The girl squatted in the yard, looking at the bright and beautiful flowers in front of her, with a hint of loneliness on her delicate and pretty face, "I don't know if my sister has found her husband."

According to the time, Lu Zhi has already set off for more than half a month.

Although it is thousands of miles away from Xianyang to Peixian, if it is Maxima, it will be there in one day.

And if it's a horse-drawn carriage, it's not a big deal to travel a hundred miles a day.

Therefore, Lu Zhi must have arrived at this time.

Lu Su was wearing a blue dress, raised his head slightly, and saw a full moon above his head.

It's a pity that the Qin Dynasty did not have the concept of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Because the Mid-Autumn Festival began in the Tang Dynasty and prevailed in the Song Dynasty, as for the Qin Dynasty, huh, at most, sacrifice to the moon.

Anyway, it should be regarded as worshiping God, after all, on such a big moon, foolish people will always regard it as a god.

Fang Tianfeng had already returned, and he also saw the girl in the courtyard, but he did not immediately.

He went to the girl, landed quietly, and then walked slowly behind the girl, without making any movement.

Because he wanted to surprise her.

"Come back, don't come back, come back..."

The girl squatted down again, and picked the small flowers with her slender hands, and then plucked off the petals one by one.

At the end of the picking, only three petals remained, "Come back."

It was not the first time that the girl's eyes drooped slightly.

It's the same result many times, and every time it doesn't come back.

She couldn't believe the result and kept on: deceiving herself and doing this too much.

However, she was really scared, the fear was real, and she would not come back.

Until a long and narrow shadow fell in front of her, blocking the light.


Lu Su turned her head in alarm and subconsciously wanted to call the guards for help.

However, the next moment, the girl froze in place.

0 Little hands tightly covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying, but tears had already flowed down her cheeks.

"Am I dreaming!"

"of course not."

Fang Tianfeng felt pity in his heart, stepped forward and hugged the girl.

He already felt guilty, but seeing Lu Su like this at this time was even more distressing.

"Husband, you are finally back."

Feeling the familiar and warm embrace of her sweetheart, Lu Su burst into tears and hugged Fang Tianfeng with her backhand.

In an instant, Fang Tianfeng's shirt was wet with tears.

................"I am back."

Fang Tianfeng stretched out his hand and patted the girl's pink back, just a sentence, but it made the girl cry even more.

The soft and bright moonlight shines in the courtyard, illuminating the pair of lovers who have reunited after a long absence.

Perhaps, even the gods don't want to disturb this pair of people.

In the silent night sky, only the girl's low sobbing voice was particularly clear.

"That's right, husband."

Lu Su's eyes were red, but she seemed to remember something, she raised her head quickly and said, "Husband, my sister and father have gone to Xianyang to find you."

Lu Su and Lu Zhi were undoubtedly sisters, and they had already slept.

Lu Zhi still told Fang Tianfeng to send someone to pick up Lu Su as soon as possible, but when he arrived at Pei County, Lu Su was still worried that Lu Zhi would not be able to meet him smoothly when he went to Xianyang.

"Don't worry, I have already seen the pheasant."

Fang Tianfeng felt pity, licked the tears from the girl's cheeks gently, and said softly, "This time, I'm here to pick you up."

"At that time, you and Zhi'er will both live in Xianyang and will never be separated from each other."

"Well, we won't be separated, definitely not separated."

Chapter 202 Gao Lan's Daily Life! (please subscribe)

Chapter 202 ━━━━━━━━ The daily life of Gao Lan! What should I do if the men and women who have reunited after a long absence can't suppress the longing in their hearts?

And if there is someone, they will find that the room is full of traces of the two people fighting.

The girl's long eyelashes trembled, and a teardrop slowly fell.

Opening her eyes, she found that Fang Tianfeng was still holding her on the bed quietly.

Apparently, she was not dreaming last night.


The girl stretched out her jade hand and slowly said "seven two, two seven"

Touching his sweetheart's cheek, he still couldn't believe it was all true.

The two are going to take a shower first.

Taking a bath is not an ordinary place, but a swimming pool dug out by Fang Tianfeng himself.

Lu Mansion is not big, but it is not small.

And even a small Lu Mansion is still divided into a front yard and a back yard.

No doubt, the same as the palace.

Men can only live in the front yard, and women live in the back yard.

The swimming pool was also dug by Fang Tianfeng to enjoy it.

The perimeter and floor of the swimming pool are made of parts of his body.

But there is no way, who made the ancients have no tiles.

If you dig a hole casually, the soil next to it will make the water in it turbid, and there is no way to take a bath, not to mention Fang Tianfeng who has to teach the Lu sisters to cook in it.

"Biography of Lu Su."

Gao Lan looked at the information on the webpage with an expression of wanting to complain but didn't know where to start. It was obvious that the information above was so real, but why did she want to complain? Where to rant.

Not only the biography of Lu Su, but also the information of Lu Zhi, she also has a desire to complain.

It is clearly written in the biography that Lu Su and a pair of sisters are the creators of papermaking and printing.

It can be said that the Great Celestial Dynasty has developed to the present, and the two of them have made great contributions.

It can be said that they are...modern pride and a powerful weapon for feminists.

However, it is... this pair of adored sisters, actually two daughters serve a husband together! Because when the sisters were young, Duke Lu brought them to Pei County because they couldn't get along in Shan County.

However, this road was not peaceful, and as a result, we encountered bandits and robbed.

And then, being a hero is beautiful.

And it is said that this episode was also cited as a beautiful talk in the historical records.

However, the ancient women were too casual. "They were only rescued once, and both sisters were married to each other."

Gao Lan looked at the information from Baidu with a gloomy face, and shook his head gently, he didn't know where to start.

Because according to the concept of modern people, this so-called hero saves beauty, it is also possible that the bandit and the man have negotiated.

Gao Lan has never been stingy to try to figure out other people, especially men, with the greatest malice.

Just like Fang Tianfeng, she had always suspected that Fang Tianfeng would sneak out to find a wild woman because she was not being punished by others... But it turned out that she didn't.

But really speaking, Gao Lan felt that she quite admired these two sisters.

The "Historical Records" is divided into five parts: the chronicle, the table, the book, the family, and the biography.

Among them, this chronicle and biography are the main body.

It takes the emperors and other political central figures in history as the main line of history books, and the division of labor in various styles is clear.

Among them, "Benji"

, "Family"

, "Biography"

The three parts, which account for most of the book's length, focus on writing characters to record history.

And the Lu Zhi sisters are recorded in the biographies.

Moreover, they are also the only two women in the entire biography who have been biography independently! It is not that there are no women in the historical records, but these women are all supporting roles, but the protagonists who can be biography alone are only these two! Gao Lan In fact, I quite admire them, after all, they are the spiritual representatives of women.

It is also their existence that proves that women do not allow men to exist, not a sentence that women do not 4.

6 Gan's self-comforting joke! To be honest, Gao Lan felt that he should have a feeling of blood boiling when he watched the lives of these two people.

But in fact, she didn't. Instead, she had a strong desire to complain, and even had some resentment in it! But why would she have resentment for two women who died more than [-] years ago! "Ah! Forget it. , I don't want to think about it."

Gao Lan grabbed her hair and gave up, then threw herself on the bed and fell asleep, "Fang Tianfeng! You bastard left me and ran away by yourself!"

Chapter 0203 ━━━━━━━━High Lan's perspective! (please subscribe)

Chapter 020 ━━━━━━━━Gao Lan's perspective! Please subscribe Lu Su fell asleep again, or in other words, passed out.

In order to make up for her, Fang Tianfeng carried the girl to the swimming pool in the early morning and did it once, and again in the swimming pool.

Then do it again after breakfast.

Before I knew it, it was already noon.

There were still tears in the corner of the girl's eyes, so Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to help her clean up and carry her to the bed to let her take a good nap.

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