And this woman, even her Lu Zhi, can only be her Lu Zhi! So not only can she not be stage fright, she even has to take the initiative to guide the atmosphere on the stage! Although she has not yet been exposed to this aspect, it seems that she is born to do this... .

When she was in Pei County, the squires and celebrities of An Xie were no match for her.

And now this Juxian Hall is nothing more than... a gathering of the best people in the country.

But, that's all.

"Husband, I will definitely be chosen."

A confident and proud smile appeared on Lu Zhi's slightly immature face, but her clenched jade hand showed her nervousness.

There was a moist feeling in the small hand held by Fang Tianfeng.

She was sweating nervously.

Although she never felt that she was inferior to others, she was a woman after all.

The education she received from an early age made it difficult for her to get rid of the 'common sense' of 'women are inferior to men', and she was afraid that she would lose the election and thus lose Fang Tianfeng's favor.

Even if she did feel that she was stronger than most of the people present.

But, being a woman haunts her like a curse.

"Pheasant, I want to teach you a word."

Fang Tianfeng held the girl's jade hand tightly, facing the girl's firm but slightly twinkling eyes, and said with a light smile, "You are as gorgeous as summer flowers.

I'm not necessarily humble as dust."

The girl's heart trembled slightly, her long eyelashes trembled, and there were even faint tears in her eyes.

"I have a little confidence in myself, and I also have a little confidence in your husband."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head helplessly, this way is still a little too fragile, "I said you can do it, you can do it!"

Fang Tianfeng's determined expression even infected the two girls around him, and they were also full of confidence.

7 Or rather, they have always been so confident.

Not to themselves, but to the other person, Tianfeng, who belongs to their husband.

"You are as gorgeous as summer flowers.

I'm not necessarily humble as dust."

Xiang Liang had been paying attention to this side at first, but he suddenly heard the verse from Fang Tianfeng's mouth.

For a while, he couldn't help but murmured, and even clapped his hands excitedly, "What a poem! What a poem!"

Fang Tianfeng turned his head slightly and curled his lips, of course it was a good poem, otherwise he copied it and pretended to do something not only... he wanted to plagiarize, but also to be passed down through the ages.

He has given up now. Whoever wants to follow the destiny of immortals must go against the sky! Although he is not a cultivator, he is still half a cultivator.

If that's the case, then there are so many things Daqin can destroy in this destiny, but not in the hands of Xiang Yu, nor in the hands of the rogue Liu Bang! Even if it is to be destroyed, it must be destroyed by Fang Tianfeng himself hand!

Chapter 0179 Fusu?understand people! (please subscribe)

Chapter 017 ━━━━━━━━Fusu understands people! Although the Juxian Hall is recruiting heroes from all over the world, there is a time limit for recruiting people on the first day.

Because the first group of people needed to hold a meeting for them.

Therefore, there are not many people who came today, most of them came to hold a meeting on behalf of the nobles behind them or others.

Then observe to see if Young Master Fusu is a worthy partner.

"The auspicious time has come, I respectfully invite your son to help Su!"

The nobles from the Six Kingdoms and Qian Shou sat in the courtyard, turning their heads to look at the lobby almost at the same time, waiting eagerly.

Unfortunately, Fusu did not come out of the lobby.

So some people looked to the door, but no one came.

Only a few guards stood at the door, and no one else was allowed in.

Because, Fusu had been sitting with Qian Shou in the first place.

No one would have guessed that Fusu would actually sit on the seat of the leader of Qian, because in their eyes, even if Fusu was willing to condescend, he should be sitting on the seat of the nobles.

But he also had to admit that he died in this way.

If sitting on the seat of the nobles, the original nobles would not be grateful to Dade, but would be a little surprised.

But Qianshou is different, because Qianshou is only a commoner, a person at the bottom of the society.

Young Master Fusu condescending to sit with them, it is a great honor for them! It can be said that just this sitting can easily gather these people's hearts.......

Nobles will not be bought so easily, because nobility is much stronger than Qianzhao, and the point of view of things is much higher.

Therefore, for them, formalism is false, and only interests are the most real.

If Fusu can give them enough benefits, it doesn't matter if they don't respect them at all.

"You heroes."

Fusu stood up slowly, with a gentle and humble smile on his face, "Thank you all for coming to my small Juxian Hall today, Fusu is polite."

"Young Master is so honorable, why are you sitting in the audience! At that time, one person stood up and looked at the Young Master in surprise and doubts.

"Like everyone else, I am also a member of Juxiantang.

In this hall of merit, there is no distinction between you and you, so why should you care about the stage?"

"Fusu is not good at function words, so he will directly open the case"

Fusu walked to the front center, still with a gentle smile on his face, "The purpose of this conference is to attract talents from all over the world.

For a certain strategy of the country, for the welfare of the world's leader.

Many of you present are talents from the former Six Nations.

The grievances and grievances between the Six Nations and my Daqin cannot be resolved with just a few words from Fusu."

"But Fusu is willing to be honest with you from today, to eliminate barriers, and I hope you can show your talents regardless of the past.

And I, Da Qin, will disregard the past and treat you all equally."

Fusu is indeed direct enough, and from the very beginning, he puts things on the table and talks about them.

It seems to be told to everyone, but in fact it is... for the former nobles of the Six Nations.

In fact, people in this era still value the nobility, and Qianshou is more of a foil.

Although there are many people in Qianshou, no one thinks they can do anything.

"It seems that the rumors are true."

Xiang Liang shook his head slightly, turned his head to look at Xiang Yu and said, "This young master Fusu is generous and humble, and has an open mind. He is indeed the talent of an emperor."

Xiang Liang is actually teaching Xiang Yu to help Su again... The emperor's talent is also from Da Qin, and he is the enemy of Chu State.

This is naturally not a good thing for them, so Xiang Liang hopes that Xiang Yu can do the same in the future.

Xiang Yu is good at everything, and martial arts can be regarded as a must. There are few opponents in the world, but... he has a bad temper and is too impulsive.

Such a person can be called a king but not a king.

Xiang Liang is also very aware of Xiang Yu's weaknesses, but he thinks that Xiang Yu is still young and there is still time for him to improve slowly.

"Uncle said yes."

Xiang Yu also had some admiration in his eyes, and said with admiration, "To help Su Gui as a son, but being able to be so approachable, compared with his tyrannical father and emperor, is really different."

As he spoke, Xiang Yu suddenly changed the subject and sneered, "However, although he does not shy away from the dissatisfaction of the children of the Six Nations against Da Qin, it is impossible to resolve this grievance in a few words so easily.

The grievances of annihilating the country and the family, especially Zhao Li, are so easy to resolve."

"I don't think it's impossible."

Xiang Liang shook his head slightly, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes, Xiang Yu finally learned to use his brain to think about problems, "Gun Yu managed the flood, and Gun blocked the flood, but it made the flood worse and eventually lost his life.

And the Great Yu controlled the flood, and the best way to go is to divert it and bring blessings to the world.

The first emperor's oppression of the six kingdoms is too ruthless, if it is not channeled sooner or later, it will break the embankment and destroy the foundation of Da Qin."

"And this son Fusu is a sensible man, but,"

Xiang Liang said, but suddenly laughed, "Da Yu's control of the flood has been three times without entering his house. It took him 13 years to do it, but it is by no means easy for him to do it."

Chapter 180 Talent! (please subscribe)

Chapter 180 ━━━━━━━━ Ability! Please subscribe In fact, Fang Tianfeng is very satisfied with Fusu's actions today.

It can be said that he did a good job in his attitude towards the nobles of the Six Nations, and the Huairou policy was very successful.

Even though these nobles knew that Fu Su was doing it on purpose, they couldn't refuse the feeling of spring breeze that he gave off.

Even though he knew that Fusu was only doing this to subdue them, he still couldn't help jumping into the pit.

This belongs to Fusu's personality charm. It can be said that such a person is very suitable to be a good emperor.

Because of his charisma, many capable people are willing to follow him, and they can support a country.

In fact, the first day of Juxiantang was not much.

Fusu opened up for everyone for a while, then drew a big cake, and attracted a group of people to impress a group of people.

In fact, although the people in the 720 sons of this courtyard have come in, it does not mean that each of them can be elected to the Hall of Elections.

The Hall of Elegance and the Hall of Eminence are all about talents, and naturally not everyone can step in.

The reason why all of them were allowed to enter the yard was to make up the number of people and to give the Qian leaders a chance.

But entering the courtyard does not mean that you can enter the Juxian Hall, because at the beginning, it was only registered.

Next, they need to register their talents.

This talent is not a specific aspect, in fact, even just being able to read and write is a kind of talent, but this is not enough to make people enter the hall of excellence.

Because if you want to join Juxian Hall, it is not enough to be literate.

It's not enough to read dead books, at least you have to write a poem and an article.

Counting......talents are very scarce in this era, and the conditions for selecting talents are actually...Extended from the six arts of the gentleman, etiquette, music, archery, imperialism, writing, and counting.

As long as you understand one of these lines, it is enough to make people enter the Hall of Juxian.

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