If you don't have a needle, just bite off your nails and pierce the skin with your nails.

"You're... well prepared,"

Seeing this, Cui Wenzi was stunned for a while, never thinking that Fang Tianfeng had everything ready, he couldn't help laughing, "This reminds me of those... juniors, who were excited when they got the storage equipment. Incredible.

A hard-hearted finger at him is... a bite, and as a result, his mouth is full of blood and he looks like a vampire.

The blood is dripping, but after the blood is dripping, you cry with your fingers."


Cui Wenzi let out a long sigh, not knowing what he was thinking.

When he raised his head again, there was another 4.

It returned to normal after 6 times, "What else do you want, I will give it to you as long as I have it."

"there is none left."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, feeling slightly unhappy in his heart.

Why is there something wrong today.

Don't do it yourself instead of looking for a Cui Wenzi. If Tiandao can take the initiative to give everything to himself, then what should Cui Wenzi do, but Fang Tianfeng is.... I think it is probably because this Tiandao should Is there any limitation.

Cui Wenzi shook his head and left without saying anything.

He is also going to build an underground palace.

Chapter 253 ━━━━━━━━━ Immortality Medicine! (please subscribe)

Chapter 253 ━━━━━━━━ Immortality Medicine! Please subscribe Time flies, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed.

And in this year, Xiaoyue never communicated with Gao Lan even once.

This made Fang Tianfeng wonder if the reason why Gao Lan and Xiaoyue were able to figure it out in their dreams was because of the Dao of Heaven, or why did Gao Lan have nothing to do with her as soon as he finished the news of the meteorite's landing, although it was just a guess, But this guess is very likely.

It is very likely that such a gift is given because of the way of heaven.

This made Fang Tianfeng very uncomfortable.

And there are other things that make him even more uncomfortable, such as Yi Xiaochuan.

Fang Tianfeng wanted to release Yi Xiaochuan to guard the 04 Great Wall, and it was best not to come back for the rest of his life.

However, it backfired.

Both the Xiongnu and the Rongdi were too unsatisfactory. Meng Tian attacked the Xiongnu in the north a month ago, and just as the original historical trajectory, he recovered Henan, which is now the Hetao South Ikezhao League in Inner Mongolia, from Yuzhong to today's Inner Mongolia Yijin. From the north of Huoluo Banner to Yinshan Mountain, there are [-] counties.

In the past month, Meng Tian was still there: on his way back to Beijing to report his work, news came from the north.

After Meng Tian deterred the Huns, his younger brother Meng Tian successfully expelled the Rong and Di and regained lost territory.

This has already been done, and the Xiongnu and the Rong Di are no longer a threat, and it would be in vain to let them continue to guard the Great Wall.

Because the Xiongnu and the Rong and Di were already severely damaged, there simply weren't enough battleable soldiers to raid the south in a short period of time.

So, if you don't...recall the Meng family brothers, it will be unreasonable.

In the Qin court, officials and nobility were divided into three grades: ministers, doctors, and scholars.

Among the ministers, there are upper ministers and subordinate ministers.

among the doctors.

There are senior doctors, upper doctors, middle doctors and lower doctors.

The sergeant class is divided into sergeant, sergeant, and corporal.

And this time, I am afraid that Yi Xiaochuan will have to be an official.

The position of Shangqing is already the top official.

The position of high minister is equivalent to the prime minister.

Of course, Shangqing is a title, although it is the same as the Prime Minister, and its influence is also the same as that of the Prime Minister.

But after all, it is not the prime minister, and Meng Tian, ​​who is also one of the first two ministers, if it were changed to others, I am afraid that he would have suspected and doubted the loyalty of the Meng family.

But Fang Tianfeng is different, because until now, he still holds the crucial handle of the [-] Meng family army.

Those important generals of the Meng Family Army, their families, are still in their own hands.

The huge Meng family army, Fang Tianfeng trusts Meng Tian, ​​but not Yi Xiaochuan.

So of course it is impossible not to insert nails in the Mengjia Army, and it is a very important nail.

Li You! Who is Li You? He is the eldest son of Prime Minister Li Si, and also a disciple of Meng Tian.

Unlike his father Li Si, Li Si was a politician, while Li You was a military general, born to be martial.

Moreover, because of the natural antagonistic relationship between his father Li Si and Meng Tian, ​​Fang Tianfeng can use him with confidence.

But the only thing that upset him was that the father and son Li You and Li Si actually wanted to honor his daughter.

Also, Charmaine Ying, whom he loves very much.

I don't know where Li You has seen Charmaine Ying... Maybe it was when Charmaine Ying secretly went out to play in the palace. After all, it is impossible for the royal family to travel completely secret, and those who should know will still know.

All in all...it's very bloody love at first sight.

Li You directly and Li Si came to Fang Tianfeng to propose marriage.

I beg you, and Fang Tianfeng of course refused.

It's too late to love my own daughter, there is no reason to push it out, my daughter has already taken the medicine of immortality, and she is not with: I, the only man who has taken the medicine of immortality, isn't it necessary to witness when I am with other people? It's so bad for a lover to live, get old, get sick, and die, right? That's why he's doing it for his daughter's sake! It's actually not difficult to refine the medicine of immortality. The main material is... meteorite powder.

Then assist with other heaven and earth treasures, mix them in the alchemy furnace, and finally it is done.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't refine too many undead medicines, he just prepared ten undead medicines just in case.

After all, immortality medicine can not only make people immortal, but also bring people back to life.

Practice more for emergencies, or give one to anyone who needs it, and definitely don't give much.

Most of these girls don't ask about world affairs, especially Xiaoyue and Lu Su, and some sympathy overflows.

What if they were given the immortality medicine, and they would just give it to other people, even if it was Duke Lu.

Well, of course, Li You was rejected though.

But he thought it was because the first emperor felt that he was not good enough, so he took the initiative to apply to fight against Rong Di with Yi Xiaochuan to accumulate military merit.

By the way, help Fang Tianfeng to monitor Yi Xiaochuan.

And Li Si did not object, although he has a lot of energy in the political world, but his influence in the military is almost zero.

The only influence is probably... Military salaries and provisions may still have to be controlled indirectly through his hands.

And Li You joining the army is also a good thing for him.

Anyway...it can't be wrong.

Chapter 254 That's it for Yi Xiaochuan! (please subscribe)

Chapter 254 Yi Xiaochuan is like this! Asking to subscribe Yi Xiaochuan is actually very dishonest, he really hit Rong Di.

However, he also wanted to buy people's hearts during this period.

The Meng family army is the Meng family army of the Meng family, and the Meng family army only recognizes the Meng family, even if Qin Shihuang comes, it is useless.

However, because of Yi Xiaochuan, Meng Tian took the initiative to send the army to Fang Tianfeng.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't know, because he had no family who could be threatened.

Second, Meng Tian didn't want Yi Xiaochuan to know about these things.

Therefore, Yi Xiaochuan actually had some strange thoughts, he wanted to rebel.

As Meng Tian's lieutenant, he is not controlled by Meng Tian.

Meng Tian's main energy was used to deal with the Xiongnu, while Yi Xiaochuan concentrated on... Donghu and Yuezhi.

And Donghu and Yuezhi are far apart, so he just concentrates on dealing with Donghu first.

Originally, there were only [-] troops on the front line of the Great Wall in the north of Daqin.

It's okay to use it against the Xiongnu, Yuezhi, and Donghu, but Fang Tianfeng's original purpose was not to let them really destroy the Xiongnu.

He just dragged Yi Xiaochuan to the front line of the Great Wall just to delay time.

As long as the calamities of the Xiongnu and Rong and Di are not resolved, he will not be able to return to Xianyang for a day.

[-] troops, at least [-] troops should be left to defend and patrol the Great Wall.

To deal with the Huns, Meng Tian had to take away [-] troops, leaving less than [-] troops to Yi Xiaochuan to deal with Rong and Di.

Originally, this kind of force against Rong and Di would not only have no advantage, but even a disadvantage.

But who knew that Rong Di was not up to his standards, and actually let Yi Xiaochuan win.

After winning this battle, Yi Xiaochuan established his majesty in the neutrality of the army, and at the same time truly gained his military power.

But the problem also came, the army of [-] people, in addition to his commander, there are other generals.

Originally, Yi Xiaochuan wanted to unite with other generals and secretly wait for the opportunity.

However, he failed.

He wanted to win over these people, but these generals were like mirrors in their hearts, and their families were still in Xianyang.

If you follow Yi Xiaochuan to do things now, once the incident happens, it will all be over.

Therefore, they are almost all grateful and insensitive.

Only Li You got Fang Tianfeng's will to neutralize Yi Xiaochuan's gang for personal gain, but it also had a different purpose.

Therefore, Yi Xiaochuan was hit.

"It's really surprising,"

Fang Tianfeng rubbed his temples with a headache, feeling quite helpless, "It's just... a douchebag who can't be helped."

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