Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 94: One day, everyone in my country will fight against the gods alone

"Half a month!" As soon as these words came out, everyone in the throne room took a breath of cold air.

Half a month!

What was originally two and a half months has turned into half a month in an instant.

Although the Prime Minister did not speak, a depressing atmosphere had already appeared in the office, making everyone speechless.

The greatest significance of Lin Fan's return to Daxia is that he has been given three months to prepare.

Three months to prepare for the coming of God!

Every second is extremely precious!

If used properly, these three months are enough to make Daxia invincible when the gods first come!

But the communication with the gods was actually shortened by two months!


Chen Yan slapped himself hard, leaving bright red blood on his old face.

"Mr. Chen, you..." Lin Fan was stunned.

But Chen Yan lowered his head tremblingly and said in a heavy voice, "It's my fault!"

"Because of my impulsiveness, I developed that instrument, and I wanted to communicate with those gods with all my imagination..."

"I clearly know that the result may not be changed, and I clearly know that the so-called gods will not show any kindness to us weak...but I still hold a trace of luck in my heart!"

"I feel lucky that communication can really prevent war."

"I naively thought that if the gods showed kindness to us who are weak, they might stop the invasion."

"I..." Chen Yan, the chief scientist of Daxia, burst into tears, "Because of my luck and my fear of the so-called gods, I made Daxia lose two months of preparation time!"

"If there are any casualties in Daxia this time, it will be because of my mistake!"

"The throne of state!" Chen Yan raised his head with a firm gaze: "Please shoot me, use my head to pay for my mistakes, and use my blood to sacrifice the flag of Daxia!"

Seeing the silence of Guozhu, Lin Fan quickly said: "Guozhu... Mr. Chen just hopes to avoid the war, and this is also because he has Daxia in his heart!"

"To be honest, I am conducting this exchange on behalf of Daxia. In fact, I also have the responsibility."

"Even I am the main responsibility... However, Guozhi, this matter is not all bad for Daxia, and it may not even be a good thing!"

Mr. Chen was slightly startled: "A good thing?"

"I lost two months of preparation time in Daxia. Do you think this is a good thing?" Guo Zu frowned and looked at Lin Fan, seeming to be quite interested: "Tell me what you think."

Lin Fan nodded and said in a deep voice: "I'm telling you the truth, your Majesty. Although we have already announced that the gods will come and invade Daxia before, we have also announced that the gods will invade Daxia."


"At least a third of the people in Daxia feel that gods are not much of a threat."

"On the one hand, Daxia protects them very well. They believe in the power of Daxia officials."

"On the other Mr. Chen said, human beings are all lucky."

"The gods are certainly powerful, but many people feel that being able to witness the arrival of these gods is worth looking forward to."

"They hope that these gods will not invade Daxia. They hope that these gods will love peace. They hope that these gods will bring advanced technology to mankind, make all wars and disputes disappear, and help mankind overcome all difficult and complicated diseases, just like the legends say. , live in love and peace.”

"This kind of mentality is not uncommon." Lin Fan said: "But now, because of this press conference and God's attitude, all the people of Daxia have given up their last chance."

"Everyone knows that this time is Daxia's last stand!"

"The gods have completely angered Daxia this time! Daxia and the gods have officially declared war!"

"Now, everyone in Daxia no longer takes chances, and we are all working together as one!"

"Every Daxia person will face the coming of gods!"

"The Imperial Seat!" Lin Fan shouted loudly: "Please believe that Daxia, now completely angered by the gods and giving up the last bit of luck, will burst out with unparalleled power!"

Guozuo was silent for a long time: "Is it worth the two months of preparation time in exchange for everyone's direct confrontation?"

"In my opinion, it's worth it!" Lin Fan said solemnly, "I was notified just now that another 50 million people from Daxia took the initiative to join the construction of the Great Steel Wall. Some people even drove their private cars to help transport supplies. Our steel The preliminary construction of the Great Wall has doubled in speed!”

"Half a month is enough to complete it!"

"The Imperial Seat." Lin Fan continued, "Actually, what we lack is not time, but the consciousness to try our best."

"Two months of preparation time, in exchange for the awakening of a lion, and the unity of everyone, I think this press conference is worth it!"


Guozhu suddenly laughed: "What you said is correct."

"But Mr. Chen, there's no need for you to be so nervous." Guo Zuo stood up slowly, "I didn't want to hold you accountable, because things have already happened... You underestimate my situation too much."

This is the pattern of the Emperor of Great Xia!

Never think about how to hold someone accountable, but think about how to respond!

Mr. Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Transmit the order." The State Council turned around and looked at the map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. "From now on, the whole country will enter a state of preparation for war. All military regions will be transferred to the eastern coast. In addition, the preliminary construction project of the Great Steel Wall will be of the highest level. All matters must be ensured. The Great Wall is being constructed smoothly!”

"In addition, whatever requirements the God-Slaying Army has, we will meet them all!"

Before Guo Zu finished speaking, Lin Fan said: "Um... Guo Zu, I really have something to report."

"Say!" Guozu turned and looked at Lin Fan.

"I want to take all the God-killing Army to the Western Regions!" Lin Fan said solemnly.


"Kill the snowman clan and take the Tianshan Snow Lotus!" Lin Fan said loudly.

"The gods are coming soon. At such a critical moment..." Guozhi looked at Lin Fan, "Tianshan Snow Lotus, is it important?"

"Report to the throne! The first team of the God-killing Army destroyed the Order of the Phoenix after the battle in the Free Country. However, its foundation was also damaged. If it cannot be repaired, its combat power will not be fully exerted. In the future, it will be impossible to become a god in the flesh, and it will not be able to do anything. The patron saint of Daxia protects Daxia." Lin Fan said loudly: "And the Tianshan Snow Lotus can heal!"


"Tianshan Snow Lotus can improve the physique of ordinary soldiers to the fourth level! And give them the qualifications to practice!"

"Although because they have never practiced before and have not awakened their powers, the step-by-step practice will be a bit slow...but one day, everyone in my country can fight against the gods alone!"

Lin Fan did not directly answer the question.

But his words were so impactful that the king's breathing quickened!

One day, everyone in our Great Xia can fight against the gods alone!

Really, will there ever be such a day?

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