So, she just brought a camera to take pictures of the treasure box.

As for Gao Lan's request, Professor Yi did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

The treasure box has six 66 sides, which means at least six photos need to be taken.

And Gao Lan went back after taking the photos and washed them all out.

Then, stare at the photos all day, trying to capture every detail of the photos.

Because her purpose is not to observe by herself, but to let Xiaoyue, who is now looking at her, see clearly.

Then, reproduce it over there and draw all these things.

So, be careful not to miss any details.

And Xiaoyue, although she was dreaming, looked very carefully.

So as soon as she woke up, she asked the palace maid for a pen and paper and began to draw on the paper.

The six paintings have different patterns on the six sides.

Fang Tianfeng was speechless when he knew this, this thing was made by Cui Wenzi, wouldn't he know what this treasure box looks like? Come out, no matter whether it is useful or not, I can't live up to the hearts of the two girls.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng took the initiative to find Wenzi.

After all, Cui Wenzi was also a former immortal, even if he was banished to the mortal world for unknown reasons, he still had some methods that were far beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, it was also handed over to Fang Tianfeng to communicate his method.

A jade pendant.

I don't know how it works, but it's probably the same as a cell phone.

When Fang Tianfeng wanted to find him, he only needed to crush this jade pendant.

Well, it seems that there are still a lot of differences with mobile phones.

Then, Cui Wenzi came.

"What's wrong with looking for me in such a hurry?"

Cui Wenzi squinted his eyes, looking at Fang Tianfeng's eyes calmly, neither surprised nor happy.

"Is such that,"

Fang Tianfeng hurriedly took out six sheets of paper with different patterns on them, "These are the six 66-sided patterns of the treasure box that I crossed over, and I've always forgotten about them.

But recently I suddenly remembered and drew it, I want to ask you if it will help you make a treasure box."

The fact that Xiaoyue and Gao Lan can communicate in dreams across time and space is now a big secret, second only to the Transforming Pill.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng will not expose this matter.

So, you need to lie.

"Oh let me see."

Cui Wenzi showed an unexpected expression, took the paper, and looked at Fang Tianfeng with some doubts.

For a long time, after seeing that the manuscript in his hand was almost no different from the pattern of the treasure box he had made, he finally believed a little.

Fang Tianfeng is... the person he was looking for.

"In fact, I have already made the treasure box."

Cui Wenzi put down the paper in his hand and spoke slowly, but suddenly he stretched out his hand and the treasure box in his hand.

If someone carefully observes, they will find that the patterns and details of the six 66 sides of this treasure box are almost the same as the patterns drawn on the paper! "It's just that I haven't been able to confirm your identity before."

Cui Wenzi continued to speak, but Fang Tianfeng was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. It seemed that he was really not the person Cui Zhao's Wenzi was looking for! In other words, Cui Wenzi had already made the treasure box but deliberately refused to hand it in. Give it to him, just because he is not sure of his identity.

If he really finds out that he is not the one he is looking for, Cui Wenzi will most likely kill him! "However, now I am sure, you are the man of destiny."

Cui Wenzi nodded with satisfaction, a kind of relief in his eyes.

It must be a man of destiny. It can be confirmed that Fang Tianfeng must have passed through the treasure box. Otherwise, how could it be so clear about the structure of the treasure box. In fact, Cui Wenzi still has a lot of things that he has not explained to Fang Tianfeng.

: Push the protagonist of the old book Halo, currently writing about Goblin Slayer, please support.

Chapter 240 ━━━━━━━━━ Chosen! (please subscribe)

Chapter 240 ━━━━━━━━ God's Choice! Please subscribe "In fact, you are not the only one in this world."

Cui Wenzi ignored Fang Tianfeng, who was in a cold sweat, and said slowly, "The difference is that you came through the treasure box on your own initiative.

And they are passive."

"You are here because of me, I want you to be here and follow the development of history.

But there are still some people who have traveled through history because of some coincidences, and even want to change history on their own initiative.

This is not in line with the general trend of heaven, so I need you to correct all this."

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly interrupted and asked, "How can you be sure that I will not change history? Although I don't know what you mean, in essence, I am also passively traversing."

Indeed, passive crossing.

Fang Tianfeng took the initiative to pass through it himself. He turned his hand into the shape of a tiger talisman and wanted to try to see if he could pass through.

But now, he is putting himself in the role of Yi Xiaochuan.

And Yi Xiaochuan, he is passive.

740 Although he also took the initiative to put the tiger talisman into the treasure box, he did not know that he would pass through.

If he knew, he wouldn't necessarily do all this cheaply.

Therefore, the acting must be performed in full.

He, Fang Tianfeng, is...passive traversal.

"But you took the initiative to put the tiger talisman on the treasure box, didn't you?"

Cui Wenzi didn't care about Fang Tianfeng's rhetorical question, just shook his head and said lightly, "Listen to me, you are asking.

The space-time barrier is like a wall, and the treasure box is... the door on this wall, and the tiger talisman is the key.

Normally the door is locked, just like the wall.

And if you actively open this door, you can travel to the opposite side of the door, any time and space you want."

"Those who took the initiative to open this door to pass through can be understood as legitimate passers-by.

Because I let you come here.

You have obtained the permission of time and space, and the will of heaven will also pay attention to you, but it will not embarrass you.

Because the meaning of your existence is... to help Tiandao correct the changed course of history."

"And there are some people who didn't go through the door."

"As I said, the barrier of time and space is just a wall.

But this wall is not a copper wall and an iron wall that is airtight.

In an inadvertent moment, this wall will have some cracks and a certain section of the wall will collapse.

Of course, even if there is a crack, it will be repaired quickly, but there are people who accidentally touch this crack and are sucked to the other side of the wall."

"These people are like breaking the law.

have a legal identity.

Coupled with the suddenness and randomness of their appearance, no one knows which time and space they have traveled through.

, even Heavenly Dao can't pay attention to their existence.

Even if they actively disrupt the course of history and drastically change history."

"what the hell"

Fang Tianfeng was dumbfounded when he heard it. Didn't he say that he can't change the historical feelings and the transmigrators can change the history? Tiandao doesn't know that this is a very simple thing. "You may think it's incredible, but it's the truth."

"The barriers of time and space were originally insurmountable, and there were no cracks and no doors.

But when the cracks appeared, the whole history had changed.

The original history was a straight line, but because the appearance of cracks led to the appearance of traversers, the direction of history became a tree."

"You know what I mean, a tree has a trunk, but it also has countless branches and leaves.

For the tree itself, these... branches and leaves are a part of him, and the more branches, the more lush the tree."

"But for... Heaven, he doesn't need these.... branches and leaves, because these.... branches and leaves will absorb his nutrition.

Moreover, the branches are easily broken, and the leaves will fall off naturally.

The branches and leaves are all part of the Tao of Heaven, and the lack of branches and leaves will also lead to an imbalance in the Tao of Heaven.”

"And cause the way of heaven to become: weaker and weaker, and eventually die.

At that time, with the demise of Heaven, the whole world will collapse."

"So, in order to prevent the loss of its own power, the Tao of Heaven must ensure that the big tree of history does not have any branches and leaves, but only has one trunk.

And the trunk, unless someone deliberately chops down the tree with an axe, will not fall."

"The appearance of the traversers has led to countless branches and leaves in the big tree of history, so in order to check and balance these ...... the unconcerned traversers, the wall of time and space barriers Open a door."

"Then, I made a treasure box with my hands, and actively sought out travelers from the future to pass through this door.

And in the end these ...... branches and leaves merge into everything and become part of the trunk."

"Do you understand it"


Facing Cui Wenzi's smiling face, Fang Tianfeng nodded slowly, "I think you are fooling me."


Cui Wenzi stopped talking, he was choked.

He is an immortal and will fool you whether a mortal is full or hungry.

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