As a result, he also brought so many large and small bags.

"hurry up."

Gao Lan couldn't bear the excitement in her heart, after all, this was her first time crossing in her life.

However, this is of no use.

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, then activated the treasure box in his hand.

The specific steps are... Put the tiger seal in the treasure box, and insert the key into the key hole just like unlocking.

Tiger Rune is naturally from Yi Xiaochuan 4.

6 The one who grabbed it from there..., this is the real key.

But according to Cui Wenzi, this thing should have other functions.

Traveling through is actually not complicated. In a dazzling halo, the three people disappeared and reappeared.

When Fang Tianfeng opened his eyes, he was already in a palace.

However, it is not the Qin Palace.

Nonsense, he has lived in the Qin Palace for so many years, will he not remember what it looks like and not only... not the Qin Palace, his journey has been seen.

A stunned young man.

It's... that kind of..., at first glance, it looks like a stupid boy.

Chapter 001 The Great Man! (please subscribe)

Chapter 001 ━━━━━━━━ The big man! Please subscribe to "You, who are you"

The teenager looked at Fang Tianfeng nervously, "Is he also a eunuch in the palace, but why don't you wear eunuch clothes?"

Fang Tianfeng was silent, he retracted what he just said.

This is no longer just stupid, but stupid as a pig.

When a normal person sees a stranger in the palace, shouldn't they shout that there is an assassin?

Running away or simply begging for mercy, who would stand here and ask the question "What's your name" like him?

Fang Tianfeng asked slowly, there is no doubt that the youth's identity is very noble.

You can tell from the clothes he wears that in the palace, a man is either a eunuch or... the royal family.

Judging from the clothes on his body, it is obviously not a eunuch, so he must be a member of the royal family.

And, most likely, the prince.

0 is still the kind that has been established as a prince since childhood.

Because it's so stupid.

If it weren't for the prince, the other sons would definitely be desperately fighting to become princes, how could he be so stupid, of course, it is not ruled out that he may be pretending.

However, what kind of force did he pretend to be a prince in front of an assassin: "I am Liu Che, the prince of the big man!"

The young man raised his head proudly, not knowing why he was so proud, but after a while he looked at Fang Tianfeng with some doubts, "You don't know who I am, are you not the eunuch in the palace?"

Fang Tianfeng sighed softly, not so stupid as to be incurable.

"Could it be that you are the new eunuch in the palace"

Well, when he didn't say this, he was so stupid that there was no cure.

But it's normal. In his opinion, except for him and his father, everyone else in this palace is eunuchs.

Therefore, it is normal to subconsciously regard Fang Tianfeng as a eunuch... a ghost! However, he also has a lot of tricks.

The prince of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, Liu Che, isn't this Han Wu? Fang Tianfeng is a little puzzled, he knows that it is the Qin Dynasty.

Cui Wenzi had promised himself that the time span could not be so large.

The only limitation of the treasure box is... not to go - the time point that I have been to.

In other words, you can't go before the time you have been there.

For example, he was in the Qin Dynasty before, but he may go before the Qin Dynasty next time.

However, in any case, you should not come to the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, was born in the first year before Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty and was the neutron of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty.

When his mother Wang Shi was pregnant, Emperor Jing of Han was still the crown prince.

Wang Shi dreamed that the sun entered her arms, and after telling Emperor Jing of Han, Emperor Jing of Han said: "This is a noble expedition."

Before Liu Che was born, his grandfather, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, died.

After Emperor Jing of Han ascended the throne, Liu Che was born, and he was also the only son of the Wang family.

In the fourth year of the first year, Liu Che was named King of Jiaodong as a prince.

In the same year, Emperor Jing's eldest son, his half-eldest brother Liu Won, was crowned the crown prince.

In the autumn and ninth month of the sixth year of the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, Empress Bo, who had no children and no pets, was abolished.

In the first month of the spring of the second year, Emperor Jing deposed Li Crown Prince Liu Rong as King Xia Siyue Yisi, Liu Che's mother Wang Shi was established as the queen, Ding Si and Liu Che were established as princes.

That is to say, Liu Che was already established as a prince when he was six or seven years old.

If he is a prince since he was a child, it is understandable to say that he is so stupid and sweet... What a shit! If nothing else, Liu Che in history is a good person, how could he be so stupid and sweet? It's not that becoming a prince can make everything worry-free, and Liu Rong's lesson from the past is still in front of him.

When you become a prince, you should be more conscientious and conscientious, instead of being silly and sweet like an idiot.

This will only make Emperor Han Jing unhappy, and even feel that A Dou who can't support him in anger will directly abolish him.

Besides, even if he wants to be silly and sweet, his mother Wang Shi will not let him be silly and sweet, but he is just... so silly and sweet.

"I might have read a fake history."

Fang Tianfeng said without any complaints, his heart did not fluctuate and he even wanted to laugh.

"Who is the founding emperor of your Han Dynasty?"

Fang Tianfeng asked suddenly.

"Of course it's the great ancestor Liu Bang."

Liu Che answered as a matter of course, "Gao 750 ancestors created the century-old 100-year foundation of my Han Dynasty, you don't even know this, who are you?"

Liu Che suddenly woke up with a look of vigilance.

However, this is of no use.

Fang Tianfeng ignored Liu Che's vigilance, rubbed his chin and thought about it, and asked, "Where is the ancestral temple of your royal family?"

"The thief should not be mad!"

Liu Che's face was flushed red, and he was very angry, because he was ignored as the prince of the Han Dynasty! This gave him a great blow to his self-esteem and lost his vanity.

So, he opened his mouth and wanted to call someone to escort him.

However, Fang Tianfeng kept staring at him, and seeing that he wanted to call someone, he immediately gagged his mouth.

Another sluggish knife slashed at the back of Liu Che's neck, knocking him unconscious.

Well, it's really fortunate that no one was killed.

However, the rope was not found in Liu Che's palace, Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to wrap him in a sheet and threw him under the bed.

Chapter 002 ━━━━━━━━ So, I've crossed again? ! (please subscribe)

Chapter 002 ━━━━━━━━ So, I've crossed again! Please subscribe "It doesn't look like it at all."

Fang Tianfeng, who had already left Liu Che's palace and came to the Taimiao Temple, looked at the portrait of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, and shook his head slightly.

It's not that he has never seen Liu Bang, and he is not the same person as the one in the portrait.

Although ancient paintings are freehand rather than realistic, but even so, painting the portrait of the founding emperor needs to be more rigorous.

It is impossible not to say that it is completely similar, but at least there must be a three-point three-image.

However, the Liu Bang in this portrait is completely different from what he imagined.

In other words, it was replaced by a Liu Bang.

Fang Tianfeng stood expressionlessly in front of Liu Bang's portrait, but his heart had already begun.

There is no doubt that he was tricked.

Now, there are two possibilities. One is that the time and space were disturbed when he traveled, and he came to the Han Dynasty.

And the only thing that can interfere with time and space is the way of heaven, and it is not impossible for the way of heaven to do such a thing.

The other is that his crossing method is wrong.

Fang Tianfeng, on the other hand, prefers the second type.

This also represents a possibility that he is not in the original world now.

Whether in the Qin Dynasty or in modern times, the world he lived in before was the world of "Myth".

However, some people may have forgotten that he was not originally from "Myth", but a transmigrator.

And now, it is very likely that he has crossed again.

Moreover, it is from the "Myth" world to another world.

So, what kind of thing is this? Originally, he was only skeptical, but after seeing the portrait of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, he was sure of it.

As Qin Shi Huang, even if the Qin Dynasty was finally destroyed, his control would not be so bad that even Liu Bang was replaced.

So, he has already made up his mind about his current situation.

I must have made a mistake in time travel, and Xiaoyue and Gao Lan should have no problem, they should have gone to Daqin.

The reason why he was so sure was because the treasure box in his hand had run out of energy.

He only crossed once, even if he crossed wrongly, it was impossible to use up all the energy at one time.

However, it is not enough to confirm Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty.

He has to go elsewhere to confirm other things.

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