"Gao Yao,"

Fang Tianfeng put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Gao Yao, and said slowly, "Gao Yao, do you still remember why you came to Xianyang and why you entered the palace?"


Gao Yao was stunned for a moment, then returned to the image honestly and asked the minister to cook for you.

The reason why the minister entered the palace was because outside of Yangcheng, His Majesty went out on patrol in micro-clothing, but was assassinated by thugs.

The minister blocked a knife for His Majesty, but it happened to cut the lower body of the minister.

After the incident, His Majesty felt that the minister was successful in rescuing and driving, so he ordered the minister to cultivate for several months before entering the palace to serve His Majesty."

Fang Tianfeng nodded his head in satisfaction, of course he did not listen to what he said.

He knew exactly how Gao Ruo became a eunuch, and the situation at that time was indeed urgent.

In fact, he had already prepared to kill that... gangster, but Gao Yao ran out.

Before he could react, Gao Yao had already been cut off with a small goo.

Gao Yao said these words himself, in fact, it was also to give Gao Lan an explanation.

Otherwise, Gao Lan was afraid that he didn't want to suspect that he was avenging his own personal revenge and deliberately made Gao Yao a eunuch.

In fact, there is indeed a possibility, because Fang Tianfeng is at odds with this brother-in-law:.

Gao Yao doesn't like Fang Tianfeng, but prefers Yi Xiaochuan.

And Fang Tianfeng is not licking the dog, there is no need... deliberately to please Gao Yao, so the relationship is a bit stiff.

In ancient times, without Gao Lan, it was not impossible for the two of them to take revenge on each other.

However, now that Gao wants to tell the truth, it can be regarded as an explanation for Gao Lan.

Otherwise, Fang Tianfeng was afraid that Gao Lan would make trouble with him.

Although I explained to Gao Lan that she would definitely believe it, but I was afraid that there would be no.... So instead of leaving any hidden dangers, it is better to solve all the problems at one time and let Gao Yao speak for himself.

"Okay, you go down."

Fang Tianfeng said lightly, he didn't have any intention of recognizing Gao Yao.

As for Gao Lan, since she has seen the environment she is in, she must not care about the gain or loss of this little bit.

Besides, Gao Yao is now the chief eunuch, almost the second in command among the eunuchs.

It's already like this, what else is there to be dissatisfied with? "No."

Gao Yao respectfully bowed his body and slowly backed out, while Zhao Feng was still standing beside him.

He just gave him a wink when Gao Yao was passing by, reassuring him.

Gao Yao still didn't know that Zhao Feng betrayed him, so he really felt relieved.

He was still too young, and he had not been a eunuch for long.

After waiting for a long time, he naturally knew that the struggle between the eunuchs in this palace was also very fierce.

In order not to fall out of favor, the first thing to do is to please the emperor and gain trust.

Again 4.

6, that is... crowd out the other eunuchs.

On the pink Simmons bed, a girl with a beautiful figure is resting.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly because she was about to wake up.

Sure enough, the next moment, the girl's dark and bright eyes slowly opened.

Gao Lan dreamed of Gao Yao, and for the first time confirmed the news of her only two most important people.

Fang Tianfeng became the first emperor, while Gao Yao became the eunuch.

It is impossible to say that she has no idea.

But Gao Yao had already explained it to her personally, it was really just an accident.

: The protagonist of the old book, Halo, asks for support.

Chapter 233 Stupid! (please subscribe)

Chapter 233 ━━━━━━━━Stupid! Please subscribe to "Uncle, who are we going to see today?"

Xiang Yu looked at the Juxian Hall in front of him, frowned and asked Xiang Liang who was beside him in confusion.

They originally lived in Yi Xiaochuan's mansion, but Xiang Liang was afraid that Yi Xiaochuan would be implicated because of their identities, so he took the initiative to move out.

Originally, I planned to see if there was any...passed after the examination of the Xiantang Hall.

But yesterday someone came to the door and bluntly said that the two of them would go to Juxian Hall this morning.

There is no doubt that it must be the great men who call them past.

But for what purpose, they have no idea at all.

"I don't know,"

Xiang Liang shook his head slightly, but the expression on his face was firm, "But if nothing else happens, he is the only one who has the right to call us over and know our identity."

The huge Juxian Hall, for most people, there is only one person in this Juxian Hall, that is, Fusu.

Besides... Fusu, Xiang Liang really couldn't think of anyone else who held an important position in this Juxian Hall, and he had a special relationship with them.

"If it's really him, then we come to this Juxiantang today, is it good or bad?"

Xiang Yu's hand holding the long sword on his waist was slightly forceful, he didn't trust anyone in Daqin.

For him, the Qin people are all his enemies, let alone Fusu, the future heir of Da Qin.

This person is undoubtedly the most threatening person besides Shi Huangdi to rebuild the Great Chu.

"Yu'er, as soon as you come, be safe."

Xiang Liang shook his head slightly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "When there is a situation, just act according to the opportunity."

"The two of you are here, and my master has invited me."

Before entering the door, he saw a man who looked like a servant walking in the Juxian Hall, and respectfully invited the two to the hall.

Then, wait.

Wait until they can't even hold back and want to pee.

"You two, please sit down for a moment, my master will be here later."

The servant respectfully filled the tea for the two of them, but he grabbed his arm while filling the tea for Xiang Yu.

Xiang Liang is an old fox, and is no stranger to this situation.

In other words, he already knew what would happen as soon as he entered the door.

Rather, it is precisely because he was left here by Fusu like this...

, so it is more reassuring.

Because the more you pay attention, the more you will deliberately hang them.

After all, Fusu was Daqin's successor.

Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu were still there a month ago: rebellion in Chu.

No matter how much Fusu values ​​them, he can't be the first time.

Why do you come to see them for the first time either because you really value it, or because you don't want to waste time.

And really pay attention, it can't be the two of them.

Xiang Liang is not laughing at himself, he and Xiang Yu are like lost dogs, and they don't even have a place to live.

Apart from their status as aristocrats in the former state of Chu, what qualifications do they have to be so valued by Fusu? It can be said that the people in the entire Daqin who are worthy of Fusu's attention are nothing but the skill of a palm.

One is...the first emperor of the current Daqin, or...the head of civil and military officials, Meng Tian and Li Si.

Only in front of these few people would Fusu not put on airs.

And the others, no matter what...

How much Fusu values ​​them.

However, you have to wait patiently.

Xiang Liang was not in a hurry, not at all, so he could patiently close his eyes and rest in peace.

In this case, whoever gets in a hurry first will lose.

And Fusu is just... waiting for this opportunity.

This is not pointless, because it is very easy to lose ground when one party is in a hurry, and thus be disadvantaged in the ensuing conversation.

It is precisely because Fusu attaches great importance to these two people that he does not want to be disadvantaged in front of them.

He, the future master of Daqin, was at a disadvantage in front of the Dachu nobles, and he was not the only one who was embarrassed.

If he didn't pay enough attention, or had enough self-confidence to hold the other party down, Fusu would meet him directly instead of spending time with his uncle and nephew Xiang Liang.

"You just... said so,"

Xiang Yu grabbed the servant's arm impatiently and looked at him coldly, "Who is your master and how long do we have to wait?"

"Yu'er, let go..."

Xiang Liang slowly picked up the tea on the table and said lightly, "What he can say, he has already said it just now.

What he can't say, even if you force him, he won't say it, so don't make it difficult for him."

Saying that, Xiang Liang felt a little thirsty, so he wanted to take a sip.

Then, Xiang Yu's cry was heard.

"Uncle! Don't drink!"

Xiang Liang was stunned for a moment. Although Xiang Yu didn't say the next sentence, he already knew it.

Xiang Yu was worried that it was poisonous, and Xiang Liang couldn't help laughing.

My nephew has enough force, not bad intelligence, and has read a lot of books.

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