"Although I am the crown prince, I am unable to move an inch in the palace.

Yesterday I said I was going to see the father, but the grandmother came to Changle Palace ahead of time to block me and even prevented me from going out.

In fact, if I hadn't wanted to leave the palace 'without permission' today, I'd probably have been blocked by the imperial grandmother before I even left the palace gate."

"Little brother, you are exaggerating too much"

Princess Pingyang couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that a mere royal grandmother could do such a thing.

Does the emperor eat shit?

Chapter 010 ━━━━━━━━To win the trust! (please subscribe)

Chapter 010 ━━━━━━━━To win the trust! Please subscribe "Sister, you are too naive."

Fang Tianfeng sighed slightly in his heart, although he has some wisdom, but after all, his vision is not enough...

For the throne, brothers, fathers and sons must turn against each other, not to mention there is a generation gap between grandmother and grandson.

Fang Tianfeng's tone was slightly stagnant, and he said slowly, "This time when I leave the palace, I heard that there is a doctor in Shandong who has a good reputation.

So, I don't want to sit in the palace and wait for my death, I want to find that doctor to enter the palace to treat my father."

"Little brother,"

Princess Pingyang believed it by five points, but she was still suspicious and couldn't help but said, "The imperial physicians in the palace are all doing "Seven-Five-Three" for the emperor.

Seeing a doctor, if even the imperial doctor can't do anything, how could those warlocks be able to do it? You must have misunderstood the imperial grandmother, why don't I explain it to the imperial grandmother."

Princess Pingyang is not stupid, nor is she unable to figure out the key.

However, she, who had never experienced cruelty, still didn't want to believe that the Empress Dowager would be so cruel before the incident happened.

Even though, she and Empress Dowager are not actually close.

It's not that she doesn't understand, it's just that she doesn't want to believe it, and like most people, she is taking chances.

But Fang Tianfeng is very clear that all this is true, so he will never take any chances.

"Sister, you still don't understand,"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, but suddenly laughed, "But soon, you will understand what I said."

"The entire palace is under the control of the royal grandmother, and she is very aware of my every move.

Including this time I am going to leave the palace, she also sees it all.

However, she would not stop me, and would even allow me to go out of the palace.

However, it is easy to leave the palace, and it is difficult to want to come back."

"This time my sister and I met, someone must have already reported the news to the imperial grandmother.

Sister, just wait, the imperial grandmother will send someone to look for you soon.

At that time, no matter what she asks, my sister doesn't need to panic, just tell the truth."

"Furthermore, once I leave the palace, the grandmother will definitely relax her vigilance, thinking that I am no longer in the palace to pose a threat.

At that time, I am afraid that I will need the help of my sister.

Once there is a problem, as long as my sister can send me a message, I can immediately.

Come back."

Princess Pingyang was still in disbelief, but her younger brother had said so much, she had to believe a little...

"Sister, I'll go back first."

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, then turned around and left.

He knew that Princess Pingyang was aware of his current situation. Princess Pingyang would definitely not let herself go out. Even so, she could still go out, but the four 44 followers in the back were a little too conspicuous after all.

However, Zhang Gu and the four of them were uneasy at this time, Fang Tianfeng didn't hide what they said just now, which made them uneasy but flattered.

Because such an important thing can let them know, this shows that the prince has regarded them as a confidant! However, it is not, Fang Tianfeng will not treat any of them as a confidant.

All he needed was to confuse others into thinking that he took these four as his henchmen.

Because that way, it's... the best cover for him.

"You heard what you said just now"

Fang Tianfeng led the four of them along the corridor of the palace, and suddenly asked without looking back.

"Back to His Royal Highness, the minister did hear 0..."

Zhang Gu was the first to stand up, with a respectful expression and a different kind of emotion.

It seemed that Fang Tianfeng's actions of treating them as 'confidants' moved him.


Fang Tianfeng nodded in satisfaction, as if he was very happy with Zhang Gu's behavior, but he didn't care in his heart.

Zhang Gu, in his opinion, was the only smart person among Liu Che's four 44 followers.

But later he realized that this was just an illusion, and the reason for such an illusion was just because he was stupid and not obvious.

Guo Deren's trio 3 is a typical young man who has no brain and is also very naive.

But even if they are naive, there is a limit, and they will eventually grow.

As for Zhang Gu, he can be said to be a smart man, and he has studied the law. He has worked hard to become a law enforcement officer since he was a child.

However, he is a cruel official, a cruel official who does not know how to bend around and do not know how to compromise.

He even tried to threaten Liu Che to cut off Prince Liang with just one sentence.

Obviously he studied the law, but he didn't even understand this.

King Liang is a prince, only 4.

6 If you don't rebel, who can cut his rank. Therefore, Zhang Gu, who originally thought he could be made, is actually a complete idiot.

And such a person is not worthy of Fang Tianfeng's attention.

Because he doesn't even need to take action, sooner or later Zhang Gu will send himself to the muzzle of someone else's gun, to the entrance of the abyss:.

Of course, he still needs them for the time being.

"You go out of the palace first, and sneak out at night to wait for me outside the city. I will find you and make peace."

Fang Tianfeng spoke slowly, and then walked to Changle Palace where he lived.

However, Zhang Gu and the four of them looked at each other in dismay, but in the end they had to turn around and leave.

Chapter 011 ━━━━━━━━━marry! (please subscribe)

Chapter 011 ━━━━━━━━marry! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng went back to Changle Palace by himself, but Zhang Gu and the four of them went out of the palace and went back to their respective homes.

On the other side, Princess Pingyang originally wanted to go back, but was stopped by a eunuch on the way.

Although the attitude is respectful, but the words are full of taste that cannot be rejected.

Because this eunuch was sent by Empress Dowager Dou.

The imperial grandmother wanted to find her granddaughter who was about to get married, and it was also because she loved her granddaughter that she wanted to chat and reminisce. This is not a big deal.

However, her relationship with the royal grandmother is not...good.

Recalling what her brother said, the girl's heart was covered with a haze.

Maybe what my brother said is true.


As soon as Princess Pingyang entered the door, the Queen Mother Dou held the little hand of the girl kindly and patted the back of the girl's hand: "It's been a long time since you came to see me, this old woman, and I have been too. I have never seen 04.

Come, let the imperial grandmother take a good look."


Princess Pingyang looked a little coy and embarrassed, and her pretty face was slightly flushed, "Pingyang has not seen the emperor's grandmother for some days, and I miss it very much."

Although there was a blush on her face, Princess Pingyang was very anxious in her heart. She was now more and more sure that what her brother said was true, and she was extremely anxious.

However, he still wants to act with her here, imaginary and arrogant.

Acting is something that, as a member of the royal family, is not impossible.

What's more, her mother queen, the queen, is herself a woman with exaggerated acting skills.


The Queen Mother Dou sighed slightly, the wrinkles on her old face tightened, "I heard that you don't seem to want to marry that... Cao Shou"

Princess Pingyang didn't speak, just lowered her head.

Because what Empress Dowager Dou said was the truth, and it was exactly what she thought.

But just because it's the truth, she can't speak casually, otherwise it's easy to cause trouble for her... as a younger brother.

Cao Shou's identity is prominent, but he is the great-grandson of Cao Can, who succeeded Xiao He in the early Han Dynasty.

Moreover, Cao Shou himself inherited the title of Marquis of Pingyang and also had his own feudal kingdom.

Some people think that only those who claim to be kings can seal a country, but in fact, just like the vassal states of the Zhou Dynasty, the same is true of the Han Dynasty.

In addition to...the prince who is the king, the dukes, marquis and earls all have their own feudal kingdoms.

It's just that the feudal kingdom that calls the king is even more freshman.

In their own fiefs, these...people with titles are almost like...the emperor.

He has his own fiefs, his own army, and he can do whatever he wants.

In fact, for... these... ministers with titles, it is not a good thing to be crowned king.

Not only Liu Bang, but the entire Liu family of the Han royal family are all typical representatives of mean and unkindness.

No one with the surname of Liu and a king can die peacefully:

In the early Han Dynasty, there were eight different surnames: King Han, Wang Xin, King Zhang Er of Zhao, King Yingbu of Huainan, King Han Xin of Chu, King Peng Yue of Liang, King Zang Tu of Yan, King Wu Rui of Changsha, King Lu Wan of Yan.

What was the result? Except... the king of Changsha, Wu Rui, took the initiative to show his weakness, he sent the army and his wife, and Changsha was a remote place.

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