Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 943 A somewhat perverted god


The half-trident was a thousand meters in size, carrying huge waves and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of meters of water dragons roaring.


That wild bull didn't seem to be afraid, and its huge body, which was seriously injured, was hit head-on!

The whole body is burning with flames, and the eyes of the flames reflect the blue water dragon!

One fire and one red, facing each other and colliding!


A dull collision broke out, as if even the Great Steel Wall was shaking at the loud noise!


The trident hit the bull's remaining horn hard, and the terrifying power poured out.

Just a moment.



As if there were ripples appearing, the skin of the bull was cracking inch by inch. That was the transmission of terrifying power in the bull's body!


The two thick legs of the barbarian bull that had not yet been broken actually made the sound of bones breaking again, but even so, the barbarian bull still held on and refused to take a step back!

The dazzling glory crushed the dark evil energy.

His eyes were already bright red and bleeding, and this wild bull was staring at the glorious trident. In his sight, it was no longer a trident, but the big palm of heaven and earth stretched out by the golden Buddha. Dazzling and dazzling!

The huge body began to retreat uncontrollably under the terrifying force, almost being pushed against the Great Steel Wall.


The water dragons bit into the body of this wild bull, as if they were going to tear it into pieces!

But the next moment.


The barbarian bull looked up to the sky and roared again, as if it was life-threatening. Instead of retreating along with the force, it once again used all its strength to take a step forward!


The huge body slowly dropped its broken leg, trampled on the ocean, and rushed forward again with its head holding the trident. The scarlet cow mooed and looked directly at the glorious golden Buddha in the sky!


The trident trembled violently, and at the same time, a crisp cracking sound came from the horns!


The trident carrying huge power also lost the support of its divine power and fell to the sea with a crash. Countless water dragons biting the huge body of this savage bull also collapsed to pieces!

"Blocked?" Poseidon frowned slightly.

The soldiers of Daxia also looked stunned. They never expected that the Bull Demon King, who had been seriously injured, still had this kind of power and could withstand another blow from Poseidon!

"You are truly worthy of being a savage beast since ancient times." Mr. Jin's face was complicated. "It's really powerful, with rough skin and thick flesh."

On the Great Steel Wall, countless soldiers shouted loudly.

"Bull Demon King, hold on!"

"Awesome, old cow! You can stop this!"

"You're kidding, this is the Great Bull Demon King, the most powerful monster in Journey to the West!"

"Hahaha, look, Poseidon is dumbfounded."

And in this cheers.


The waves are huge.

The huge body of the Bull Demon King collapsed into the sea water, and the flames burning all over his body became dim.


The huge body suddenly burst out with countless wounds, and large areas of demonic blood spilled into the ocean. The four thick and powerful legs were completely twisted and broken, and the sharp bones penetrated the flesh and protruded out of the skin.



As the angry bull moaned in pain, the remaining horn broke off from the root and fell into the sea water.

In an instant, the cheers stopped abruptly.

The Great Steel Wall was silent.

To withstand it is to withstand it.

However, this old cow has already reached its limit!

Today, he has no horns on his head and blood is flowing from his mouth.

The thick skin was riddled with wounds, which were caused by being torn apart by huge force.

Its four legs were completely broken. The giant bull struggled with pain several times, but was unable to stand up. Its huge body could only lie half down and half kneel in front of the Great Steel Wall.

"It's interesting..." Poseidon frowned, "As expected of the old bull that almost overturned the Lord of Power, Hercules."

"It actually blocked it."

Under the Great Steel Wall, the wild bull lay half prone and half kneeling in the sea water.

Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie: "Bull Demon King, withdraw from your original form. I will let the soldiers send you to the rear for treatment."

"Send to the rear..." The angry bull gasped slowly, "My anger... hasn't finished pouring out yet."



The cow mooed and raised its head to the sky. The angry cow, which was covered in blood and had lost consciousness, raised its head high. The blood-stained cow mooed and stared at the dazzling figure that could no longer tell whether it was golden or blue.

Ignoring the pain of his broken limbs, his huge body struggled hard, trying with all his strength to stand up.



After several attempts, the huge body was unable to stand up, and every inch of movement of the severed limbs caused excruciating pain.

This angry cow simply didn't stand up. It was prostrate in the sea water, using its twisted four hooves to keep itself from falling. To be precise, it used its bones protruding from its flesh and blood to dig deep into the sand on the seabed. among.

The blood dyed the sea water beneath him red.

"Come again!!"


The huge bull's head is raised high, even though it looks a little funny because it has no horns, it seems that it will never bow its head!


Only a small amount of demonic energy leaks out of the body!

Poseidon, who was standing deep in the Bohai Sea, saw this scene and couldn't help but show a hint of respect in his eyes.

"That's really good." Poseidon sighed, looking at the fallen angry bull as if he was looking at a rare treasure, and said with some regret: "I don't even want to kill him..."

"What, you don't want to kill it anymore, you want to use it for yourself?" The First Emperor, who was bound by the sea, laughed sarcastically, "I realize that you gods are all stupid, or... arrogant."

"Why do you think you can let Gu, let that angry bull be used to your advantage?"

"Although I was arrogant at the time, I never thought about letting the princes of the six countries be used by me! When Gu conquered a country, he killed a royal family, and the palace was filled with blood!"

"If Gu Gu were you, I would never leave Gu alone, nor would I leave this cow behind!"

Poseidon didn't take it seriously: "Haha, you are afraid that the princes of the six countries will rebel against you... After all, you are all human beings."

"In fact, the gap between gods and humans is greater than the gap between an emperor and a beggar like you."

"Are you afraid of beggars?"

Having said this, Poseidon sighed: "Also, I have to admit that for the gods, those believers who kneel down immediately when faced with conquest save a lot of effort."

"But no one can be sure that when a god is in danger and is targeted by other gods...whether those believers will abandon their original beliefs and kneel down to worship the other god just like before."

"In contrast, God prefers those lower beings who would rather die than surrender when facing the gods, or even become enemies of the gods."

"The more determined you are in resisting, the more our gods will like you."

"Though those stupid lower beings will hardly succumb to us, and would rather die than kneel down to worship us."

"But once you become a believer... you will be the most loyal believer! And also the bravest believer!"

"When the main god he believes in is targeted by other gods, he will fight for the god regardless of anything, just like he once fought against his own main god!"

"Speaking of this, you may think it's a bit perverted, but to us gods, it's true. The more those lower life forms resist...the more we like them, the more reluctant we are to kill them."

Poseidon chuckled.

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