Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 97: Changes in Everyone

"In the past, because the living environment was getting warmer, they had been sleeping. From sleeping during the Ice Age to now, they would only hunt when they were extremely hungry."

"These evil and cunning beings hide their traces, drag adventurers and passers-by into the snowy mountains, and eat and tear apart their bodies."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly stunned, and then a huge chill appeared in their hearts.

Daxia actually once lived on this land with these creatures left over from the Ice Age?

Imagining the scene of these creatures eating each other, at this moment, everyone felt a rage burning in their hearts.

It’s not that Daxia doesn’t welcome neighbors.


This is not a neighbor, but an enemy!

Daxia will only greet its enemies with guns and cannons!

But Lin Fan's words were not over yet.

"Now... as the gods come and the aura of the divine world appears on Blue Star, they will also wake up completely!"

"And when they wake up hungry."

"Daxia will become their hunting ground! Those unsuspecting people will become their food, torn into pieces of meat and put into their mouths! They will suck and chew greedily!"

In Lin Fan's mind, the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood appeared again.

The scalp-numbing chewing sound and the ferocious and huge ugly smile made Lin Fan subconsciously clench his fists!

At this time, the soldiers and members of the God-Slaying Army who listened to Lin Fan's words also clenched their fists.

"Daxia is our home!"

"We will never allow them to defile our home!"

"This is our land!"

"We will never allow them to harm our compatriots!"

Anger is burning.

At this moment, both the members of the God-Slaying Army and the three hundred soldiers led by Situ Lan had the same fire in their eyes.

Defend Daxia!

This land is absolutely inviolable!

Gods can't do it, secrets can't do it, and these evil beings trying to prey on the people of Daxia can't do it either!

"Machine gunners, set up machine guns, all combat teams build combat fortifications and prepare for battle! I give you ten minutes!"

"When the cave explodes, I require your firepower to cover every corner of the cave so that those snowmen have no chance to wake up!" Lin Fan shouted loudly with a walkie-talkie in hand, "Members of the God-Slaying Army, be ready for battle. There are some powerful snowmen who may ignore the guns. When the firepower output stops, I want you to rush into the cave and not allow a single snowman to escape, nor allow a single snowman to have the opportunity to step into my Daxia territory!"

"Let them know who is the owner of this land now!"

In fact, in the previous life, those snowmen who walked out of the snow-capped mountains were not afraid of guns.

That extremely tough skin is simply beyond imagination. It is enough to take on R and PG head-on. Only a guided bow and a single sweep can kill them completely. However, these guys are very cunning, have good hiding methods, and hide in dark corners where crowds gather, resulting in Daxia simply cannot use missiles without restraint.

Just now.

These snowmen are still sleeping. They are extremely weak at this time and have not received enough nutrition.

Lin Fan hit them who were still sleeping!

How these snowmen killed those unprepared people in the last life, how Lin Fan will kill them in this life!

This is revenge from the future of Daxia!


The soldiers immediately took orders and built simple fortifications using hard ice and frozen hard stones.

Thirty light and heavy machine guns were assembled immediately. They were set up at different angles and divided into semicircular sections. The fire output space completely covered the hole!

Some soldiers even laid a simple minefield in front of the cave entrance, leaving only three safe paths for the members of the God-Slaying Army. If those snowmen wanted to break out, they would have to walk through the minefield!

The members of the God-killing Army team all opened their stances, saying that Mr. Wanqian held a talisman in one hand and a sharp cold sword in the other. The edge of the cold sword was colder than the ice and snow of the Tianshan Mountains, and the killing energy condensed on it. It was born nine inches!

The invisible killing energy distorted the surrounding air, but any snowflakes it came into contact with were silently split into two!

Killing Immortal Sword!

The Dao Sect's killing sword!

Master Compassion was wearing a brocade cassock, and he was radiant with Buddha's light. His nine-ringed tin staff rattled in the cold wind. When he touched the ground lightly, the frozen and hard ground cracked like a spider's web, which was extremely heavy!

Like a reincarnated spiritual Buddha.

This is the Buddhist treasure worn by the great Buddha!

It's just that Master Compassion's face looked a little strange at this time. Logically speaking, the holy monk Tang Sanzang was said to be powerless in the legend... But why, this nine-ring tin staff is extremely heavy and hard, if it weren't for Master Compassion Human beings have the Buddha's perfect Vajra Body, and I'm afraid they can't even lift it!

And this nine-ring tin staff.

Master Compassion thought it was just a little bit of rust, but after closer inspection, he discovered that it was the blood of countless demons!

But things like tin sticks are generally just decorative objects in Buddhism. They are used at most to increase the Buddha's energy and are not objects against the enemy at all.

And according to legend, Tang Sanzang never killed. In the legend, the unruly Monkey King named after him was extremely murderous, cruel and powerful, but Tang Sanzang was just a helpless chicken. A good old man who only wants to save all sentient beings.

Then the problem arises.

How did the holy monk Tang Sanzang, who had no strength in his hands, carry this extremely heavy nine-ring tin staff all the way to the west, and even the nine-ring tin staff was stained with countless demon blood?

Ever since I got the nine-ring tin staff, Master Compassion always felt something was wrong. It seemed that the record of the holy monk Tang Sanzang in the Buddhist classics was a bit wrong...

but no matter.

At this time, when Master Compassion was standing there, the bright Buddha light burst out, and the auspicious clouds of merit and virtue protected his body. His whole body seemed to be plated with a layer of gold!

Duan is extremely sacred and compassionate to the world!

at the same time.

Xingye held the fish intestine sword in his hand, and his whole body seemed to be transformed into clouds and ink, disappearing into the biting cold wind. It was impossible to catch it with the naked eye!

Gongshu Ming is even more eye-catching.

At this time, Gong Shuming, in addition to his originally severed left arm, even his good right arm has been turned into a steel prosthesis, full of precise lines. At a glance, you can tell that it contains countless mechanisms!

Moreover, the saw in his hand was so cold that it seemed like it could cut through anything!

Mr. Mo Zhizhi is very low-key.

He was holding the Confucius pen in his hand and stood there quietly. However, after not seeing him for the past few days, he seemed to be much stronger. The originally fluttering Confucian shirt was now bulging out from a body of terrifying muscles that appeared inexplicably.

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