Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 952: Do you not treat me as a human being?


The water dragon roars!

Although the trident was almost deformed by the smash, it still burst out with bright light at this moment, just like Poseidon in his heyday!

Lord of the sea!

As long as he stands on the sea, the vast ocean can provide him with a steady stream of ocean power!

When the monkey saw that Poseidon dared to charge towards him, he roared: "Rat!"


Lift that huge stick!

The giant stick that was supposed to smash the ocean suddenly stopped.

For a moment, the monkey felt weak as he had never felt before, as if he had been suppressed for five hundred years.

Although he is brave and invincible, even though he once made the gods in heaven dare not look directly at him, and made millions of heavenly soldiers and generals helpless.

But, now he has just woken up!

Poseidon's tug just now had consumed almost all of his power!


"Give me, grandson, death!"

The monkey roared angrily, endured the severe pain from his body, and smashed the stick down hard!


The giant stick fell.

It smashed thousands of miles of sea, but there was no broken glory in the waves rising into the sky!

The moment the giant stick fell, Poseidon turned around suddenly and stepped on the water dragon to avoid it.

He looked at the smashed sea surface behind him, a little scared: "Fortunately, this stick... didn't hit me."

"It's okay, you're tired."

Poseidon smiled fiercely, and then suddenly appeared behind the monkey, and the trident suddenly stabbed the monkey's neck!


The sharp blade penetrates the flesh!

Pierce directly into the monkey's neck!

Poseidon's eyes were excited. This was actually easier than he imagined. This monkey that made the gods tremble in the past was actually...

No, it’s too easy!

In the flash of lightning, Poseidon suddenly felt something was wrong and swerved sideways!


Another stick came from the sky and missed Poseidon!


The monkey whose neck was pierced by the trident before turned into white smoke under Poseidon's horrified gaze.

"This..." Poseidon's scalp was numb. He looked up and saw a figure in the sky looking at him panting.

It's that monkey!

The monkey's expression was unwilling, and his hands were weakly holding the giant stick that had been smashed into the sea, staring at Poseidon.

"Haha, luckily I reacted quickly... Now, you really don't have much energy left."

"It's truly worthy of the victory over the Buddha, the seventy-two transformations, and the tens of thousands of dharma bodies. I almost didn't react."

Poseidon smiled, but not before he could finish.


Above the head, another figure suddenly appeared, and another stick came down!

Or Sun Wukong!

It’s still that huge stick!

Just a moment.

Countless water droplets splashing in the air turned into monkeys, and giant sticks hit Poseidon from all directions and angles, smashing the sea surface!

The great sage’s supernatural power and thousands of dharma bodies!

"Do you really think that I, Old Sun, have no brains?"




Thousands of giant sticks fell down!

In just an instant, the thousands-mile sea surface continued to shatter and explode, with huge waves splashing in all directions. The entire Bohai Sea trembled under the bombardment of the sea-fixing needle!


The roar ends.



The monkeys all over the sky turned into wisps of smoke.

The only remaining monkey was holding a giant stick and breathing heavily.

On the sea, Poseidon's body was twisted, as if all his bones had been broken.

Even the crown on top of the head was broken and cracked!

That was the second crack. The first crack was left by the guy named Gonggong to the crown.

"Huh." With his cloak swaying behind him, the monkey wiped the sweat and seawater from his forehead, and used his last strength to slowly lift the indestructible giant stick.

"The consciousness hidden in the crown should be your true body."

The monkey's seemingly penetrating eyes stared intently at the broken crown.

There was no need for Lin Fan to use ghostly means to remind him. The monkey with his fiery eyes had discovered that although Poseidon was fighting against him, his aura and divine power came from that crown, and his body was controlled by the crown like a puppet.

"This time, give me a stick!"


With the last strength, he suddenly raised his stick!

All the dim Buddha light was poured into the giant stick like a giant stick in the sky, and the wishful golden cudgel was even more dazzling than the sun!


Smashed down with a bang.

And right now.


Poseidon's dilapidated body shattered suddenly, and the divine power in that body exploded in all directions!

Huge waves rose into the sky!

Explode your body!

The consciousness in the crown seemed to be aware that real death was approaching quickly, and it had no choice but to let this useless body self-destruct!


Dazzling glory burst out, and terrifying divine power burst out.

That stick was actually resisted forcefully!

"Give me, grandson, death!"

In the dazzling glory, the monkey's eyes were red, and the golden hairs on his body stood up. He pressed down the giant stick that emitted golden light, and withstood the wash of the blue divine power.

Gold and blue are colliding!

But the next moment.


The monkey flew out upside down and fell heavily on the sea surface. The giant stick also came out of his hand, turned into normal size, and fell into the seabed instantly.

The monkey looked unwillingly at the crown raised by the sea water, and seemed to want to get up, but in an instant, wisps of sea water bound his limbs, and the majestic ocean squeezed his body at this moment!

The monkey tried hard but couldn't break free!

At this moment, he actually felt like he was being suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain again. The whole ocean seemed to be suppressing him!

He was really too weak at this time.


With anger and humiliation in his eyes, he looked up to the sky and roared while being bound by the sea!

Not willing to give in!

In this battle, if I had no scruples, if I was not so weak, if I had already woken up and recovered steadily...

"Give up." The crown slowly floated up under the support of the sea water, and the sea water below actually condensed into a blurry figure.

He looked at the monkey and said softly: "It's really not easy, I finally exhausted you."

"Moreover, I also lost my original body."

"If I were not the main god, and my form of existence was different from that of ordinary gods, I would have exploded and died by now."

"Fortunately, for the elemental gods who are integrated into the elements, our consciousness has already been integrated into the elemental treasures. As long as the consciousness exists... we will not die."

The monkey bared its fangs and let out a fierce roar: "Roar!"

"Stop struggling, the majestic ocean is not as good as a five-fingered mountain?" The water man chuckled, then touched the crown and looked at Sun Wukong greedily: "Although I really hope to have your body, but …”

"After all, you are one of the most powerful Eastern Martial Gods."

"Moreover, you were once the fearless and resolute Monkey King. You were not afraid of the gods and Buddhas in the sky. You were a born rebel. Your sense of resistance... was too strong."

"I am not sure I can replace your consciousness now."

"Although I'm reluctant to let you go, I have to kill you first...and then quickly find a body."

Without an extremely talented body, the strength he can exert is still limited after all, and it will be difficult for him to maintain his existence in this form for a long time.

Therefore, he must seize the time and find a body with equally good talent.

"That Shura God... it just so happens that he is about to succeed in his advancement." The water man glanced at the depths of the Bohai Sea: "Kill you, and then take away his power when he is about to succeed in his advancement, when he is at his weakest. Body.”

"At that time, I will also have a tamed ghost and god... Haha, this guy has taken advantage of me."


The half-shaped trident appeared in the water man's hand again, and he threw it violently!

Wrapped in glory, go straight to the heart of the monkey!


Although it was deformed, the trident was still sharp and pierced the monkey's body.



The trident, which was obviously a high-level artifact, shattered inch by inch the moment it hit Sun Wukong!

Although Sun Wukong's Buddha energy was exhausted, he still smiled ferociously: "I, Sun Wukong, the King Kong is indestructible!"

"Boy, just wait until my grandson has rested. Let's see how grandpa kills you!"

The water man's expression also changed slightly: "Indestructible body."


"I almost forgot about this indestructible body." Shui Ren suddenly laughed: "He is indeed the Great Sage Equaling Heaven back then."

"But, you don't think that I can't do anything to your indestructible body, do you?"

The monkey was stunned.

Those gods back then had an indestructible body that could not be damaged even by knives, axes, chisels, thunder and thunderbolts, and even the alchemy furnace could not be damaged at all!

Could it be...

"Speaking of which, you are also unlucky."

"With your indestructible body, if it were anyone else, even someone as powerful as Zeus, it might be difficult to kill you."

" just met me!"

"Poseidon, the lord of the sea who controls the ocean!"

"You may not know that the ocean is very magical." The water man wearing a crown slowly stretched out a hand, and a drop of sea water floated in the palm of his hand, exuding a faint glory: "In front of the soft sea water, everything is solid .”

"However, this soft sea water can always penetrate everything and wash away everything. No matter how hard the rock is, it cannot resist it and will only turn into fine sand on the dark seabed."

"And you, monkey," the water man raised his head and looked at the monkey, "are just a very hard stone."

"You will eventually become the fine sand on the dark sea floor."

The water man opened his palms and moved them forward.


The drop of seawater flew away with a bang, hit the monkey's armor, and shattered into water splashes.

Sun Wukong was stunned. This blow... there was no pain at all, and he couldn't even feel it. It was like a light raindrop falling.

"That's it? Ticking your grandpa?" Monkey laughed.

"Haha, that's it." Water Man nodded: "I hope you can laugh out loud soon."

The words fell.


The Bohai Sea is shaken!

Behind the water man, droplets of seawater floated up from the sea, spreading across thousands of miles of ocean, hovering strangely.


Countless water droplets, seemingly endless like beads and curtains, shot towards Sun Wukong from all directions!

[Advanced Ocean Magic·Water Drops Penetrating Stone]!

The God of the Ocean’s most powerful ocean magic!

A terrifying magic that can destroy any hard stone!

"Crack crack!"

Countless slight sounds of water droplets breaking came from Sun Wukong.

On the other side, the First Emperor, who was also squeezed by the sea water and bound by the ocean, looked increasingly grim.

On the one hand, it was because this Poseidon actually wanted to kill this monkey.

Sun Wukong was born after the Qin Dynasty, so the First Emperor did not know what the words "Sun Wukong" and "Monkey King" stood for. He had not even heard of it, but he also understood that this monkey was one of his own.

Another aspect that made him angry.

That is, this Poseidon will not kill him!

Who the hell are you looking down on?

Are you looking down on me for being so dignified?

The First Emperor was very angry.

Shivering with anger.

This Poseidon didn't even kill himself! Don't kill yourself!

Even if you kill a monkey, don't kill yourself!

Didn’t you take me, the First Emperor Ying Zheng, as a human being?

But that monkey is not a human either!

In other words, in terms of threat level, I am a majestic person, why am I not as good as a monkey?

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