It's okay to let him fight, and it's almost invincible in a heads-up.

But let him use his brain to do all this....... lip service and political struggle, that's just a joke.

"I didn't expect it,"

Xiang Liang gave a wry smile, but looked moved again, and said, "Young Master seems to be asking, but he is so open-minded and open-minded, with a benevolent heart."

He grinned, but in fact he was about to cry.

Originally, he was thinking of letting Xiang Yu, who was not deeply involved in the world, press Fusu.

Why because they were originally 2 vs 1, why should they put their own advantages aside and Xiang Yu was not Fusu's opponent, but it was also because he was not an opponent, because he didn't even know the rules.

So he can press unscrupulously step by step, but no one will blame him for not understanding the rules.

It was just like this that forced Fusu to reveal his flaws, and then he was the one who took over.

So he didn't speak all the time and let Xiang Yu play freely.

But who knew that Fusu was so straightforward, so he just made a big move.

It's not good to let him accept it, and it's not even better to not do it.

In the end, I can only bite my teeth and swallow it into my stomach.

Now, he can only take it head on.

Chapter 236 ━━━━━━━━ Xiang Yu lost! (please subscribe)

Chapter 236 ━━━━━━━━Xiang Yu lost! It's not stupid to ask for a subscription to Xiang Yu, although he was slightly moved.

But the moment Xiang Liang opened his mouth, he knew something was wrong, but it was impossible for Xiang Liang to tell Xiang Yu what happened.

So, he can only hint.

Either suggest that Xiang Yu is leaving, or it will be the same as now.

He pretended to be moved, just to cooperate with Xiang Yu's trick and continue the performance.

And in any case, today's events must not be able to tell the truth to Xiang Yu, it will only make things counterproductive.

Xiang Yu, who knew the truth, would definitely feel resentment.

At that time, how can others tolerate their uncles and nephews to stay in Juxiantang? So, they not only have to join Juxiantang, but also do their best.

Xiang Liang sighed in his heart, that was all he could do.

Fusu, you are awesome.

"Xiang Mou has always admired heroes and heroes. Although the son is a scholar, he has an extraordinary conversation, which is in line with Xiang Mou's heart.

Never mind....

Enemy or friend, I will make you a friend."

Xiang Yu received Xiang Liang's hint and thought that Xiang Liang was as moved by Fusu's sincerity as he was.

To make a direct statement immediately is equivalent to agreeing with Fusu's opinion.

And Xiang Liang can only comfort himself now.

Although it was a bad thing, at least it didn't lose face by letting Xiang Yu speak.

Even Xiang Yu, a stunned young man, placed them on an equal footing and did not lose out in the slightest, which was considered a fortune among misfortunes.

Moreover, joining Juxiantang is their purpose.

Now, it's just an extra layer of restraint.

"Fusu is also willing to be friends with the two of you, so from now on we will be called friends and brothers."

Fusu always had a gentle smile, and he couldn't see that there was a cunning and cunning fox hidden under this gentle appearance, "Mr. Xiang, Fusu would like to invite you to be the leader of the heroes of Chu.

You have the right to help a friend run Juxian Hall."

Xiang Liang smiled bitterly in his heart and did not speak, does he still have a choice?

Did he really join the Juxian Hall, but he did, this is a banner.

Now, let him be the leader of the heroes of Chu.

What does this mean is nothing more than... using his identity to attract other nobles from the Chu region.

Even if Xiang Liang reluctantly joined Juxian Hall, he still had other plans.

However, he can say this, but he can't! And those... Chu heroes, under the circumstances of unknown circumstances, will only think that 'Even Xiang Liang has joined the Juxian Hall to contribute to Daqin, why should I No' 'Even the Xiang family can let go of their hatred, why can't I'.

With this kind of thinking in mind, it is foreseeable that a large number of heroes from Chu will be thrown into the arms of Da Qin.

At that time, he, the leader of a hero in Chu, would not be so important.

Salary from the bottom of the pot, but that's it.

"This this,"

Xiang Liang showed a smile, "This is really too easy."

"Alright then, I'll be invited by your son, thank you son."

Xiang Liang laughed and bowed in salute. Even though his heart was bleeding, he still won't lose the battle! At least, he can't be too unbearable on the surface! "Then Fusu, I will rely on the two from now on."

Fusu showed a satisfied smile, and Xiang Yu also sincerely clasped his fists and saluted.

Only Xiang Liang, the bitterness in his heart, only he knows.

But what he can do, he is also very desperate! The ghost knows that it will progress so quickly, and he does not leave any room for negotiation.

Xiang Yu had finished speaking, and Xiang Liang could only watch on the side and couldn't do anything.

Losing this is really frustrating.

But how can he blame Xiang Yu? It's not because he let Xiang Yu go to cause such consequences, I can only say that this son Fusu really cannot be underestimated! If such a person inherits Daqin, then they will really rejuvenate Chu in the future. Is there a chance for the country? Fusu's idea is very bright and decent. He wants the people of the world to rest and recuperate.

The tyranny of the Qin Dynasty has been in place for a long time, and it was difficult to change it when the first emperor was in power.

... But if Fu Su succeeded to the throne, he could quickly win over people's hearts by reducing corvée and taxation and other means.

At that time, even if they want to rebel, those ordinary people who have benefited from it will not eat too much and have nothing to do to rebel against them.

Ordinary people are like this, as long as they have a bite to eat, as long as they don't starve to death, they won't rebel.

The people of the Celestial Dynasty have always been so submissive, if they really can't survive, who would be willing to rebel. Many times, those rebels have no military pay at all, as long as they have a bite to eat, they are willing to rebel to the end.

But if they were allowed to eat from the beginning, how could anyone be willing to rebel? If there is no army formed by the people at the bottom, should the nobles personally go to the front to carry the soldiers of the Daqin army? It can be said, if this is the case Going down, they will never have the chance to rebel again.

Fusu, it's awesome! Xiang Liang sighed in the sky, the matter has come to this point, and he can only take a step by step.

Chapter 237 King Tuan is here! (please subscribe)

Chapter 237 ━━━━━━━━ King Tu'an is here! Seeking to subscribe to Juxian Hall has been on the right track, with the influence of the banner of Xiang Liang's uncle and nephew.

It is conceivable that there will definitely be a steady stream of talents to join the Juxian Hall in the future.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't have the heart to take care of it now.

Because, King Tuan came later.

In the name of birthday wishes and family visits, he came to Daqin quietly.

Even, until she was less than a hundred miles away from Xianyang, no one passed the news.

When Fang Tianfeng heard the news, he was actually very speechless.

Because, this queen is just... a naked conspiracy.

The sombreness of her mind makes it difficult to "seven forty"

to imagine.

And if Fang Tianfeng remembers correctly, the queen came to Xianyang this time to poison the First Emperor! First, she wanted to assassinate Meng Tian, ​​then she pretended to leave Xianyang but sneaked back halfway.

When the first emperor's birthday banquet, he poisoned the dish to kill the first emperor.

"Tsk! Headache."

Fang Tianfeng held his forehead with one hand, why does he always feel that the people around him want to kill him?

There were not many things that happened this year. It should have been two years later that Meng Tian sent troops to conquer the Xiongnu in the north.

But the time line was advanced, and it was changed to Yi Xiaochuan to lead the army.

Meng Tian, ​​who was supposed to be given to death seven years later, also died of poisoning in the same year because of Gao Yao's assassination.

And the burning of books and Confucianism, which should have been five years later, was also brought forward.

The existence of transmigrators is meant to interfere with the development of history. Unless they have been hiding in mountain villages and not asking about world affairs, even if they just do some subtle actions, they will change history.

Not to mention, both Gao Yao and Yi Xiaochuan have already sat in high positions.

"Meng Tian should be fine, there shouldn't be a Zhao Gao suddenly appearing to kill him."

Fang Tianfeng thought about it for a while, and began to clarify the order of these things.

If Gao Yao was not given a name, he could not become Zhao Gao.

Moreover, there is a Zhao Feng on top of him, and he can't do anything major.

What's more, he still has to hold Meng Tian's thigh tightly, and he didn't break up with Yi Xiaochuan, so he wouldn't be stupid enough to send someone to assassinate Meng Tian.

As for Tuan's assassination, Fang Tianfeng did not take it seriously.

This is Daqin, even if Tu'an has assassins, how can they have no one to provide them with information, only if they can succeed.

Meng Tian can't die yet, so Fang Tianfeng has given him the opportunity to expand his territory.

Meng Tian can't die, so he has to consider his own problems.

He was not afraid to assassinate him, because he believed that he could successfully fight back.

But poisoning is different.

Poisoning is hidden and deadly, and more importantly, it is a strange poison.

There are two kinds of poison, and they are placed in two dishes.

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