Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 970 We can’t hold on anymore

It’s not just Mr. Chen who knows.

Everyone knows what the most sane situation is today.

But for a while no one spoke.

Finally, Mr. Jin sighed with a complex expression: "Everyone, let me say the ugly things."

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he has witnessed the departure of his comrades, and he also knows the cruelty of war. In a battle, he even personally killed a brother who was tortured by the enemy with a sniper.

But even after experiencing so much, Mr. Jin still had a trembling voice and said word by word: "Daxia has been working hard for a year. Fifty million soldiers fought with blood and 140 million compatriots."

"Not to mention that the Free State gave up its 200 million people and hid underground. The European side alone gave up two-thirds of its land."

"And all of this is for this fight."

"All to kill Poseidon!"

"Xingye, as a descendant of Mo Yin Xing Luo Men, as one of the gods of Great Xia, has made great contributions to us, but now... for us, as long as we kill her, Poseidon will directly Die."

"No!" Mr. Zhang, who was sitting in a wheelchair, had a weak but firm tone: "I don't agree! Xingye is our comrade..."

Mr. Chen also sighed: "I shouldn't say this, but maybe Xingye would also like us to do this."

Mo Zhi didn't say anything, and even the gods of Daxia didn't speak, and they were particularly troubled in their hearts.

"The aura of Poseidon is growing. If you don't kill him now, maybe he will adapt to that body and even regain his strength in a few days. By then..." Dao Wanqian, who was sensitive, sighed: "We A decision must be made quickly.”


From the best interests point of view, killing is the best choice!

The investment in this battle is too great.

But now, you only need to kill one person to save humanity!


"Please give me three days." Lin Fan suddenly interrupted: "Perhaps, I can rescue Xingye and kill Poseidon alone."

Mr. Jin's eyes lit up, but then he asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure of it?"

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "Not big."

Although he is the Shura God, he is quite proficient in soul matters.

But Poseidon was once a fifteenth-level high-level god, and his consciousness was extremely powerful!

Maybe, at this time, it has begun to blend with the starry night!

"If you can't do it in the end, it will drag Poseidon back to a certain level of strength and break free..." Jin Lao had a complex expression and hesitated to speak.

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "It only takes three days. Please give me three days for the sake of Xingye who once guarded the country for me, Daxia!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the gods in Daxia froze.

They are comrades who fought all the way from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

Especially Xingye, she has been fighting side by side with everyone since the formation of the God-Slaying Army, and together we stand on top of the country!

In this battle alone, not five but three gods died in her hands.

On the stretcher, Bai Qi's voice was hoarse: "I, Bai Qi, please give Xingye three days!"

For a time, all the gods of Great Xia who woke up and came here spoke hoarsely.

"Tao Wanqian, please give Xingye three days."

"I don't know, please give Xingye three days."

"Zilu, please give Xingye three days!"

Countless assassins of Mo Yinxing Luomen appeared quietly one after another, stood up and said: "All disciples of Moyinxing Luomen, please give Xingye three days!"

That’s not all!

"All Confucian disciples, please give Xingye three days!"

"All disciples of the Taoist sect, please give Xingye three days!"

"All Buddhist disciples, please give Xingye three days!"



"Daxia Iron Cavalry..."

"Daxia Iron Armor..."

"God-killing Army..."

"The God-killing Mecha Troop..."

At this moment, thousands of troops are petitioning!

Even the viewers watching the live broadcast clenched their fists at this moment and shouted: "People of Great Xia, please give Xingye three days!"

The barrages are equally dense!

Three days!

At this moment, the whole country is petitioning!

They still remember the scenes of these Daxia gods standing at the gate of the country and fighting with the gods.

This is respect and gratitude to those who protect the country!

Even if it may lead to the recovery of Poseidon, the Daxia people will never abandon any of their compatriots!

They will not abandon their compatriots who fight for them!

For a moment, all the gods of Great Xia turned red-eyed when they heard the roaring petition. They were reluctant to part with Xingye, but they were petitioning for themselves.

If one day, they are like a starry night, what scene will they face?

And now.

Daxia used this petition to tell them that Daxia would never abandon any compatriot after weighing the pros and cons!

"Okay, three days then." Guo Zu nodded, "Lin Fan, it's up to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lin Fan bowed respectfully, and then said in a deep voice: "But right now, the most urgent thing is not to treat Xingye, but..."

Lin Fan looked towards the end of the ocean.

It seemed as if I saw forty gods approaching.

"All soldiers, take the time to rest immediately! Logistics team, hurry up to replenish ammunition, replace gun barrels, and repair mechas! Medical team, treat the wounded!" Lin Fan shouted: "The third battle is about to begin!"

The third battle is about to begin!

Just a moment.

Everyone's faces became serious, and the smiles on the faces of all the soldiers who were still rejoicing in victory instantly disappeared. Without saying a word, they immediately ate food to replenish their strength, and then fell asleep wrapped in clothes soaked by the sea water, even changing clothes. There is no time.

Twenty-four hours of non-stop fighting!

Everyone's nerves were stretched to the limit, but as soon as they relaxed, they immediately felt a sense of exhaustion.

The logistics team immediately began to move, and the God-killing mechas took off one after another, returned to the back of the Great Steel Wall, and entered for repairs.

"There are wounded soldiers here!"

"We need five stretchers here!"

"You are not allowed to hide your injuries. Soldier, what about you? Take your coat away!"

The medical team quickly shuttled between the various combat teams on the Great Steel Wall, scanning every soldier, checking whether each soldier was injured, and carrying the injured soldiers off one by one.

The melee troops such as the Daxia Iron Armor, the God-killing Army, and the Daxia Iron Cavalry also gradually retreated to the Great Steel Wall. They did not have time to return to the dormitories, so they stationed themselves on the city wall for a short rest.

There was even no time to salvage the bodies of the dead soldiers.

The third battle is coming soon!

That will be the last battle between mankind and the Ocean Temple!

Lin Fan silently looked at the wounded who were being carried down, and at the tired-looking soldiers who fell asleep on the Great Wall.

This battle is really too tiring.

Although not many sea beasts rushed up to the Great Steel Wall, in order to maintain the maximum output of firepower, some soldiers forcibly held the hot barrel of the machine gun with both hands to replace it. Their hands were burned to flesh and blood, and the bones were exposed.

Some soldiers' shoulders were swollen, which was the recoil of the machine gun.

Some soldiers' ears were bleeding. They didn't care about the roar of the artillery and just pulled the joystick again and again.

As for the gods of Daxia...except for Lin Fan, who was promoted to a high god and recovered from his injuries through promotion, and the Monkey King and the First Emperor, who finally recovered, the rest were all bandaged up like rice dumplings!

Some have not yet woken up, and those who have woken up are all in wheelchairs.

There is no way to fight.

Even Lin Fan, the Great Sage, and the First Emperor were all almost exhausted.

But even so, the only option is to fight to the death! !

Mr. Jin also understood the worry in Lin Fan's eyes: "Can you still hold on?"

"If you can't hold on, you have to fight." Lin Fan rubbed his eyebrows: "Gods will not ask you whether you can hold on or not. They will only come back again and again and conquer."

"I have to take a rest. You should go and rest quickly." Lin Fan exhaled, holding the knife and sitting down cross-legged on the Great Wall: "Bring some corpses of gods, the First Emperor and the Great Sage, how much can the three of us recover? how many."

And right now.

"Didi didi."

The satellite phone on Lin Fan's waist suddenly rang.

Lin Fan picked up the phone. Before he could speak, he heard a dull roar from over there. General Mike lowered his voice and said, "It's been twenty-four hours."

"We can't hold on any longer. Those gods are about to invade the shelter."

"The gods must be allowed to leave immediately."

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