Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 925 Refusing to Evacuate

This day.

Under the Great Steel Wall.

The gods come.

What Daxia faced was the god whose name was written in the legend, the unstoppable god—Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea.

The gods press the situation.

But at the turn of day and night, the unstoppable figure could not take a step closer to the Great Steel Wall. The trident was waved again and again, and huge waves and thousands of meters of water dragons continued to rush towards it.

But the Great Wall of Steel still stands.

Sounds like rolling thunder echoed in the roaring waves outside the Great Steel Wall.

Every time, one person falls, but another person stands up!

"Amitabha, Buddhism, is not enlightened!"

The little monk's Buddha light is bright, and the word "卍" is condensed.

"Confucianism, Zilu! Guard your teacher!"

Facing the huge waves, Zilu slowly tightened his hair tie and bowed slightly to the dazzling god, with the word "Confucianism" shining behind him.

"There are thousands of Tao gates!"

Glancing at the fallen young monk He Zilu, Dao Wanqian showed no expression on his face, waving his hairless fly whisk, and countless talismans rose into the sky from the Great Steel Wall!

"Momen, Gongshu Ming, please ask the gods for enlightenment!"

All the parts of Gongshu Ming's body were broken. He slowly took out his last puppet with a complicated smile.

That puppet was the last thing he wanted to use.

But it is the most powerful one transformed by him, more powerful than the puppets transformed from the headless corpses of gods!

The puppet was wearing a cassock, his head was scarred, his hands were clasped together, and his mouth was still smiling, with that kind of compassion.

"Buddhism, compassion!" Gongshu Ming whispered the name of the puppet and whispered, "You and I are fighting side by side again."

"Xiliang, Lu Bu!"

"Da Shang, Daji!"

"Military God, Situ Hong!"

"Monster clan, yellow wind monster!"

Sounds resounded throughout the world!

When one person falls, one person continues to stand up!

The gods of Daxia, one by one, stood in front of the Great Steel Wall as if they were dying, resisting Poseidon's bombardment, and fell down one by one!

Gods fall!

But it seems that the figure standing in front of the Great Wall will never fall!

Seeing all this, all the soldiers' eyes widened.

Jin Lao looked at the scene in front of him with a shaky figure, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said dryly: "Retreat, retreat! In the name of the deputy commander-in-chief, I order you to retreat!"

"Retreat... Mr. Jin, are you kidding me?" Gong Shuming, who woke up after saying Wanqian, and withstood Poseidon's blow, had his arms shattered, and beside him, a huge hole was punched out of his chest. The compassion puppet.

Jin Lao almost begged: "Withdraw, you are Daxia's most powerful weapon against the gods now. If it really comes to that point... Even if the Great Steel Wall is broken, and the soldiers and I die here, even if Daxia Most of them have been reduced to the ocean. As long as you are still alive, there is still hope to conquer Poseidon again..."

Gongshu Ming took a sip of lubricating oil and looked up at the dazzling Poseidon approaching. He chuckled and said, "Old Jin."

"Behind me is my country, the Great Wall of Steel built with the blood and sweat of 140 million compatriots, the countless soldiers who risked their lives to defend the Great Wall, and the land where 140 million compatriots and they live!"

"Under my feet are the corpses of my comrades who died for them, Wang Hu who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, Xingye, who knows... Lin Fan, Daji, Lu Bu, Bull Demon King who has not yet awakened..."

"Is it possible for me to retreat?"

"Although my body has been transformed so that I don't look like a human being, ancestors and my parents have lived in this land for five thousand years."

"When the gods come, they don't want their home anymore and they run away with their tail between their legs."

"Then, I'm not even as good as one of our Daxia dogs. Our Daxia dogs even know how to look after homes and homes."

"Moreover." Gongshu Ming paused: "No one is more important than Daxia, not even us, the gods of Daxia. Those warriors can block Poseidon with their bodies, not to mention we... are the guardian gods."

Jin Lao was speechless for a moment.

"Don't talk about disobedience. I am not the only one who disobeys orders today. I just did the same thing as those ordinary soldiers... Haha, when I come back, if I am still alive, Mr. Jin, you can shoot me."

"Old Jin," Gongshu Ming rushed towards Poseidon step by step amid the dry sound of gears, and finally said: "When Lin Fan wakes up, say a word to him for me."

"Kill Poseidon."


The glory was bright, and Gong Shuming and his compassionate figure suddenly disappeared into the huge waves.

Looking at the gods of Daxia standing up and falling down one by one, at this moment, Jin Lao was silent, the Great Wall was silent, and Daxia was silent.

Only the sounds were still echoing.

"The hidden stars are falling, the starry night!"

"Blood Demon, Wang Hu!"

"Shushan, Zhang Feng!"

"Confucianism, everyone knows!"

"Amitabha, Buddhism, is not enlightened!"

"Confucianism, Zilu! Guard your teacher!"

"There are thousands of Tao gates!"

"Momen, Gongshu Ming, please ask the gods for enlightenment!"

"Xiliang, Lu Bu!"

"Da Shang, Daji!"

"Military God, Situ Hong!"

"Monster clan, yellow wind monster!"

The gods of Daxia rushed towards each other one after another as if they were going to their deaths!

Under the Great Steel Wall, shouts echoed, and figures soared into the sky, rushing toward the glorious god like moths to the flames, blocking Poseidon with their bodies and protecting the Great Steel Wall!

Just like those ordinary warriors before, use your body to block this god!

On the city wall, Jin Lao stared blankly at this scene, watching the gods of Daxia fall in front of that glorious figure one after another. He knew the choice of the gods of Daxia.


"All troops!" Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie, adjusted the channel, and said in a trembling voice to all the ordinary soldiers stationed on the Great Steel Wall: "The gods of Daxia chose to delay the gods with their lives... Now, in order to minimize the losses, All troops, immediately evacuate the Great Steel Wall and move to high-altitude land!"

"Also, an emergency announcement is made to inform all the people along the coast to retreat immediately! Retreat immediately!"

It seems cold-blooded, but this is the most rational order.

The gods of Daxia have made up their minds and block Poseidon as if they are risking their lives to buy out the last time for Daxia.

What Daxia can do is seize this last moment to move the soldiers and people to the rear.

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, Mr. Jin is shaking all over now, but he will not be affected by emotions and still makes the most rational and effective orders.

But this moment.

On the Great Steel Wall, none of the soldiers who obeyed Jin Laoyan moved.

The intercom was extremely silent, with no response at all.

"What's wrong? Speak!!" Mr. Jin gritted his teeth with red eyes and said, "Respond to me! Execute the order!"


"Report, the 171st Division refuses to evacuate!"

"Report, the 172nd Division refuses to evacuate!"

"Report, the 173rd Division refuses to evacuate!"

"Report, the First Flight Group refuses to evacuate!"

"...Refuse to evacuate!"

There were countless words on the intercom, but the same thing was... "Refuse to evacuate"!


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