Please note that this is a silent space of nothingness. The silent space is a mysterious super world. This world hides the secrets that both the Heavenly Dao Hongjun and the Great Burning King want to know.

Please note again that this deepest secret is related to the huge destiny of the entire mythical world, and is also related to a super secret left by the dragon clan in the prehistory of the mythical world (more advanced in the prehistoric period). And this big secret The key to unlocking it is the Dragon Sword in your hand.

Knew it.

Daozu Bo Qing nodded slightly in his heart.

This incident was exactly as he expected.

The last time in the Dragon Palace, he realized the realm of quasi-heaven, and also allowed his thirteen-clawed crape myrtle and all-elements star dragon to mutate, thus possessing the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Moreover, that mysterious Dragon Palace is not a product of the entire mythical world.

In fact, even the materials for forging the Dragon Sword are not products of this mythical world.

This fact actually made him start to doubt a lot of things.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the contents of the Dragon Sword and Dragon Palace, as well as the first two Enlightenment Star Stones obtained, are all things left by the ancient dragon clan.

This proves that the Dragon Clan had already begun to lay out all of this many years ago.

In particular, the ownerless dragon origin was the thing that promoted him to a quasi-heavenly existence.

It exists in the Enlightenment Star Stone.

This is from the side, no, it can even be said to be directly expressed. This Enlightenment Star Stone should be a promotion origin specially laid out by the ancient dragon clan and left behind.

Otherwise, why would there be a masterless dragon origin?

No owner, no owner.

Doesn’t this mean that this thing was originally waiting for future generations to come and absorb it?


From this incident, it can be seen that the ancient dragon clan had already done some preventive work before their mysterious death.

Coupled with the existence of the Dragon Sword, this made Daozu Baoqing prove this point.

So, when he tried the Dragon Sword to split the starry sky this time, he was thinking about it.

Is this another secret left behind by the Dragon Clan?

And the fact was exactly as he guessed.

Hey, that's interesting.

Wutian Buddha and Jiutian Xuannv looked at Daozu Boqing who seemed to be stunned, with doubts on their faces.

When you encounter this kind of space, you are not afraid? !

They suddenly became curious about Daozu Boqing.

Then, I heard Daozu Aoqing say: There are some secrets hidden here. These secrets are super secrets that both Burning Heavenly King and Tiandao Hongjun want to fight for.

With a sneer, he held the Dragon Sword and immediately jumped into the endless darkness!

Seeing this scene, the two of them were so frightened that they even thought that they would never see Daozu Daoqing again in the next moment.

Because the shock and terror this mysterious dark space brought to them was enough to make them fear deep in their hearts.

You must know that they themselves are the most powerful quasi-Tiandao experts below the Heavenly Dao.

Even the quasi-Tiandao experts are afraid of this dark space in front of them. So how terrifying should this mysterious place be? !

However, the next moment, their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

Because, just after Ao Qing jumped into this dark space, not only did he not disappear, but the Dragon Sword in his hand burst out with a soft purple light, completely covering him.

And as these purple lights emerged, some scenes in the dark void also appeared before their eyes.

Suddenly, they were even more horrified!

I saw a giant door suddenly appearing in this endless darkness.

I don’t know how high this giant gate is. Anyway, it is absolutely as far as the eye can see. It is as tall as the sky. No, even the word sky cannot describe the height of this huge gate.

It's really too high, too high.

The doorposts on both sides were also very far apart, and even they could only see a little bit under the purple light.

What exactly is this place?

In the silent darkness, there was such a mysterious giant door, which really shocked them.

At this moment, Daozu Yaoqing shouted to the two people who were still stunned: What are you doing still standing there? Come in quickly!

After the words fell, the two of them came back to their senses.

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