Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 931 Millions of armors, join the battle!

On the Dragon Throne.

The man who looked down at Poseidon did not speak, but pointed at the majestic ocean where Poseidon was.

The king of Qin pointed out.

It’s Qin Tu!

This is where the Qin army is headed!


Millions of iron armors roared and rushed towards the glorious body like a madman!

That pressure made Poseidon's scalp numb!

That was the army that once swept across an era!

That was the army that once conquered the world!

In those chaotic and turbulent years, the best army in the world!

And now, this army vows to flatten this vast ocean pointed out by King Qin!


Under the glorious light, huge waves rose up and crashed down.

But the army didn't stop, completely ignoring the huge waves and still running wildly!


Huge waves crashed down.


Millions of armored men roared in unison, and heavy and tall iron shields crashed onto the sea, like high walls!

The shield hand's body is like a bow, with his left leg bowed forward and his hind legs straightened, like spears holding up a heavy shield.

The soldiers at the rear used their bodies to support the shield hand in front, thrust their spears through the gaps in the iron shield with their right hands, and also raised the light shields with their left hands.

In just an instant, millions of iron armors raised shields from all directions, and even the top of their heads was covered by shields.

From a distance, it looks like a huge iron-shelled tortoise with countless shields connected and spears piercing through the gaps in the shields!


The giant wave crashed down, and the 500-meter giant wave that carried terrifying power and was enough to smash rocks was shattered inch by inch in front of these millions of iron armors, and could not even be shaken!

"What you have encountered is the strongest mountain in this era!" A soldier smiled fiercely.

"I really miss this feeling... It's been a thousand years, I never thought I could fight with my king!" Another soldier raised his shield and sighed with regret, looking through the gap at the 500-meter-high terrifying giant wave. , simply commented: "It's a pity that it is much weaker than Zhao's cavalry back then."

"Not as good as Chu's arrows."

"That's all. Let them see my Great Qin's armor!"


With another roar, the armored legion charged forward again. Millions of soldiers were in unison, not missing a step. The strict military discipline made Mr. Jin's pupils shrink suddenly.

This is the original emperor's army, the terrifying army that made all countries fearful and unified the world!

"The one who kills Poseidon is the Lord of Ten Thousand Houses!"

"Don't let His Majesty take action personally! That would be a shame to our Great Qin Iron Armor!"

"Do you think anyone is worthy of His Majesty personally taking action? Kill!"

Attack his country, seize his land, slaughter his brother and father, and raise the Qin flag! All the soldiers pointed out will return to Qin!

"Da Qin!"

"Those who offend my country, the Qin Dynasty,"

With a roar that shook the sky, the huge iron formation crushed layers of huge waves and headed straight for Poseidon!

He looked like he was going to push Poseidon directly!

Praise the gods!

Among the waves, the Daqin flag stained with blood was bright and dazzling!

Poseidon's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you are the First Emperor... but, if you want to defeat me, Poseidon, with just this million-dollar iron armor, isn't it a bit too contemptuous of me?"

This is simply a shame for the gods!

Whichever plane the gods come to, those beings are not kowtowing and worshiping, bathing in glory, but these weak humans actually dare to charge against me!

Even if Poseidon takes action against these humans, he feels a little embarrassed!

After all, that man hasn’t taken action himself yet!

Poseidon looked at the armor that crashed into the huge waves and rushed towards him, and said coldly: "Where are the believers!"

God’s voice echoed for a long time, it was God’s call.


Behind Poseidon, the water retreated.

Those giant beasts that were prostrate in the sea water, daring not to raise their heads while bathing in glory, emerged from the sea water one after another. Their ferocious figures were five hundred meters long, as if mountains were rising behind Poseidon!

Poseidon raised half of his trident, pointed at the Qin armor that was charging like crazy, and said slowly: "There are humans who dare to charge against your god."

"What are you going to do?"


Each giant beast looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar was full of killing intent!

That is their god!

The great lord of the sea, Poseidon!

They have already dedicated everything, giving up their dignity and history, just to bask in the glory of this master.

How can we allow those weak humans to be so disrespectful!

This is worse than killing them!


Tentacles were waving in the air, Godzilla roared to the sky, and the dragon whale rushed away like a mountain.

"Fight for God!"


"Teach these humans who dare to provoke the Lord God a lesson!"


The terrifying giant beasts rushed towards the millions of Great Qin armors, with as much power as mountains coming crashing down on them!

Under that terrifying size, the million armor actually looks small and pitiful!



Amidst the monstrous collision, the dragon whale headed by it, which was as powerful as a mountain, stopped instantly. In the monstrous waves, the huge figure flew several meters into the air due to the terrifying impact force, and then fell heavily!

It was like slamming the accelerator into a truck on the mountain!

But the millions of Da Qin armors were motionless!

The Daqin flag is still flying!

"Too weak." The leading soldier snorted coldly, looking through the gaps in the heavy shield at the giant mountain-like beasts.

"What collided with us back then was a broken mountain and river, the whole world."

So what if the giant beast is like a mountain?

They are the armor that has swept across the entire world and trampled through the mountains and rivers of the Six Kingdoms!

What collides with them is the whole world!

In front of Da Qin Iron Armor, the world trembled!


Millions of armored men marched forward step by step, crushing every giant mountain-sized beast alive, as if they were unstoppable!

Mr. Jin also took a deep breath. He didn't have time to cheer for the Great Qin Armor and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: "Melee troops, enter!"

"Help Da Qin Iron Armor to completely destroy the Poseidon believers!"

"Long-range firepower troops, continue to bombard, target the dense sea beasts behind, control the range to avoid accidental damage!"

"Also, the Daxia cavalry troops will take the opportunity to search where the Daxia gods fell! Especially Lin Fan!"


The warriors who had been suffocating before could no longer hold back. God-killing mechas soared into the sky, their jet tubes erupting with tongues of fiery flames, and they rushed forward together with the Great Qin Iron Armor!

"Damn, didn't you guys have a great time fighting just now?"

"God-killing Army, follow me!" The red bird with blood at the corner of its mouth was like a fire phoenix, its eyes were filled with anger, and with a roar, it flew away wrapped in flames!

Behind them, a group of superpowers soared into the sky, or walked away on the wind, or froze the sea water into ice, and rushed away on huge waves as if skating, or on thick vines!

"Army of Gods, everyone, follow me!"

Five hundred and eighty-six first- and second-level Daxia gods wearing medium-sized artifacts were radiating precious light, and they were like walking humanoid artifacts, heading straight for the sea beasts!

On the Great Steel Wall, heavy artillery roared again, the sound of cannons rose continuously, and the dazzling firelight illuminated the Bohai Sea!

"The first flight team, loading is complete, take off with full load!"

"I want you to shut up those ordinary sea beasts completely!"


A series of steel falcons soared into the sky, dropping continuous explosions in the dense area behind the sea beast, roaring all the way!

A cavalryman even rushed out of the Great Wall with red eyes: "For Diao Chan!!"

"Go and look for the gods of Daxia! Take them back for treatment!"

this moment.

The soldiers of Daxia's modern army fought side by side with those Daqin armors!

The Da Qin armored men were shocked when they looked at the tens of thousands of five-hundred-tall mechas fighting side by side with them, at the huge sharp arrows that pierced the sky, and at the monstrous fire that exploded in the sea beasts.

And those soldiers looked at this terrifying army, and their scalps were also numb!

"Is Great Qin so powerful now?"

Some of the Da Qin armored men whispered in low voices.

"Oh my god, this million-dollar Daqin armor is so fierce. It just rushed past Godzilla's laser..." A warrior sitting in the God-killing mecha also looked in awe: "These are our ancestors, then An army that swept across six countries and unified the world..."

Both sides feel that the other side is stronger than they imagined...

For a moment, those monsters like mountains and seas were at a disadvantage!

After all, before the millions of Great Qin armors were available, they were almost at a 50-50 pace with the Great Xia warriors, unable to get even half a step closer to the Great Steel Wall.

And now.

The Qin armor led by millions of First Emperors directly brought the war situation to a complete collapse!

There were even five million cavalry divided into several teams. While charging and taking circuitous routes, they relied on their speed advantage to continuously search the sea where the gods of Daxia fell.

"Report, General Lu Bu has been found!" A soldier clung to the panda's back. Lu Bu, whose whole body was twisted and his ribs were punctured, was pulled out of the cold sea water and placed on the panda's back.

"Hurry up and get him back for treatment!" Mr. Jin said quickly.

"Yes!" The soldier didn't want to fight, and directly led Lu Bu, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, from the battlefield to the Great Steel Wall again.

The tiger riding on the warrior behind bit the red rabbit horse's back and dragged the red rabbit horse, which could not stand up, towards the Great Steel Wall.

The other warrior tried his best to lift the heavy Fangtian Painted Halberd.

The unimaginable weight actually made him almost fall off the cheetah mount. In the end, it took three warriors riding giant elephants to lift Fang Tian's halberd with their trunks at the same time. The two giant elephants walked side by side to carry the terrifying weight. Fang Tian painted a halberd.

For a while.

In the intercom channel, Daxia Iron Armor kept replying.

"I don't know that sir has been discovered and is retreating to the Great Steel Wall, asking for cover."

"Mr. Zilu has been discovered and is retreating quickly. Please take cover!"

"Momen Gongshu Ming has been discovered, please Momen disciples immediately prepare parts for emergency replacement. His heart has begun to leak oil... Has he even changed his heart into an engine?"

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