Everyone get out!"

"How dare you attack the control center!" An officer looked ugly and gritted his teeth: "Why are you attacking this place!"

"There's nothing of value here!"

"If you want money, go to the Rockefeller Building! That's where the big shots live!"

The middle-aged man said expressionlessly: "It's up to you to take care of so much."

"Tell your commanders that you are not allowed to attack us until the coming of the gods is over!"

As soon as these words came out, the officer was stunned: "You...are you not planning to escape?"

"Are you crazy? Wait until my comrades arrive and surround this place. None of you can leave!"

"Hmph." The middle-aged man said coldly: "It doesn't matter, but if you attack us before the end of the arrival of the gods... don't blame us for opening the door, we will all die together!"

The officer's pupils shrank suddenly and his voice trembled: "Madman... you madmen, what on earth do you want to do!"


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