Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 972: Kill on the spot!

control center.

Countless heavy equipment has surrounded the low building, and countless soldiers with guns and ammunition have set up explosion shields.

These are elite troops from various families.

In terms of number, it even exceeds the troops deployed behind the last gate, preparing to stop the gods.


An armored vehicle roared in. When the door opened, General Mike jumped out. Behind him, Little John and Nicole followed with red eyes.

Little John and Nicole were not in good condition at this time. Their immature bodies were covered in wounds, many of which had been temporarily sutured.

After all, they had been relying on the Steel Gate to block the gods time and time again.

This had just been called by Mike urgently, and their clothes were still wet, dripping with scarlet seawater.

"Little John, Nicole."

General Mike looked at the sturdy low building and said solemnly: "The next step is up to you. Do you remember the structure inside?"

"Yeah." Little John nodded.

"Next, it's all up to you. Once the attack starts, you must rush to the control room immediately. Don't worry about other thugs along the way." General Mike ordered with a serious face: "Rush to the control room with all your strength, and then, the people inside Before people can react, control them and prevent anyone from manipulating the Steel Gate."

"And I will immediately rush in with a large force, destroy all the thugs, and follow you closely."

"As long as you can seize the control room and prevent anyone from entering or controlling it, then this battle will be over."

General Mike said this and warned: "Don't think it's easy. I know that with your strength, it does sound easy. But the time left for you may only be one second."

"Once you get close, those thugs will definitely shoot at you... I know that those guns can't hurt you, but as soon as the people inside hear the gunshots, they will immediately open the last door."

"If it really gets to that point, even if it's just a crack... everyone in this shelter will die."

"So, you must rush to the control room within one second before the thugs inside can react!"

General Mike said in a serious tone.

The risks involved are self-evident!

The life and death of everyone in the shelter depended on that second. They were all betting that Little John could rush directly into the control room at that second!

Jishihui really had no other choice, so it had to take risks.

You know, before this, even if those thugs opened 200 doors in a row, Jishihui had been trying to negotiate with those thugs.

Little John nodded seriously: "Uncle, I know."

"Don't worry, one second is enough!"

Little John clenched his fists, and behind him, the shadow of the miner suddenly appeared. Next to him, Nicole's eyes glowed white, and her cute little skirt moved automatically without any wind.

Two terrifying auras came out at this moment.

"I'm not worried about your strength. What I'm worried about is..." Mike stroked Little John's head and sighed: "Although you have been on the battlefield before, your opponents have always been gods."

"And this time, your opponent is the same human being as you."

"I'm worried that you will hesitate."

"Remember, never show mercy." Mike said in a complex tone: "The human heart is sometimes more terrifying than the gods. People never know what the same kind of people in front of them are thinking in their hearts."

"No matter what those thugs are shouting, don't pay attention. When facing the thugs who are blocking you, just run over! Just treat them as nothing!"

"Think of it as nothing..." Little John was slightly silent and nodded.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the fat man who he had blasted inch by inch, who he hated so much, who had taken away his parents and everything.

Treat them like nothing.

Repeating this sentence, a deep feeling of disgust surged out of the hearts of Little John and Nicole. This sentence was really like that fat man!

But now that the fat man is dead, they have started to act according to the fat man's values ​​and ideas!

At this moment, Little John looked at Mike and suddenly felt as if he no longer recognized this uncle.

"Little John, don't think too much. I am doing this to save more people." Mike sighed, "Only in this way can we save all the people hiding in the shelter from the rat-man organization."

"Yeah." Little John nodded. He also knew that what Uncle Mike said was true, so he just whispered: "Rat Man..."

He repeated the name softly, keeping the word in his heart, his childish voice full of anger and hatred.

Rat people!

It's all because of this inexplicable gangster organization that I have to regard human beings as my enemies!

The shelter plan proposed and led by Uncle Mike was finally realized. Originally, the shelters that the consortium uncles spent countless amounts of money to build would be the safest places. Originally, the uncles and aunts could live happily underground.

But, it was because of this organization that appeared out of nowhere.

In the shelter, riots would occur from time to time, each time accompanied by bloodshed.

Now, when all the warrior uncles are desperately resisting the gods, they sneak attack the control center and open 200 doors!

Little John could never forget the scene of those warrior uncles watching in astonishment as the passage opened, watching the steel gates that originally protected them open, and watching the gods and countless sea beasts pounce on them.

Mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

Blood dyed the sea water red!

And all of this is given by the organization called "Rat Man"!

"Rat Man..." Little John clenched his fists, his whole body trembling uncontrollably: "Uncle, don't worry, the thugs of this organization... I will not show any mercy to them."

"I heard from the uncle of the consortium that there is a person behind this rat-man organization that provides them with weapons and equipment..."

"Check it for me."

"I will uproot this organization, I will kill that person, and I will avenge those uncles who died in the passage!"

Little John's eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

He has nothing but hatred for that rat-man organization and the people behind that rat-man!

General Mike smiled and nodded: "Don't worry. I will help you find the person after the rat man. When the time comes, you can do whatever you want with him."

But his heart was extremely complicated.

In Little John's opinion, this rat man is a downright bad guy.

Mainly because Mike never mentioned this to him, nor told him what he was doing now.

Because Little John's every move now attracts the attention of the Jishi Association, some consortium families will even visit Little John from time to time, play with him, and take the opportunity to promote the ideas of the Jishi Association.

Under the propaganda of those people, Little John deeply believed that the shelter plan was a helpless but best choice. He also believed that the families of the Jishi Society were sincerely doing the best for the people here.

In any case, Little John is still a child and is not very mature. Mike did not dare to tell Little John what he and Mu Wanxia did. He was afraid that Little John would not understand, and he was also afraid that Little John would spill the beans, and even more afraid that Little John would not understand. Little John couldn't control it and directly confronted the consortium.

After all, although Little John is powerful, no matter how powerful a child is, he cannot maintain the operation of the shelter. Only those consortium families can maintain the operation of the shelter and provide food, energy, water, steel, etc. to 100 million people. supplies.

It’s a fact that has to be acknowledged, today’s shelters need these family consortiums.

Therefore, Little John did not know the truth about the Mouse Man organization, nor did he know the contradiction between the Jishi Society and the people in the shelter. As a popular figure, under the propaganda of the consortium, he believed that those consortiums truly cared for the people.

"Okay, Little John, get ready here and wait for my order." General Mike said.

Paul on the side brought the walkie-talkie to General Mike's mouth, and General Mike said solemnly: "All soldiers, plus my security team, prepare!"

"Attack formation! No need to advance with explosion-proof shields, no heavy weapons, just pick up the charge and prepare in formation!"

"Listen to my orders and be ready to attack at any time!"

"Use the fastest time to completely clear out the thugs inside! Even if you die, you will die on the way to the charge!"

"Kill all thugs on the spot!"

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