"Of course there is,"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said slowly, "My father is the son of today, so my aunt is the eldest princess, but she is only the eldest princess.

And 757 if King Liang succeeds the throne, the aunt's status will not change, she will still be the eldest princess.

However, if I succeeded to the throne, Gillian would be... the queen of the Han Dynasty, and her aunt's status would also rise.

Tell me, is my aunt helping me or King Liang?"

For some reason, the girl's heart was aching, as if she had lost something important.

Yes, Gillian is the fiancee of the younger brother, if the younger brother becomes the emperor, Gillian will be his queen.

What about myself, my sister, what kind of eldest princess is like my aunt? "I see."

Princess Pingyang nodded lightly, hiding the pain in her heart without showing any trace.

However, this is not possible.

Fang Tianfeng was deliberately provoking this sister, so how could he not see her change? Once this sister felt heartache because of this, it meant that his battle plan had been half-successful.

"Sister, if something goes wrong after I leave Chang'an, you can go to Guantao Mansion to find Aunt and Gillian."

Fang Tianfeng was afraid that the excitement wasn't enough, so he couldn't help but add, "In order for Gillian to become the queen, my aunt will definitely do her best to help us.

Even if we have no relatives in Chang'an, my aunt will definitely help us.

Because there is no price for her failure, she is still the... eldest princess.

But if it succeeds, she is... the queen's mother."


Princess Pingyang responded, although she didn't like Gillian and her daughter.

But she also knew very well that this was a major matter of whether her younger brother could become the emperor.

Because her younger brother told her about such an important matter, she absolutely could not make a mistake because of jealousy: the important event of her younger brother.

However, jealous or something.

Princess Pingyang's heart suddenly panicked, she was actually jealous because her brother wanted to marry Gillian as his wife, what happened to her, they were brothers and sisters! How could she eat her brother's jealous "Princess."

Just as the two were cuddling each other on the bed, the voice from outside the door made the girl panic.

He hurriedly pushed his brother away and hurriedly got off the bed.

"Is that your husband? Come in."

Princess Pingyang sat at the table, trying to make her voice: calm down.


The door slowly opened, and a girl with long black hair walked in with a tea tray in her hand.

Obviously, she found something.

Otherwise, it would not have come in with a tea tray.

Fang Tianfeng was thoughtful, of course he knew about this girl.

That is... He followed the maid who came to his sister's room before, and even, he was discovered by his sister because he was absent-minded watching this girl.

The name Zifu seems to have been heard somewhere where Fang Tianfeng suddenly stood up from the bed with a look of horror on his face.

No wonder he was attracted to this girl, because this is Wei Zifu! According to the historical trajectory, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty Liu Che was...attracted by this girl, and she even became the queen! Wei Zifu's beauty is naturally unnecessary Doubt, especially her long smooth hair, is even more addicting.

It's no wonder that Fang Tianfeng was attracted, but in fact it wasn't him who was attracted, but Liu Che.

It's just that he replaced Liu Che's identity, that's why this is the case.

And this incident also gave Fang Tianfeng a warning sign that he had already been watched by Heavenly Dao.

But that's right, Liu Che, as the emperor who will be in the sky in the future, will naturally be watched by the Tao of heaven if he is killed and replaced by others.

Fang Tianfeng had already expected it, so he didn't care.

Anyway..., it's not the first time I've been watched by Heaven.

Wei Zifu was born in the reign of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty.

His mother Wei was the concubine of the Houhou Houhou of Pingyang.

When Wei Zifu was young, he was probably sent to Pingyang Hou's family to teach singing and dancing, and he became the acclaimer of Pingyang Hou's house.

And after Cao Shou was granted marriage, he sent all three of the three Wei Zifu sisters to the Princess Palace ahead of schedule, and the name was given to Princess Pingyang.

Because, although Cao Shou is incompetent, he is also a scheming bitch.

He wants these three people to help him monitor Princess Pingyang and find out Princess Pingyang's hobbies and feelings for him.

In fact, his plan was successful, and Wei Zifu was favored.

Chapter 019 ━━━━━━━━━ Travel! (please subscribe)

Chapter 019 ━━━━━━━━ Travel! It's a pity to ask for a subscription, it's not because of Princess Pingyang's favor, but Fang Tianfeng.

"Sister, why don't you give her to me."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly said, he has a crush on Wei Zifu, so he wants her.


Princess Pingyang glared at Fang Tianfeng, but quickly realized that she was too excited, and explained, "This matter must respect Zifu's opinion, she is a human being, not a commodity!"

Fang Tianfeng shrugged, he knew that his sister was jealous and said that he respected his son-in-law's opinion.

It's just a joke. What opinion can a servant have? What is the difference between a person and not a cargo servant and a cargo? The reason why Princess Pingyang said this is to Fang Tianfeng and Wei Zifu.

Deliberately speaking, one is not to directly reject Fang Tianfeng, and the other is to imply that Wei Zifu rejects Fang Tianfeng.

"Zifu, what do you think?"

Fang Tianfeng fulfilled his sister's wish and asked with a light smile.

Princess Pingyang was very uneasy, because she was afraid that Wei Zifu would agree.

But after thinking about it, I felt that Wei Zifu didn't know Fang Tianfeng's identity, so he probably wouldn't agree.

"The princess is very good to the slaves, and the slaves are already very content."

Wei Zifu said softly, not even the slightest change in his expression, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

Her attitude was very indifferent, but she also rejected Fang Tianfeng in disguise.

And Fang Tianfeng, also did not force, just thought it was funny.

Wei Zifu is definitely not as indifferent as she seems, because she just came in with tea.

A maid overheard a conversation between her master and the future emperor's current crown prince.

Then she left quietly, but she didn't want to pretend she didn't know, because she came over with tea.

If I didn't know there was someone in the room, why would I come here with tea, because this is a hint that something is known inside.

But she was very smart and didn't show it, so she just implied.

Because it was a hint, so she hoped.

She is performing, performing in front of Fang Tianfeng.

Princess Pingyang was originally her master, and it was useless how she behaved.

Therefore, she is acting in front of Fang Tianfeng.

This seemingly immature girl is not as simple as she imagined, on the contrary, she has the potential to become a scheming bitch.

It is no wonder that she could finally defeat Chen Daizhi to become the second queen.

Therefore, even if this is a mentally retarded world, everyone can do it, but it is still not that simple.

Whether it's Empress Dowager Dou or this Wei Zifu, it's not that simple.

She deliberately behaved in front of Fang Tianfeng, but deliberately refused.

Obviously, she is not only satisfied with changing a master, she also wants to turn around and change her identity.

And Fang Tianfeng also learned what she knew, the question is how much she knew...

Did he just know his identity, or did he know his secret conversation with Princess Pingyang.

Or, she saw what she had done to Princess Pingyang just now when she was in a coma.

"You go out first."

Princess Pingyang was very upset, so she didn't find anything, just let Wei Zifu leave.

"Sister, I'm leaving first."

Fang Tianfeng also stood up slowly, and before leaving, he walked up to the girl solemnly, "Sister, your wedding date with Cao Shou hasn't come yet.

Whether I can be the emperor or not, you can't marry him."

"Got it!"

There was a hint of sweetness in the girl's heart, but she pushed Fang Tianfeng on purpose, "Let's go, my sister will definitely not marry."


Fang Tianfeng nodded, then went out over the wall in front of the girl.

Properly showing some hidden strengths will help others to believe his identity more.

I believe that he has really endured humiliation all the time, so his temperament has changed greatly recently, rather than being replaced by another person.

......In fact, Fang Tianfeng just found a secluded corner and turned into a bird and flew out of the city.

The city of Chang'an is under curfew at this time, and no one can leave the palace unless there is a warrant from the emperor or the empress dowager.

Unless, you can climb the wall and get out.

Of course, the city wall is not high, that is, 12 meters high and 12 meters wide.

In addition to this, there is a trench outside the city. This trench is not very deep, only about three meters wide and about eight meters wide.

Moreover, there are still people patrolling the city wall.

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