In just an instant, the battle between humans and sea beasts reached a fever pitch!

On the sea, explosions roared, and the dazzling fire almost ignited the Bohai Sea.

Countless missiles crashed down from the sky, and the giant steel beasts roared into the sea, dropping explosives where the sea beasts gathered, paving a dazzling road.

Even transport planes rushed into the battlefield, pouring oil on the sea. In just an instant, the entire sea turned into a sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, the 36,000-mile dragon roared!

The soldiers gritted their teeth, completely ignoring the impact of the recoil on their bodies, controlled the heavy artillery, and pulled the trigger!

The members of the Space Kingdom Death Squadron showed no fear and let out roars.

"Beasts! Come on!"

"It's me but you today!"

"My country, my home, my hometown, my parents, my wife and daughter... you beasts, I will drag you to hell with me!"

At this moment, these members of the Space Kingdom Death Squadron had only anger in their eyes!

They are the vengeful spirits who crawled out of hell. They have seen hell, and now, they want to make these sea beasts who took everything from them feel hell!


One by one, the sea beasts howled and writhed in agony in the terrifying flames, their burned skin crispy and tender.

It was blown to pieces by horrific explosions.


Five million legendary sea beasts, like mountains, rushed towards the Great Steel Wall despite the roaring artillery fire!


The dull roar of the dragon whale eclipsed the terrifying explosion.

The ferocious giant beasts rushed out of the artillery fire. The artillery fire blessed by the military god's divine power was powerful enough, but the size and defense of these giant beasts were too terrifying.

Even if a piece of flesh and blood is shattered, it is just a flesh wound!

At this moment, five million sea beasts, like countless mountains, rushed out of the Bohai Sea!

"Long-range firepower, maintain suppression!" Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "Melee troops, prepare!"

Just for a moment, a neat voice came from the intercom.

"The science team is ready, the grid is activated!"

In the science team's position, Mr. Chen, who was wearing a white coat and slightly thin, looked at the terrifying beast charging from a distance and pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses.

That thin and old body was so small in front of the legendary sea beasts that were like mountains.

But at this moment, this tiny human being stepped on the Great Steel Wall and looked level with the scarlet eyes of those giant beasts.

That thin body seemed to be integrated with the Great Steel Wall, extremely tall.

The scientific researchers on the side said in a deep voice despite the violent and icy sea wind: "All the electricity in Luzhou has been prepared and can be activated at any time."

"We are really a bunch of lunatics who are fighting against the gods, actually making enemies of these things."

Mr. Zhang looked at the terrifying beast that almost obscured his vision, and suddenly smiled and said: "What a blessing."


Mr. Zhang suddenly put his hands together, and the moment the thick wire was closed, a dazzling electric light flashed!

Just a moment!


The entire Bohai Sea circle and one-third of the coastline are ablaze with lightning!

Dazzling thunder and lightning illuminated the entire sea surface, shining like thunder snakes in the dark sea water. The dark sea instantly turned into crystal clear and radiant gems!

The dark shadow hiding in the deep sea water was clearly visible in an instant!


Like the sound of a snake spitting out its message.

The sea surface trembled at this moment, and the roaring and charging sea beasts instantly stiffened and twitched, and their skin turned into charcoal under the terrifying current, exuding the aroma of meat.


The huge waves shattered under the lightning, and even huge bubbles floated up from the bottom of the sea. They were electrolyzed hydrogen and oxygen, which exploded in the air on the sea in an instant!


Insignificant human beings are electrolyzing the Bohai Sea at this moment!

There was even more dazzling thunder that crashed down from the dark clouds and merged into this terrifying thunder pool. It was the thunder and lightning attracted by the terrifying electric field!



Thunder, explosion.

Lightning, fire.

Suddenly intertwined.

The bombers and transport planes in the sky no longer even dropped explosives and gasoline. Transport planes and bombers opened their hatches one after another, and snow-white coarse salt and various conductive materials scattered and melted into the sea water.

This can temporarily increase the salt and ion concentration of seawater, which is more conducive to electrical conductivity!


Amidst the sounds of thunder and explosions, each legendary sea beast roared in pain, and the mountain-like body suddenly surged with lightning, and they all started to wail!

And the combat areas of other Great Steel Walls around the Bohai Sea.

"God-killing army, prepare to kill at close range!"

"No need to raise your shield, just attack directly!"

Mr. Jin roared loudly.

It is really the Shield of Great Xia. Facing the remaining three million legendary sea beasts, it is impossible to sustain it!

In this battle, Daxia is under unprecedented pressure!

If the Shield of Great Xia is activated and three million legendary sea beasts attack at the same time, Godzilla sprays rays, Dragon Whales collide, and King Squid whips with countless tentacles, the Shield of Great Xia may not be able to last even ten seconds.

This is Poseidon's army of sea beasts!

If you want to protect the Great Steel Wall from this terrifying legion of sea beasts, you must move dangerously, abandon defense, and abandon the Shield of Great Xia.

Directly fight attack with attack, preventing these sea beasts from directly bombarding the Great Steel Wall!

"God-killing Army, Army of Gods, follow me!"

Chique, the god of fire, spreads his arms, and the raging fire burns behind him. Wearing the cloak of the empress, the fire shadow in the sky is like a phoenix.

The word "fire" shines!

God of fire!

At this moment, her whole body was bursting with the aura of the third-level fire god that exceeded her own strength!

That's the blessing of the Empress' cloak.

She suddenly rushed down the Great Steel Wall, like a meteor, and rushed into the legendary sea beasts that were rushing towards the Great Steel Wall.


A huge dragon whale roared, its scarlet eyes stared at Chique, its huge body rushed out of the sea, and rushed towards Chique with a terrifying impact like a mountain!


Chique pressed down with both hands, and folded the wings of the fire phoenix behind her.


Terrifying flames rushed out from Chique's hands, like hundreds of meters of fire pillars, and the rolling fire washed over the dragon whale. The terrifying high temperature caused the air to instantly distort, and the surrounding seawater instantly turned into steam!

The dragon whale is enveloped in flames!


The dragon whale didn't even have time to cry out. It just stiffened in the terrifying light of the fire. It turned into charcoal and completely disappeared in the light of the fire!

The members of the God-Slaying Army followed Chique one by one. The most important thing was that there were 585 figures wearing medium-level artifacts who rushed towards these terrifying sea beasts!

Behind you, Godhead shines!

Most of them are "water", but there are also "wind", "earth" and other gods!

Daxia Divine Army!

Although the aura is not strong, most of them are in the first and second levels, but... they are also gods!

To deal with these legendary sea beasts, don't give in too much!


Tens of thousands of god-killing troops, led by the divine legion, rushed towards the terrifying legendary sea beast!

A second-level Great Xia Seagod faced a terrifying dragon whale rushing toward him and slowly raised his hand.


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