Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 99: Will Daxia allow you to have a future?

Dozens of machine guns roared and fired, and the snowmen fled deeper into the cave entrance.

And right now.


A dull roar sounded from the depths of the cave. The dull roar actually overwhelmed the roar of the machine gun, and even made people feel that the Tianshan Mountains under their feet were shaking!

It was like a huge angry beast roaring.

Suddenly, the snow beasts that were hiding deep in the cave seemed to feel something and stopped one after another.

A snow beast roared crazily.

"The boss is right, rush out!"

"These foods want to block us in this cave. We can't run in, we have to rush out!"

"Damn food! They are just food!"

"Even if it's more powerful, it's just food!"

"Let these foods know who is the owner of this land!"


For a moment, these violent snowmen roared and rushed out of the cave with the roar of light and heavy machine guns!

"They are about to counterattack," Lin Fan said expressionlessly while holding the walkie-talkie: "Each output unit, pay attention to the connection of firepower, exchange ammunition, and do not leave any output gaps."

"Two groups, three groups, fire strike!"

"We must not let one go. Once one of these guys escapes, the people of a whole village will be eaten as prey!"

"Behind us are the people of Daxia!"

"Can't retreat, hold on! Destroy them all!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of soldiers suddenly stood up from the temporary fortifications, carrying huge rounds of R and PG, and pulled the triggers at the snow beasts that were charging against the torrent of steel.



Missiles rushed toward the snowmen with scorching flames.

The moment I came into contact with the snowman.


The terrifying explosion swept across instantly, and several snowmen were directly blown into pieces. Those metal fragments carried the terrifying explosion impact and easily tore apart each crazy snowman!

Hot fires continued to explode at the entrance of the cave. The snowmen who tried to rush out were swept away by the flames, and their white fur smelled of coke in the fire.

But these snowmen are still rushing out crazily!

Some snowmen even used huge rocks weighing several tons as shields to withstand the bullets and rush out.

as they burst out of the cave.


On the ground, fire suddenly appeared.

The minefields laid out earlier worked, and the snowmen who rushed out carrying boulders and bullets were blown into two pieces.

But these snowmen are still like crazy demons. More snowmen are carrying boulders with red eyes and rushing out with bullets, trying to walk through the minefield!

The snowman in front was blown up and swept to death, and the snowman behind immediately jumped on him!

Hundreds of meters inside and outside the cave entrance, hundreds of snowman corpses were stacked on top of each other. Their blood stained the ice and snow, and their white hair exuded a burnt smell.

But other snowmen are still rushing out!

Like white water gradually gushing out from the entrance of the cave, Lin Fan was a little surprised by the ferocity of these snowmen.

“You, it’s just, food!!!”

"Great food is just food!"

"We are the owners of this land!"

The snowmen were approaching step by step, but in the face of these roaring beasts and these powerful beings that they had never seen before, none of the soldiers beside Lin Fan took a step back!

"Are you kidding me! Come on!" A soldier carrying a machine gun and sweeping away didn't take a step back, his eyes widened, and he stretched his neck and shouted: "You beasts, how dare you say this is your land!"

"How dare you treat Daxia people as food!"

"I'll fuck your mother, I'll take a step back, I'll lose!"

"Has your blood ever flowed on this land! Today I want you beasts to know who the owner of this land is!"

"Brothers, kill for Daxia!"

"Hold on and hold on!"

Machine gun sweeps.

The beast is falling.

In fact, Lin Fan also knew that this battle had nothing to do with good or evil, good or evil.

This is the collision of two species, this is the battle between civilization and barbarism.

From the perspective of the food chain, these angry beasts that feed on humans are indeed superior to humans. Cannibalism is their nature.


Food also has the power of food!

Even food has the courage to fight back!

Daxia people will never kneel down, and they will never become pigs!

Just like gods, just like these terrifying man-eating beasts, Daxia only has bullets to greet them!

"You can't retreat!" Situ Lan looked at the snowmen who were charging closer and closer, and while sweeping across with a machine gun, he roared: "Even if they really come out and tear us apart, they can't retreat!"

"Behind us are the people of Daxia!"

"Even if you run out of bullets, hold on to me with a knife!"

"If you're afraid, just think about your parents being torn to pieces by these beasts, and your wives and children being swallowed by them. Is that what you want!"

Can't retreat!

Don't take a step back!

Behind them are the people of Daxia. As soldiers, they must not retreat even if they face these powerful and angry beasts they have never seen before!

In life, sometimes there are many opportunities to step back.

But sometimes, you can't back out!

All the soldiers, facing the snowmen rushing out like a tide, did not retreat even a step, like a monument, with only the machine guns in their hands roaring.


The white wave gradually stopped flowing out.

It seems that even the remaining snowmen know that even if they die, they will never let these food rush out!

"His grandma finally fought back."

"Damn, I thought they could really pounce on me."

"Now you know who is the owner of this land!"

The soldiers gasped and roared, taking advantage of this gap to immediately replace bullets and almost melted barrels.

Their hands were shaking slightly, and their legs were even weak.

No one can imagine the fear of facing a group of ferocious beasts rushing one after another, approaching step by step.

Soldiers are human and can be afraid.

But they never retreated even one step from beginning to end!

This is the collision of the wills of the two ethnic groups!

If a soldier took a step back just now, those snowmen would definitely try their best to rush out of the fire coverage area.

The cave entrance was four hundred meters in radius, and almost the entire platform was stained with blood, and the snowman's thick limbs with white fur were piled together.

Stepping on those corpses, Lin Fan walked towards the cave entrance step by step.

Looking at the pitch-black hole in front of him, Lin Fan heard countless nervous and suppressed gasps. There were at least a hundred snowmen alive inside.

"It's quite scary when food catches fire, isn't it?" Lin Fan said softly.

Lin Fan's voice echoed in the cave.

A brief moment of silence.

Suddenly, a deep and dull laughter came from the depths of the cave: "Weak food, thinking that it has some power, dares to compete with the hunter."

"Weak humans, you don't even have claws or sharp teeth."

"If you have the ability, you will always guard the entrance of the cave. We are not afraid of the severe cold, but how long can you, the weak, stay here? The humans you protect will eventually become our food in the future."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then frowned and said, "Why do you think Daxia will allow inhuman things like you to have a future?"

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