Fang Tianfeng has been observing the change in Empress Dowager Dou's expression, but Empress Dowager Dou just kept smiling kindly, without any fluctuation, "It turned out to be the case, don't worry.

Your royal father is in good health, but it's just an occasional cold, so take two medicines and you'll be fine.

It's just that, as you know, your father doesn't want you to see him sick."

Speaking, the Queen Mother Dou also showed a reproachful expression, "Your father is also true, life, what is this is just a cold, and he doesn't want you to see it.

Could it be that your prince doesn't recognize him as a father when he sees him like this?"

"The emperor's grandmother is joking, but my son doesn't dare."

Fang Tianfeng also showed a silly and sweet smile, with a silly look, "Since the father doesn't want me to go, then I won't go."


The Empress Dowager nodded slightly, silly Bai Tian is just... so liar, she will believe what she says.

If you want to change someone, I am afraid she will have to spend a lot of time.

She didn't have any doubts, after all, Liu Che had always been so silly and sweet.

However, Empress Dowager still had a little gloom in her heart.

It's a good thing that Liu Che is stupid and white, because it's also easy to deceive.

However, it is precisely because Liu Che is stupid and sweet, so he has no merits as a prince.

But there is no merit, and relative Liu Che can't find any guilt, and there is no way for the prince to be acquitted.

At least, this dynasty doesn't have that.

Even if it is the Empress Dowager Dou, even if there is support from the Dou family in the court, the way to abolish the prince Liu Che without guilt.

Liu Che did not make mistakes, none of them could do anything about Liu Che, they could only watch Liu Che, the prince, succeed him.

Therefore, the Queen Mother Dou is also in a hurry now, and is eager to abolish Liu Che.

She knows the physical condition of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty best.

The imperial physicians have said that even if the immortals come, they will not be able to save them.

As soon as Emperor Jing of Han died, as long as there were no problems, Liu Che's succession was a foregone conclusion.

After all, it is normal for the prince to succeed the throne when the emperor dies.

It is impossible to abolish the prince without sin, and it is impossible for the prince to make any mistakes while staying in the palace.

As for killing one or two eunuchs and palace maids, I'm sorry, it's not wrong at all.

Eunuchs are different from ordinary people, eunuchs have no human rights.

Unless the crown prince can kill one or two common people, then there is no excuse to abolish him.

But here comes the problem, the prince is in the palace, where would the common people kill him, so Empress Dowager Dou is very anxious now, she must find a way to make Liu Che make mistakes, and to make Liu Che make mistakes, Liu Che must be let out of the palace.

However, Liu Che couldn't be tied out, he had to go out by himself, and he went out of the palace privately.

0 This is not easy.

However, the Empress Dowager is still trying to find a way to pit her grandson.

But Fang Tianfeng has already taken the initiative, wanting to go out of the palace to do things.

In fact, it is not a big problem to go out of the palace, and the problem of sneaking out of the palace is not big, as long as those who go out do not make mistakes.

Fang Tianfeng didn't want to face Emperor Jing of Han, so he wanted to go out.

In the original book, Liu Che went to Yanci, Shandong to attend the rabbit meeting, but when he came back, Emperor Jing of Han died.

............ Therefore, Fang Tianfeng is going to run like the original, so that he can wait for Emperor Jing of Han to come back.

Therefore, although each has its own scheming, the goals of the two sides coincide.

Fang Tianfeng wanted to leave Chang'an, and Empress Dowager Dou wanted to let Liu Che leave Chang'an.

Because of some things, only when the prince leaves, can she make arrangements with peace of mind.

Empress Dowager Dou left, but Fang Tianfeng did not stop because of this.

On the contrary, as soon as Empress Dowager Dou left, he sent someone to look for someone.

"Biography, Guan Fu, Li Yong, Guo Deren and Zhang Gu are four, let them come to see the prince."

With a playful expression on his face, Fang Tianfeng waved his hand and asked the eunuch in the palace to call someone.

Guan Fu, Li Yong, Guo Deren and Zhang Gu, these four people are not just anyone, these people are all accompanying the prince to study.

Therefore, the prince misses them, and it is not uncommon for them to come to the prince's east palace to gather together.

However, the eunuch replied in a submissive voice, but just went out and chased in the direction where Empress Dowager left.

This kind of thing has to be reported to the Queen Mother first, and then called someone.

After all, he was the queen mother's person first and then the prince's person.

Chapter 005 Simple relationship! (please subscribe)

Chapter 005 ━━━━━━━━ Simple relationship! Please subscribe to Guo Deren, he is just a commoner and has no prominent life experience.

However, he and Prince Liu Che were born only a few days apart.

So when Guo Deren was just born, his mother was taken to the palace to be a wet nurse for Liu Che.

And he himself, because of this, has not even been able to eat a mouthful of his mother's milk since he was born.

When he grew up, Liu Che became the crown prince, and his nanny also rose to become the confidant of the Queen Wang.

Because of this, Guo Deren was called to the palace and asked him to accompany the prince to study, which was a blessing.

Li Yong, this person does not come out with "seven-five-zero"

name, but he is a real general.

And his uncle Li Gan was the general of the Imperial Guard who guarded the palace.

And even Li Gan is actually not famous.

The one who is really famous is Li Yong's grandfather, the flying general Li Guang.

And Li Guang's ancestor was Li Xin, a famous general of the Qin Dynasty! Therefore, this Li family can be regarded as a general for generations, and it is absolutely no problem to use the tiger's son on the Li family.

One of Wang Changling's "Out of the Fortress II, One of Two" once wrote: Qin Shi Mingyue Han Shiguan, the Long March people have not returned.

But let Longcheng Fei will be there, and don't teach Huma to ride the Yin Mountains.

And this flying general is... flying general Li Guang! Of course, there is no such person Li Yong in history, there is only a Li Ling.

But after all, it is a TV series, you can't force too much, many things are fictitious, so Li Ling was deliberately changed to Li Yong.

And Li Ling is actually very famous.

With less than [-] troops, Li Ling penetrated into the hinterland of the Xiongnu and fought tens of thousands of troops.

In the end, because there was no backup, the entire army was trapped and had to surrender to the Huns for the sake of his general Li Ling.

After Li Ling surrendered, Emperor Wu of Han killed his whole family.

All the people above the court were angry at Li Ling's 'loyalty', and there was only one Taishi commander, Sima Qian, who risked being beheaded to speak for Li Ling, and then Sima Qian was castrated.

It is precisely because Sima Qian was castrated that he was able to write the historical work "Records of the Grand Historian"! Besides... Sima Qian, there is another person who also has an allusion about the incident with Li Ling.

It is..."Su Wu Shepherd".

Of course, this is in the future anyway.

These people, are there any... the future is certain, no matter what they do, the husband is shut up, the historical prototype is the husband, and in the end, it is not easy to die.

In the end, there is Zhang Gu, the historical prototype is Zhang Tang, a brainless cruel official.

I don't know what it means to be an official, I think I'm in charge of the law and I don't care about anyone else, and I don't have any political wisdom.

In the end, he was even executed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty himself.

By the way, Guo Deren and Zhang Gu have a very good relationship, but they ended up being pitted by Zhang Gu.

So, Liu Che's... buddies, there is no good thing.

In the end, it is even more so that there is no one left to die, and no one can die peacefully.

And it's precisely because their names don't match the characters in history that Fang Tianfeng can think that they do not exist in real history, but in a world adapted from TV series.

Just like Tuan in mythology, it should not exist originally.

And with these... familiar names, Fang Tianfeng can also recall and sort out the plots of these worlds.

Fang Tianfeng sent them on the road ahead of time, and they estimated that they could also get a good reputation for escorting them.... Well, Fang Tianfeng nodded with a sigh, and he was still thinking of others.

I'm really a good person through and through.

"Zhang Gu sees His Royal Highness the Prince."

Zhang Gu respectfully bowed and saluted, and the three people on the side 3 also quickly followed and respectfully shouted, "See Your Royal Highness."


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly and said nothing, but he was a little puzzled in his heart.

There were only five of them 55 in the room, and there were no outsiders.

And if Fang Tianfeng remembered correctly, these people should have sworn to Liu Che.

Therefore, their relationship is also very good on weekdays, and they don't even call the prince but Liu Che as the ninth brother.

Because Liu Che himself is the ninth son of a concubine.

To call him Ninth Brother instead of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in itself... an expression of intimacy.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't like this kind of closeness very much.

Because, neither big nor small.

In the original work, Zhang Gu even threatened Liu Che, who had become an emperor, saying, 'If you don't remove King Liang 4.

6 Sir, I will not be the official'.

When watching the TV series originally, Fang Tianfeng thought Zhang Gu was a talent.

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