Otherwise, in the eyes, it will be fatal.

But you can't keep pets because of allergies, so let's see if other cats, dogs or birds can be raised well.

There is always someone who is not allergic, Xiaoyue is happy, carrying a little rabbit, a happy smile on her pretty face.

However, the wealth is not revealed.

Fang Tianfeng spoke very loudly, and also made passersby beside him look envious. This is the son of a rich family.

However, there are those who are envious, there are those who are jealous, and there are even those who have evil thoughts and greed.

Then, Fang Tianfeng was touched.

When someone saw that he was so generous, he was about to buy all the pets of the vendor and was shocked.

Ten 10 copper coins for a rabbit is equivalent to a person's wages for a day.

And if you want all of them, then you have thousands of dollars.

Chapter 205 The Lesson of Blood! (please subscribe)

Chapter 205 ━━━━━━━━ Lessons of blood! Please subscribe "Oops! My jar! Lose money! Must lose money!"

It's not that I haven't heard of this kind of thing, but I've never encountered it.

Fang Tianfeng watched with interest the local ruffian who came from the opposite street with a jar in his hand, and then fell to the ground without even touching it and smashed his jar.

But Xiaoyue was a little frightened, she was too kind and even thought that it was because of her that the other party broke the jar.

Touching porcelain is a technical job.

First of all, you can't touch the poor, because the poor can't afford to pay for nothing.

Even if you are blackmailing, it is a waste of money, maybe if you meet a ruthless person, you will directly bite your teeth and die with you.

Also, don't touch the rich, especially the aristocrats.

Because for the nobles, killing someone is as easy as drinking water, no shit.

And if you are a very rich rich person, you will lose some money at most if you kill someone.

Therefore, if you don't want to die, you must not touch the nobles.

The most ideal object to touch porcelain is the middle class.

Or 730 is a young man, especially a young man with men and women.

Because I don't want to spend it with you, I will probably spend money on it.

However, the young man may also be an iron plate, and if he encounters it, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

"losing money"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the rogue-like man squatting on the ground, his heart didn't fluctuate and he even wanted to laugh, "How much do you want?"

"How many..."

The ruffian Liu was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, "One hundred, no, one thousand dollars! It's not enough to lose one child!"

There is also this kind of good thing. When I touched porcelain before, it was all about how much the other party brought with me...how much I wanted to give...but now I meet a big rich man, and he actually asked him to report the number himself! I was overjoyed, but suddenly felt A dark shadow appeared in front of him, and his smile suddenly stiffened.

When he looked back, he found a burly man standing behind him! "Take him away and execute him Ling Chi, a thousand knives, not even a single knife."

Fang Tianfeng sneered again and again, I'm afraid I'm not crazy because of money. I don't think I can touch anyone's porcelain. I don't have any eyesight. Even if I die, I deserve it.

"Yes, my lord."

The big man said respectfully, and then like an eagle catching a chicken, the back of Liu's neck was lifted up.

Just wanted to leave, but was embarrassed to forgive Raotou.

"Sir, that..., what is Ling Chi?"

Lingchi first appeared in the Five Dynasties period, and now it is in the Qin Dynasty, so early that it has not yet been invented.

And today's torture is nothing more than that.

"Think for yourself."

Fang Tianfeng ignored him and left with Xiaoyue's little hand.

This kind of thing is so bloody, how could it be so clear in front of Xiaoyue, and he said it clearly enough, a thousand knives, is it still unclear? Not in the mood anymore.

Fang Tianfeng originally wanted to send Xiaoyue back to the palace, and then went to Pei County to find Lu Su.

But I don't know why, looking at the girl's eyes looking forward to love, and the pretty face exactly like Gao Lan, Fang Tianfeng just couldn't be ruthless.

Obviously not abandoning his wife, just sending Xiaoyue back to the palace, but he still can't help feeling guilty.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng suddenly thought about why he couldn't take Xiaoyue to Pei County. Even if he took one person, his speed would not be slow. He could definitely reach Pei County in half an hour, and there would be no danger to his life.

But the problem is, how to explain to Xiaoyue that this matter is thousands of miles away, it only takes half an hour to arrive, who will believe it! Therefore, Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to take a 1 chocolate bean... elixir, and then tricked Xiaoyue into eating it.

"Little Moon,"

Fang Tianfeng took Xiaoyue back to the courtyard and put his hands on the girl's fragrant shoulders, "Do you want to go to Pei County with me?"


Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, and after a brief pondering, she came to understand, "Does your husband want to pick up Sister Lu Su?"


Fang Tianfeng nodded. After all, it was not a long-term plan for Lu Su to stay in Pei County alone, and he would definitely be sent to Xianyang.

"However, Xianyang is thousands of miles away from Pei County. If you bring Xiaoyue, it will drag your husband down."

Xiaoyue had a guilty look on her face. Even though she had done nothing wrong, she still had an expression of begging for forgiveness for doing something wrong, which was really distressing.

And what she feels guilty about is because Fang Tianfeng wants to take her to Peixian County, which may delay time on the way.

After all, the sooner you receive Lu Su, the better, and things will change later.

"Don't worry, the Immortal has given me a magic weapon, even if it is a thousand miles away, it will only take two quarters of an hour to reach it."

Fang Tianfeng has a proud look on his face, high-tech is... awesome, "However, if you want to use this magic weapon, you must eat the elixir specially made by immortals."

Everything has to be pushed to the elixir, and then the fake will become the real.

Otherwise, some things may be very difficult to explain.

Fang Tianfeng thought about it, and suddenly turned the palm of his hand, and a chocolate-flavored elixir appeared in the palm of his hand.

"I eat."

Xiaoyue nodded, and her little hand grabbed the elixir and stuffed it directly into her mouth.

However, it didn't bite.

She didn't know how to eat the elixir, thinking it was in it, or she was going to swallow it.

Not to mention, the elixir is quite delicious.

Chapter 0206 Dream! (please subscribe)

Chapter 020 ━━━━━━━━ Dream! Please subscribe to "Husband!"

Lu Su woke up from her sleep and saw that the empty pillow suddenly became: anxious and afraid, afraid that everything before was just a dream.

The room has been tidied up, not as messy as before.

The traces of her battle with Fang Tianfeng have all disappeared, as if nothing happened before.

However, there is one more person.

A girl, a very beautiful girl, a girl in a blue silk dress.

"Sister, you are awake."

Xiaoyue turned around, looking at the girl who was half-sitting on the bed and couldn't help showing a happy smile, "Husband just went out, do you want me to call him in?"

"You are"

Lu Su looked at Xiaoyue suspiciously, she had never seen this girl before.

Most of the servants in the Lu House are mainly girls, but there are not many servants in the Lu House.

Even the most maids were only a dozen or so.

However, she had seen all these ten people, but she had never seen Xiaoyue.

"My name is Xiaoyue, I'm from Xianyang."

Xiaoyue picked up the clothes that she had packed on the ground and slowly walked to the bedside, "Sister, let me serve you and dress."

Lu Su's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, because these....clothes are...that she had thrown away when she and Fang Tianfeng were fighting, and they were scattered in every corner of the room.

But now, it is being held in the hands of an unknown girl.

Gao Lan was going crazy. Although it was a dream, the self in the dream was too stupid and sweet! Moreover, he actually witnessed an ancient porcelain touch! A porcelain jar can be regarded as a bloodbath.

It's different from the touch of the white wolf with empty gloves who...

Gao Lan even doubted whether this might be the ancestor of the porcelain world.

Of course, the fate of this ancestor was tragic, he was ordered by Fang Tianfeng to give Ling Chi.

In fact, Gao Lan was also very satisfied, and he couldn't find Zaofang Tianfeng who was all over the world.

On the contrary, in a dream, as soon as he fell asleep, he would dream of Fang Tianfeng.

Well, although there is a different girl lying in Fangtian every time I dream, as long as I can see him, I can barely make Gao Lan accept it.

At least, she met again, didn't she, and he was very close to her, in her dreams, as if he had never left.

But this is not the most important thing, it's still the one in the dream... silly and sweet self! It's obviously my own first, why every time I meet a different girl, I call my sister as soon as I meet. Logically speaking, you are my sister. Gao Lan is really going to explode. Would she be the one who calls her sister when she sees someone like this? Even if Fang Tianfeng really wants to open a harem, then Gao Lan must be the lord of the harem! Unless, there is really someone more than her. Appropriate! For example, Princess Yushu, and Princess Huayang won Yuanman.

Gao Lan was suddenly discouraged, why is there such a girl in this world who is not only beautiful, but also has a special temperament, which is incomparable at all.

If it was them, Gao Lan felt that she might not even have the courage to fight. But, even so, she didn't want to see a girl and called her sister! That... The self called Xiaoyue, you have to fight for your own status. Ah! Don't give her this face to be ashamed of! In case they meet in the future, how can Gao Lan face other people with the same face as Xiaoyue? Should she be obediently called her sister? However, there is still something to be thankful for thing.

For example, that...with such a temperament that she couldn't help but envy and envy the princess Huayang who thought she was inferior to Ying Yuanman, the daughter of Fang Tianfeng.

Whether it's biological or not, anyway... it's that bastard's daughter.

And she is Ying Yuanman's stepmother! Well, that's great.

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