It was the dress he wore when he traveled to the Qin Dynasty, and he treasured it as a precious memory.

I haven't worn this suit for two years, or even longer.

However, he is actually wearing this set of clothes on his body now.

If you wear clothes from two thousand years ago, it may add a little more convincing.

But the way he is now is really not convincing at all.

It was also an accident that Yi Dachuan found Yi Xiaochuan, he was just walking on the street and then met Yi Xiaochuan.

In fact, he originally wanted to find Gao Lan, but after finding Yi Xiaochuan, he hurried back with Yi Xiaochuan.

So, licking the dog lost the chance to be the last licking dog.

Because Fang Tianfeng also came back.

However, Yi Dachuan was still puzzled.

Since Yi Xiaochuan is back, then, is Gao Lan's brother Gao Yao also back? Gao Lan's boyfriend and his good friend Fang Tianfeng are also back? Thinking about this, Yi Dachuan's mood suddenly lost. stand up.

If Fang Tianfeng really came back, does that mean that he has no chance anymore, Yi Dachuan smiled bitterly, no, instead of saying that Fang Tianfeng came back, it would be better to say that he never disappeared.

It was obvious that the last time he had witnessed the little game between Fang Tianfeng and Gao Lan, he just pretended to be missing.

I didn't see the madly posting notices about Gao Yao and Fang Tianfen a month ago, but now it has stopped these few days.

Yi Xiaochuan almost became autistic because of the huge contrast in reality, and Yi Dachuan almost became autistic because of the sadness of licking the dog.

So you should be worthy of being brothers? Even autism, you have to form a team to have fun together. "Dad, Mom, am I back?"

Yi Xiaochuan reluctantly squeezed out a smile, but the tiredness in the smile could not be concealed, "You don't need to ask any more."

Yes, he can't answer even if he asks, how can he really say that when he crossed over to that time, he will either be regarded as a joke, or be taken seriously, and he will most likely be caught and sliced ​​by the relevant departments. Research.

Moreover, I am afraid that it will also affect my family.

So, instead of... saying that others don't believe it, it's better to bury this secret in your heart.

As if he really had a very long dream.

Everything in that dream is just my own beautiful fantasy.

Now that we have come back, we must return to reality and look forward.

Chapter 264 ━━━━━━━━ Brother is a rival in love! (please subscribe)

264 Brother is a rival in love! Please subscribe to Gao Youyou or not, Yi Xiaochuan doesn't know, the other party has become a eunuch, and he has been favored by the first emperor.

To be honest, Yi Xiaochuan himself felt that staying in ancient times was much better than returning to modern times.

Even if there were various inconveniences in ancient times, the status was real.

But Yi Xiaochuan felt that since he came back, he had to look forward.

So, he actively asked his brother what happened these days.

For example, in fact, it has only been more than [-] days, a month and a half since he disappeared.

And he was there in ancient times: for several years.

So don't look at what he looks like now, but in fact, he is already older than Yi Dachuan.

"You said that Fang Tianfeng also disappeared."

Yi Xiaochuan's eyes widened, and he jumped up from the sofa all of a sudden, with an anxious face and an expression of eagerness to confirm.


Yi Dachuan nodded and said slowly, "Actually, not long after you and Gao Yao disappeared, Gao Lan and Fang Tianfeng borrowed the treasure box from us in order to investigate the reason for your disappearance.

But Fang Tianfeng disappeared that day, and even Gao Lan doesn't know how he disappeared."

Of course Gao Lan knew how Fang Tianfeng disappeared, and he disappeared in front of her.

However, this kind of thing can't be said nonsense.

Could it be that Fang Tianfeng held a box and emitted golden light and then disappeared? Surely not! Therefore, Gao Lan simply said that he did not know to the outside world.

"Fang Tianfeng has also disappeared."

Yi Xiaochuan was a little bit incredulous, muttered in his mouth, and sat down on the sofa.

He had a hunch that Fang Tianfeng might have crossed over like him.

But the problem is, how did Fang Tianfeng pass through? The reason why he passed through is because he killed himself and felt that the tiger talisman jade pendant matched the pattern on the treasure box.

So, he put the jade pendant on it, and then crossed.

Although the treasure box remained, Ke Pei was taken with him to travel through.

If that's the case, how did Fang Tianfeng pass through? If it wasn't for passing through, he disappeared without a sound, but that's not right, if he really passed through.

Then why did I never hear about Fang Tianfeng in ancient times? Could it be because Fang Tianfeng didn't mix well in ancient times, and it is very possible that not everyone got along well with me.

It was because of my luck that I first swore to Xiang Yu, then Liu Bang... um, forget it, let's not mention this.

Then he went to Tu'an and became a confidant with General Jin of Tu'an, and finally, because of the imprint of the tiger talisman on his chest, he was mistaken by Meng Tian as his younger brother.

So all kinds of coincidences add up, and I can mix well.


As for Fang Tianfeng's words.

Well, Yi Xiaochuan felt that he was actually useless.

The reason why he was able to snatch Gao Lan with himself back then was only because he was more concerned than Fang Tianfeng.

But I can't blame him, isn't it? Men are not bad and women don't love them. Wouldn't it be good for him to be careful? It's a pity that Gao Lan chose Fang Tianfeng, but Yi Xiaochuan never admitted that he lost to Fang Tianfeng.

And if Fang Tianfeng really traveled, it would be impossible for him to have the same good luck, because there would be no second Xiang Yu and no second Meng Tian.

Then the biggest possibility is... the same as Gao Yao, no, it should be even worse than Gao Yao.

Gao Yao was killed by the National People's Congress as soon as he crossed over. If he hadn't been admired for his cooking skills, he might have starved to death.

And Fang Tianfeng is estimated to be about the same as Gao, and he doesn't know how to cook.

In this way, Fang Tianfeng's life is expected to be miserable.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaochuan suddenly felt a lot better in his heart.

Although he is miserable, it seems that his former rival, Tianfeng, is even more miserable than himself.

However, since Fang Tianfeng also passed through.

If he, like Gao Yao, did not come back through time, and only himself came back, can he pursue Gao Lan again? Also, Gao Yao must also hope that he can help him take care of his sister. Thinking of this, Yi Xiaochuan's mood changed. Child beauty supplement.


Yi Zhao? Zhao Dachuan opened his mouth, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

In fact, he wanted to make it clear to Yi Xiaochuan that Fang Tianfeng's disappearance was actually fake.

It was a little game between some couples played between Gao Lan and Gao Lan, however, Yi Xiaochuan didn't give him this chance.

"Brother, I know, you like Gao Lan too, don't you?"

Yi Xiaochuan looked like I knew it, patted Yi Dachuan on the shoulder, and said slowly, "Don't worry, Fang Tianfeng is not here, you and I will compete fairly."

Yi Xiaochuan considered himself to be the master of love, and he saw the strangeness in his brother's eyes when he talked about Gao Lan.

How can I not see that Yi Dachuan likes Gao Lan However, this is not what Yi Dachuan wants to say.......

Chapter 265 Self-closing again!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 265 ━━━━━━━━ Self-closing again! Go! Please subscribe Yi Xiaochuan thought that Yi Dachuan wanted to say that he also likes Gao Lan, so he decided to give Yi Dachuan a fair chance to compete.

Although, he doesn't think Yi Dachuan, like a nerd, can compare to himself.

However, he also did not want to hurt the feelings between the brothers.

Then, he went out without giving Yi Dachuan a chance to speak.

Professor Yi and Mother Yi have already left, and they are going to the police station to drop the case.

After all, everyone has already returned, and it would not be good if the police continue to investigate.

As for Yi Xiaochuan, he is eager to reintegrate into modern life.

It can only be said that he is worthy of the original protagonist, and he can adjust his mentality in time every time.


Yi Dachuan hurriedly spoke up, and even chased Yi Xiaochuan out.

But it was too late, Yi Xiaochuan had already taken a taxi and left.

He has to buy a mobile phone first, the original one... is gone.

In ancient times, there was no charger, and there was no signal. The mobile phone was always treasured by 2 as a souvenir, and now he has not brought it back.

Yi Xiaochuan laughed at himself, maybe, it's not necessarily that this phone can be found from Meng Yi's grave in the future?

Why can you be sure that it's not nonsense? The clothes on your body must be changed by someone.

Moreover, he was walking fine on the road, why did he faint suddenly, and he was not knocked out by a sneak attack! If it wasn't for someone doing a ghost, he wouldn't believe it himself.

But he didn't suspect Fang Tianfeng, he just thought it might be some mysterious organization.

After all, Yi Xiaochuan always thought that the reason why he was sent back was because he had been: the reason for wantonly changing history.

The reason why he was sent back may also be for this reason.

Maybe it's an organization that maintains the long history. Isn't it all written like this in the novels? Yi Xiaochuan has been holding back for too long, and his clothes are too old.

So, he first bought a suit.

Then I went to buy a cell phone.

Finally, he decides to indulge and go to the bar Happy.

It's ridiculous, obviously a man's wish is to have three wives and four concubines.

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