So, why can't you follow history? Since Zhao Gao was destined to destroy the Qin Dynasty in history, why can't you follow the sky and make tributes?

This time is... a small tribute once a year, and magistrates from all over the world will come.

And Duke Lu is also known as "Seven-Three-Seven"

That's why I came to Xianyang, in fact... to pay tribute.

However, ordinary small magistrates generally did not have the opportunity to see the first emperor.

Unless it's a ten-year tribute, these... County magistrates will have a chance to see the beauty of the sky.

So, basically, once the gift is handed in, it is registered and you can leave.

Just like Duke Lu, he has already left for Pei County.

And this Zhao Gao was... Gao Yao found it on the tribute list.

Gao Yao himself, as the general manager, is also responsible for these......, so when he was checking these, he found this Zhao Gao.

Shan County magistrate, Zhao Gao.

"Old Gao,"

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the excited Gao Yao, gritted his teeth, and warned, "Think about it clearly, this Zhao Gao, he will be a sinner who will bring harm to the country and the people in the future! Do we really, really want to talk to him... ."

Do you really want to join forces? Yi Xiaochuan hesitated, even if Qin Chao was destined to be destroyed by Zhao Gao.

But he also doesn't want to join forces with Zhao Gao, because it is very likely that he will stink forever.

Just like Li Si, who originally assisted Qin Shi Huang and made great contributions to the establishment of the Qin Dynasty.

Although the division of labor between civil servants and military generals is different, in fact, his credit will never be smaller than Meng Tian.

However, history is ruthless.

It records the tragic and solemnity of Meng Tian, ​​and also falsifies the legacy of the edict for thousands of years.

If they go all the way with Zhao Gao, will they end up with Li? You have to know that Li Si is not only infamous for thousands of years, but even killed by Gao Yao, or the kind that kills the whole family...! "But don't you say that he will dominate the government and the opposition? "

Gao Yao looked at Yi Xiaochuan, his tone was weak, and his mood suddenly became excited: "Do you remember why we ended up where we are today, why did you go to rely on Meng's family to pretend to be Meng Yi, and why did I become an eunuch? "

"It's because we have no money! We have no power or power, and now a person who is destined to be powerful and even powerful in the future, why can't we rely on him?"

"Old Gao, you have really changed."

Yi Xiaochuan lowered his head, making it difficult to see his expression and what he was thinking.

"I haven't changed!"

He retorted loudly, then quickly lowered his voice, forcibly calmed his mind, and reached out to take off the eunuch's hat on his head, "This hat makes me uncomfortable.

Xiaochuan, I haven't changed, but I think you have changed.

You become: very powerful, do you know what I mean? You keep saying that we don’t want money or power, so how can we live?”

"You have the Meng family as your backing, what about me? I am a eunuch. In this huge country, there is no one who can be relied on, or even one who can tell!"

"Don't do this, Mr. Gao."

Gao Yao's crazy appearance made Yi Xiaochuan a little uncomfortable, biting his lip, and when he gritted his teeth, Yi Xiaochuan slowly raised his head, "Okay! Everything has to listen to me.

We want to take advantage of Zhao Gao's power to catch this group of rides, but we can't follow him to sink the ship."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Gao Yao was overjoyed, he suddenly hugged Yi Xiaochuan excitedly, and patted Yi Xiaochuan on the shoulder, "We are friends and the only confidant in this era.

You are so smart, I don't want to listen to you, who else can I listen to, I will do what you want me to do."

"Don't rush."

Yi Xiaochuan shook his head and asked, "Have you ever been in contact with that... Zhao Gao?"

"Have been in touch."

Gao nodded, but frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "However, this Zhao Gao, he seems to be stuttering."


Yi Xiaochuan was slightly taken aback, how could Zhao Gao be a stutter? I've never heard of a stutterer! It's a mistake! "I think I may have made a mistake, but I managed to seize the opportunity, and I can't. Let the opportunity slip away like this 4.


Gao Yao spread his hands and said helplessly, "Besides, I have already brought this Zhao Gao to see the commander of the Chefu."

"What did you take him to see the order of the Chefu?"

Yi Xiaochuan's expression changed, his hands resting on Gaoyao's shoulders, his expression inconceivable.

What is the chefu order? The chafu order is... the emperor's most trusted eunuch. Although his position is not high, sometimes even the prime minister will curry favor with him! And in order to curry favor with Zhao Feng, Gao Yao even gave a basis that he could prolong his life by ten years. thousand-year-old ginseng.

Originally, this thousand-year-old ginseng should have fallen into Gao Yao's pocket.

: The protagonist of the old book, Halo, asks for support.

Chapter 228 Control! (please subscribe)

Chapter 228 ━━━━━━━━ Control! Please subscribe to "Your Majesty."

Zhao Feng respectfully knelt on the ground with both hands holding up the box in his hands, "This is a thousand-year-old ginseng given to the minister by Director Gao with Shanxian magistrate Zhao Gao. place.

Every 100 years, [-] animals grow one inch, and each inch can prolong their life by one year.

This old ginseng is nearly ten inches long, has a thousand-year lifespan, and can extend its lifespan by ten years.”

Saying that, Zhao Feng added, "Although this old ginseng can prolong life, but because the medicinal effect is too strong, it is too much.

If you take too much at one time, you may die due to lack of qi and blood.

Therefore, it needs to be divided into ninety-nine-eighty-one points and served for eighty-one days in a row, and you can prolong your life by ten years."

"That's really good stuff."

Fang Tianfeng chuckled lightly, but he didn't care at all.

Zhao Feng still knows how to be a human being. When he got this kind of treasure, he didn't take it or hide it, but sent it directly to him.

Moreover, it also explained the ins and outs of this thing in a clean way. 04.

Gao Yao was sold without hesitation.

You know, the two of them have only been married for a long time.

In fact, the temptation to prolong life by ten years is not something that anyone can resist.

Zhao Feng is still in his early twenties because he is still young, and he still has forty to fifty years of life expectancy.

But if it was replaced by Zhao Feng's... godfather, I'm afraid he would have stolen this thing long ago.

Maybe he will ignore the latter words and eat the wild ginseng directly, and then his blood will swell up.

Fang Tianfeng knew where this thing came from, it was a tribute from Shan County magistrate Zhao Gao.

How big is the Qin Dynasty? From the thirty-six counties at the beginning of the Qin Dynasty to more than forty counties at the end.

And a county, at least twenty counties.

In other words, if there are more than [-] counties, it represents [-] county magistrates who are the same as Zhao Gao.

Every year, these [-] county magistrates come to Xianyang to pay tribute.

The thousand-year-old wild ginseng is good, but these... The county magistrate has a few worse gifts than Zhao Gao's. Therefore, the thousand-year-old wild ginseng is included in the [-] copies. In the gift, the weight has been weakened a lot.

Even, I don't know if the first emperor remembered that someone had donated the thousand-year-old ginseng.

So instead of that, it's better to use it as a personal favor.

That is what Gao wanted to do, after negotiating with Zhao Gao, he replaced it with a less precious ornament as a tribute.

Anyway... tributes are paid every year, and these... tributes, the First Emperor didn't even look at them.

So, don't be afraid of being discovered.

Anyway... things have not been delivered yet, only the west has been replaced.

Therefore, Gao Yao used the old ginseng he replaced and gave it to Zhao Feng.

"what he wants"

Fang Tianfeng played with the wild ginseng in his hand and asked curiously.

"Go back to Your Majesty, Director Gao wants to ask this minister to arrange a good errand for Zhao Gao in Xianyang."

Zhao Feng bowed his head respectfully, not daring to hide anything.

Because he is still young, young means there are still plenty of opportunities.

Therefore, he will not give up his future for a thousand-year-old ginseng, and even risk his life.

Therefore, he can sell Gao Yao without hesitation.

If I change an old eunuch, I'm afraid I won't have the enterprising heart to swallow things for myself.

"well done."

Fang Tianfeng patted Zhao Feng's shoulder, but Zhao Feng's excited body trembled.

For the eunuchs, everything comes from the emperor.

And Fang Tianfeng's verbal admiration, in fact, made him more happy than rewarding him with golden thousand taels.

"Go and put things into storage yourself, and then register them."

Fang Tianfeng nodded, paused, and added, "In addition, pass on my oral instructions.

The magistrate Zhao Gao of Shanxian County corrupted the loot and bent the law, ruled the people's lives and ruined their lives, and was sentenced to the punishment of chariots and horses."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhao Feng respectfully knelt down and watched Fang Tianfeng leave before standing up from the ground.

Fang Tianfeng did not reward himself, but Zhao Feng did not have any opinion.

Because he knows that he has no promotion, he is just a eunuch.

A eunuch's order from the Chefu is already unbelievable, because it is equivalent to the presidential secretary.

It's impossible for Zhao Feng to do this, in fact, it's nothing more than... feeling the pressure from Gao Yao.

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