Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 915 The song of all races

"That's true!"

Poseidon nodded slightly, then took a look at the gods of Bactria who surrounded him and were ready to attack Nos from all directions at any time.

He has not been able to take action with all his strength so far because of the constraints of these Daxia gods.

In an instant, Poseidon suddenly thought of a way to break the situation.

"My son." Poseidon patted Lin Fan on the shoulder: "How has the ocean treasure house been taken care of recently?"

Lin Fan smiled: "Very good."

"Haha, my Ocean Temple has established faith for so long, it's time to put it to use." Poseidon looked at the battlefield in the distance: "My son, summon the Ocean Treasure House."

"Let the believers in all the attached planes of my Ocean Temple join the battle between sea beasts and humans."

"With hundreds of millions of believers, although those weak races cannot compete with the legendary sea beasts, they are enough to completely defeat the humans over there."

"I want to see if these Daxia gods will still stand here and watch their compatriots being killed."

Poseidon said in a cold voice.

Lin Fan, who was hiding behind Poseidon, nodded: "Yes, father!"

As he spoke, Lin Fan slowly raised his right hand, with his palm facing the Great Steel Wall in the distance.


Under the Great Steel Wall, the sea water rolled back, and a huge, bright blue door suddenly rose from the sea water!

On the thick stone door, there are complicated carvings of water flow patterns, and blue light reaches the sky!

The huge waves subsided at this moment, and the sea beasts were silent at this moment.

Lin Fan whispered: "Ocean Treasure House, open!"


The dry opening sound resounded across the sea, and the thick stone door slowly opened.

At this moment, the five million legendary sea beasts who were fighting fiercely with the Daxia military units and approaching the Great Steel Wall inch by inch roared with excitement!

They know that their comrades are coming out!

What these sea beasts couldn't understand was...the soldiers on the Great Steel Wall saw this scene. Instead of being afraid, they became more and more excited while shooting and roaring. Even the God-killing Army and other close combatants who were fighting with them were The troops all grinned, and their bodies seemed to have more strength, as if they saw hope.

"Hahaha, brothers, hold on, our comrades will be here soon!"

"Damn, he's finally out."

"Hold on! My father-in-law and mother-in-law will come to help us with a group of fox tribe members right away!"

On the sea in the distance, Poseidon also frowned slightly, looking at the humans from a distance who were not afraid, but were very excited and excited.

"Are these humans... scared out of their minds?"

"Don't they know that they have to face more enemies? Those believers who fight loyally for us will completely crush their defenses."

He looked at the Daxia gods again, and saw that the Daxia gods surrounding him were also not nervous.

Poseidon couldn't understand what it meant.

But, it doesn’t matter.

"My believers," Poseidon drummed up his divine power, and his voice echoed on the sea, carrying the majesty of God: "In the name of Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea, I order you to go to war!"

"In my glory, sing praises and fight for God!"

"You will receive true, God-given glory!"

The door to the ocean treasure house was finally completely opened.

Under the bright glory, figures one after another roared, lined up, and rushed out!

But there was no so-called hymn, and there was no procession of believers in white robes.

Some, just...


"For the glory of the orcs!!"

"Orcs will never be slaves!"

"Wolves, roar!"

"The beast is out of the cage!"

"We kneeled before, this time we stand up!"

"God cannot bring us to our knees!"

Orcs ride war beasts, wield giant axes, wear animal bone armor, and their thick muscles burst out with raw power!

The werewolves looked up to the sky and screamed. Dozens of savage werewolves with a height of more than ten meters pounced on a huge legendary sea beast, biting with lifeless fangs!

They have been oppressed for too long.

God's training can make them docile, but it can never make them forget the glory and integrity of their ancestors!

The suppressed bloodiness was completely revived!

Hundreds of races, like a group of tireless warriors, rush into the battlefield between sea beasts and humans!

this moment!

The roars of countless races resounded across the sea!

The coalition forces of the Alliance of All Realms, holding high the red flag, cross the barriers of the world and join the battlefield like a torrent!

These primitive and savage roars came together like a song.

But it is not a hymn to God, nor is it elegant at all.

Savage, primitive, rough.

There are no lyrics, just the primitive roar, only the accompaniment of war drums and dull footsteps.

But just such a song, it overwhelmed the roar of sea beasts, the roar of huge waves, and the will of gods.

This is the song of hundreds of planes, this is the song of countless races.


Cardin held a giant orc ax and rushed out on a terrifying war beast, leading a group of orcs like barbaric warriors to smash a legendary sea beast that was actively greeting them and seemed to be carrying them on its back.

She picked up the horn and blew it vigorously!


The orc's horn was so loud, and behind her, the red flag fluttered!

"This is not a fight for humanity, this is a fight for us!"

"Our ancestors were enemies of these guys! Now, it's our turn!"

"The orcs, follow me and kill them!"

Cardin roared and rose into the sky, the word "beast" shining behind him, and brutal power roamed throughout his body.

When she is no longer a believer, when the spirit of that plane breaks free from the shackles of God, when that plane no longer has the shackles and shackles of God.

They regained the possibility of becoming gods, and although their ancestors were far away, they also left them gifts.

During this period, relying on the power left by the orc ancestors, Cardin actually became the sixth-level orc god.

A burly werewolf with shiny fur suddenly rushed out of the belly of a legendary sea beast that was fighting a fierce battle with a superpower. Covered in blood, he looked at the dazzling god in the distance and roared to the sky: "The god wants the beast to Kneel down and want the beast to be your slave..."

"Then let's tell him that a beast will always be a beast!"

"Show them the dignity of the beast!"

"The werewolves, follow me and kill them!"

In just an instant, hundreds of millions of "former believers" instantly changed the situation of the war!

Although they don't have the terrifying physique of the legendary sea beasts, their savage strength is far superior to humans!

When they regain their dignity and stand up again, they are still savage and primitive warriors!

These half-orcs rushed forward desperately, biting and tearing at the legendary sea beasts. Some of the orcs and werewolves who had studied and passed the training and examination even went crazy with guns and cannons!

That was the equipment given to them by Daxia's support. At first glance, it looked like a strange combination of magical creatures and modern weapons...

For a moment, the legendary sea beast, which was still 50-50 equal to humans, and even had a slight upper hand, seemed to have encountered a terrifying torrent, being forced back, beaten back, and killed!

This is the torrent of all realms, an unstoppable torrent!

This is the will of the ants!

More figures rose into the sky, with fierce roars and the will of their ancestors, and rushed towards Poseidon!

That is the god of every plane!

"This..." Poseidon's pupils trembled sharply. For a moment, his mind went blank and he completely forgot to think.

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