If Cui Wenzi can easily prove the identity of the Son of Heaven, then others can too.... And more importantly, Fang Tianfeng told Cui Wenzi.

The future is an era of the end of the law without immortals and gods.

If so, can those... Immortals really endure history moving towards a future where immortals do not exist. If they don't want to, they will definitely interfere with the so-called history made by Heavenly Dao.

Even, they will take the initiative to make history go backwards.

The so-called, is... do not want to let this era of the end of the law come.

Otherwise, they.... how the immortals and gods should behave themselves, not everyone can see it as openly as Cui Wenzi, and it doesn't matter what they think.

It is conceivable that if his identity is exposed, coupled with the panic brought by the end of the law era.

Those...the immortals will definitely try desperately to kill him to stop the progress of history.

Although, Fang Tianfeng is a fake.

But it doesn't matter, presumably, Tiandao won't mind it, Fang Tianfeng feels that for... Tiandao, everything else is false.

No matter who works for him, as long as someone works for him, who cares who that person is, this person is not the way of heaven.

6, but Cui Wenzi chose.

As long as he is willing to do his best to help it, what if he is the so-called man of destiny? Even if he is not, it does not matter to the way of heaven.

Whether it is a man of destiny or not, it is actually a matter of his words.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't mind.

Because Fang Tianfeng has no way to control: Tiandao's opinion, if Tiandao really cares, I am afraid that he has already died and Dao disappeared.

And now the most important thing is... wait, wait until the day when the meteorite falls.

By then, everything will be a foregone conclusion.

At that time, he will really be arrogant.

Chapter 243 ━━━━━━━━ How to deal with it! (please subscribe)

Chapter 243 ━━━━━━━━How to deal with it! Asking for a subscription Originally, Fang Tianfeng was thinking of going to Queen Tuan at a later date, so he left her like this for the time being.

Anyway... Queen Tuan has been locked in the harem, and she has no way to communicate with people outside.

Even if people outside still want to assassinate him, that's not a big problem.

However, after all the calculations, they didn't count Yu Shu's mistake.

"His Majesty,"

Yu Shu hurriedly found Fang Tianfeng, with a look of anxiety and guilt on her pretty face, "Your Majesty, I, I accidentally told your mother who you are."


Fang Tianfeng didn't speak, and he didn't even respond with a question mark on his face.

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Fang Tianfeng stepped forward and hugged the girl, and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, even if you know it, it will be 04 and nothing will happen."


Yu Shu calmed down slightly, and said softly, "The queen mother wants to poison you to kill you during your birthday banquet, and also wants me to help pass information to assassinate General Meng Tian.

I, I disclosed your identity to the queen mother in a hurry."

"Then she threatens you"

Fang Tianfeng's expression remained unchanged, and he said softly, "If she wants something that is not too much, I can satisfy her."

"The queen mother, the queen mother wants the land of Daqin."

Yu Shu was about to cry, tears as big as beans rolled in his eyes.

She didn't understand why her mother, who had always loved her, became like this, so eager for quick success.

She didn't understand that the always very wise mother would make such a foolish decision to be ambitious to covet Da Qin's apprentice.

However, even if it was about to arrive, how could Tu'an be able to hold on to it? Before he came to Daqin, Yu Shu felt that Daqin was very powerful, and it was not something Tuan could resist.

After coming to Daqin and seeing Daqin's richness, she became more firm in her thoughts.

Not to mention the whole of Daqin, even the population of a single county of Daqin is larger than the total population of Tu'an, and the territory of a county of Daqin is ten times or even dozens of times that of Tu'an.

With such a powerful Daqin, how could An Ke be disobedient, "Did you tell her that I am a Tu'an divine beast?"

Fang Tianfeng was not surprised by Queen Tu'an's request, but in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, he couldn't help but ask.


Yu Shu shook his head slightly and said softly, "After I told my mother, my husband disguised himself as the Great Qin Emperor.

The queen mother just thought that the disguise technique used by her husband was a disguise, and she did not know the truth of her husband."

Xiaoyue listened obediently, these... She knew it before, and when Fang Tianfeng confided to Gao Lan, she naturally knew that as the hub of the connection between the two a lot of things.

But Yu Shu still thought Fang Tianfeng was Tu'an's divine beast.

Moreover, Yu Shu had not mentioned before that Fang Tianfeng could use his identity to give Tuan some convenience and 'borrow' some land to Tuan.

After all, Yu Shu was from Tu'an after all, and he still had Tu'an in his heart.

If she was really just a Concubine Li, it would be fine, but she also knew that the entire Qin Dynasty was under the control of the Tuan divine beast.

However, Fang Tianfeng refused.

Just kidding, he also thought that Daqin didn't have enough territory, how could he let Tuan say it again, Tuan is just... an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Once this head is opened, King Tu'an and Queen Tu'an will inevitably bite and bite.

Fang Tianfeng would rather Yu Shu hate himself, send troops to destroy Tu'an directly, rather than give up a shred of land.

The land itself is not important, and Fang Tianfeng doesn't care either.

However, he doesn't like others threatening him without knowing his life or death.

Especially this little Tuan, Fang Tianfeng didn't like it even more.

He would rather kill the other party's whole family than being threatened with suffocation.

Fang Tianfeng's eyes suddenly became gloomy, he was thinking of other ways, he didn't need to be so radical.

But now it seems that it is impossible not to kill.

Destroy Tuan directly, at most not fool Queen Tuan and King Tuan, and imprison them.

"Husband, I have already locked my mother in the bedroom and ordered someone to guard her strictly. She will not be able to come out for the time being."

Yu Shu was held in Fang Tianfeng's arms, 74 immediately noticed Fang Tianfeng's change, and quickly said, "Husband, I, I have a solution."


Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile, "Yu'er, what can you do?"

If there is really a way, then he will not kill the Tuan people.

If not, then really don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Why don't you decree that your father will come to Daqin to be an official, and that your father will be the governor of Daqin.

In this way, Tuan's land has also been expanded.

However, Tu'an has become an inseparable part of Daqin."

Yu Shu is Fang Tianfeng's pillow, even if Fang Tianfeng has the intention to hide some secrets, but Yu Shu is very aware of Fang Tianfeng's character.

She knew that Fang Tianfeng hated others to threaten her the most, especially her mother was so greedy.

Even, he may actually kill her father and mother.

Therefore, for the safety of his parents, Yu Shu could only resolutely sell Tuan.

Chapter 244 Fight!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 244 Fight! Go! Please subscribe If King Tuan becomes an official in the dynasty, it would not be an exaggeration to make him a county governor.

However, in this way, Tuan will actually be destroyed in disguise.

No matter how big the site is, what's the point? Fang Tianfeng is silent, Yu Shu has actually done her best, and she wants to save her parents' lives as much as possible.

Queen Tuan's ambitions are not incomprehensible, just like those in modern times... After the sand sculpture mother-in-law sold her daughter, she desperately sought benefits from her son-in-law.

But the question is, is his benefit so easy to take? "Well, I'll go see her in person and talk to her."

In any case, it is still necessary to talk to Queen Tuan first.

Although it is unlikely to convince the other party, it is not wrong to talk first.

The big deal is to keep her locked in the palace under strict supervision, and then send Meng Tian to lead the army to press and force King Tuan, let him become an official in the court, and at most make him a county governor to compensate.

Yu Shu's actions must have made Queen Tuan scolding her mother, and her daughter helped outsiders to deal with her.

But this is actually impossible, because in Yu Shu's understanding, Fang Tianfeng is Tu'an's beast, and the patron saint of Tu'an.

But he is too weak to compare with the Great Qin Shenlong at all.

Now disguised as Qin Shihuang, if everything is normal, it's better to say.

But if he did something against the interests of the country, without the need for others to impeach him, Shenlong would personally kill him.

In this way, it is a chicken-and-egg fight, and no one benefits.

However, these... 'facts' Yu Shu has not been able to explain to Queen Tuan.

When Fang Tianfeng arrived at Yu Shu's palace, he realized that Yu Shu would be cruel again.

Fang Tianfeng's scalp was numb as he watched the densely packed Imperial Army guarding outside the palace.

You must know that Yu Shu's mother is locked up here! Originally, Fang Tianfeng thought that Yu Shu would send a few people to watch it symbolically, but she secretly called someone to transfer the Imperial Army.

Euphemistically called, protect Tu'an to envoy.

It has to be said that women are really terrifying when they are ruthless.


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