It's a big deal, don't say that Xiaoyue can't be, even if it is, it doesn't matter.

Rather, wouldn't this make people more excited? Xiaoyue was also observing Gao Lan, observing this girl who looked like her two thousand years later.

It's like, it's really her sister.

However, a lot of observation is returned, observation is observation, but there is no hostility between them.

Xiaoyue is very docile, making it difficult for Gao Lan to get angry with him.

And Gao Lan, Xiaoyue treats her as her sister, so she won't have any bad emotions.

However, Fang Tianfeng, who was caught in the middle, was a little helpless.

"Fang Tianfeng! You are going too far!"

Gao Lan was suddenly in trouble, she couldn't point at the simple Xiaoyue, but Fang Tianfeng was different.

"You can't blame me for that."

Fang Tianfeng, as if he had expected it, was very helpless.... Gao Lan would definitely be angry, after all, he had brought so many green hats to her unknowingly!

A girl would get angry, this is not ancient, there is no Confucianism of three obedience and four virtues.

There is no polygamy, but a serious monogamy system.

Xiaoyue and the others may not care, but Gao Lan must care.

Otherwise, how will she manage herself in the future, Gao Lan is still a little uneasy.

After all, although she has never been an emperor, she also knows that emperors are the kind of people who can't tolerate others saying that he is not at all.

Although Fang Tianfeng was a monk, he was an emperor anyway.

If Fang Tianfeng couldn't bear it, what should she do?

And Fang Tianfeng couldn't refute it either.

But he didn't regret it, because he originally enjoyed the blessings of Qi people with the idea of ​​Crystal Palace.

However, for... Gao Lan, he felt it was necessary to explain.

Because, after all, 4.

6 Gao Lan is the first girl he likes in this world.

This kind of first love is always more important to men.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng would not give up Gao Lan on his own initiative unless he had to.

Because of this, he had already prepared a set of rhetoric to fool, no, it was to persuade Gao Lan.

Even if Gao Lan was really angry and wanted to leave, Fang Tianfeng had nothing to do.

She can only be imprisoned, and then let Xiaoyue slowly persuade her.

If you really can't, you can also use sleeping clothes.

If it doesn't work, then there is no other way, only to make her eyes turn white and her whole body full of righteousness.

After all, the most important thing in life is to be happy.

Chapter 273 ━━━━━━━━ Where in life do we not meet! (please subscribe)

Chapter 273 ━━━━━━━━ Where do we not meet in life! Gao Lan finally accepted Fang Tianfeng's rhetoric, even though she knew that Fang Tianfeng was fooling herself.

This kind of thing is actually obvious to everyone.

However, because of their love for each other, Fang Tianfeng had such a rhetoric and Gao Lan accepted it.

Even though she knew that none of this was real, she still accepted it.

Accepted Fang Tianfeng's rhetoric of 'making everyone happy'.

Even if it's a lie, as long as you keep deceiving her and not being discovered, it's actually a kind of truth, "Sister Gao Lan, don't blame your husband."

Xiaoyue blinked her beautiful big eyes and sat beside Gao Lan, Bai Nen's little hand suddenly grabbed Gao Lan's hand, "Husband, he is also trying to save us.

If it wasn't for my husband, I would still be bullied by those people."

Gao Lan sighed helplessly, she did know a lot about the tragic experiences of these girls.

I also know that if 04 Fang Tianfeng does not do this, it will only cause these girls to suffer inevitable harm.

However, knowing is knowing, and wanting to understand is another matter.

Even if she accepted it temporarily, it didn't mean that the resentment in her heart dissipated like this.

"Let's go."

Gao Lan jumped up from the sofa at once, took Xiaoyue's hand and walked out.

"where to go"

Fang Tianfeng did not respond, and asked in surprise.

Although he knew that he had passed the test, he had to know what to do when he went out at this time, but it was almost night now.

Don't stay at home to make dinner, eat dinner, take a shower, have sex, sleep, what else do you want to do "go to the bar."

Gao Lan gave Fang Tianfeng an angry look, "Sister Xiaoyue just came, do you want her to stay at home all day like you?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged, the world outside is too dark for a weak girl like Xiaoyue.

"whispering sound."

Gao Lan made a disdainful voice, but stubbornly led the girl out of the door.

Xiaoyue opened her mouth, although she wanted to say everything about her.

However, not a word could be said.

Because she really doesn't understand the world, she should have no right to speak.

What's more, the relationship between Fang Tianfeng and Gao Lan is different from hers.

"Two cocktails."

Gao Lan skillfully led the girl to the bar, and the bartender just nodded.

It can be seen that Gao Lan is a regular customer, the kind who often comes...

Gao Lan's drinking capacity is actually very good, she usually drinks white, and she has never lost a wine fight with others.

Just to take care of Xiaoyue, so I ordered a cocktail.

The ancient brewing industry was indeed underdeveloped, but even with that low-degree wine, people were often drunk.

This is very disappointing, how low is this alcohol consumption? But, although Gao Lan is a frequent visitor, the people around him still couldn't help but look surprised.

Because Gao Lan usually comes alone, although it is very beautiful, it is not a big impact.

However, twins are different! It's not a simple 1+1! "What about mine"

Fang Tianfeng, who was following behind, was speechless because Gao Lan only ordered two cups.

So, is he here as a foil? "Do it yourself."

Gao Lan didn't even look at him, she was still angry.

Even if she temporarily accepts Fang Tianfeng's rhetoric or excuses, it doesn't mean she forgives him.

Mingming, obviously not even her yet, but Fang Tianfeng has already done it with many other women.

It wasn't until the end that it was her turn! She was the one who came first! No matter what...

Whether it is to know Fang Tianfeng, or to meet frankly, it is her first! "Forget it, I won't drink."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, he didn't have any money on him.

When the time comes to pay, Gao Lan will have to look at it, but if he orders wine, Gao Lan has to pay for it, which is really unreasonable.

Of course, Gao Lan would not deliberately make it difficult for him to make him embarrassed about the payment.

After all, it is also her boyfriend, who she likes.

No matter how angry she is, 750 is still very knowledgeable in front of outsiders, and she wants to save a little face for Fang Tianfeng.

"I'll go to the bathroom first, you take good care of Xiaoyue sister."

Gao Lan turned her head, looked at Fang Tianfeng who was sitting in silence on the bar chair, and said slowly, "If there is anything wrong with Sister Xiaoyue, I will ask you."

"rest assured."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, but there was a smile in his eyes.

He still doesn't know what Gao Lan's character is. He is not arrogant but better than arrogant.

"Girls, I, Yi Xiaochuan, are back!"

The excited shouting instantly attracted the attention of most people in the bar, and Xiaoyue was no exception.

Because, she felt that the voice seemed a little familiar.

Then, she saw Yi Xiaochuan.

And Yi Xiaochuan also saw her, and Fang Tianfeng.

The smile on Yi Xiaochuan's face instantly disappeared without a trace, his face was ashen, he turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

Wow, how can you see nasty guys everywhere!

Chapter 274 ━━━━━━━━ Quest! (please subscribe)

Chapter 274! Begging to subscribe to get home, but Xiaoyue has already fallen asleep.

And Fang Tianfeng was sitting on the sofa in the living room with Gao Lan.

It's not to settle accounts after the autumn, but to talk about business.

"You mean to say, you will change the dynasty yourself"

Gao Lan looked at Fang Tianfeng in disbelief. He never thought he would be so bold, "I changed the name of the dynasty directly, and then changed my name to Liu Bang to establish the Han Dynasty."

"Sure, what's the problem?"

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