And this time is when the children of rich families start to be happy.

At seven o'clock it was just dark, and the brothel officially opened.

It's a little more restrained during the day, and it's not needed at night.

Therefore, the waves start at 7:[-] and last until midnight.

However, no matter how rough it is, five hours should be enough.

It would be better to say that at nine o'clock, a lot of people came with the prostitute in their arms, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Therefore, the ancient nightlife is really unwatchable in 767 now.

It's 99:[-], who says it's not night even before eleven o'clock in the evening.

Of course, for.. modern people, before eleven o'clock is not a night or a day.

In primary and secondary schools, most people are still good babies, and it is a common practice to go to bed at nine o'clock.

Eight hours and 88 sleep a day is also fully satisfied.

However, when I went to middle school, [-]:[-] :: self-study next night, plus it took time to go back to the dormitory, wash and even take a bath.

It's a common practice to be able to go to bed after 11:[-]:[-]: Miscellaneous.

As a result, one by one was trained to become a night owl by three years of high school life.

Since then, even if you want to correct it.

But there are hardly any who can sleep before eleven o'clock.

Some say it only takes three weeks to develop a habit.

And going to bed after eleven o'clock, this habit has been cultivated for three years.

And it's not a good habit, but a bad habit.

It is very difficult for many people to try to correct it.

However, many people are just blindly doing what.

Of course, none of these............ are important.

Now that Yin Shi has passed, then it is the fifth watch! I have to say here that the so-called midnight of the third watch actually means 1:[-] in the middle of the night.

There are twelve hours in a day and night, and in general, the sky is bright at the beginning of the day and it is dark at seven.

Therefore, from 19:[-] p.m., that is, [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., of which ten hours and five hours are called.

1-hour, Xu hour-one shift.

2-hour, Hai Shi-two more.

2-hours, sub-hours-three shifts.

1-hour, ugly time-four shifts.

3-hour, Yinshi-five shifts.

For ordinary people, no matter how rich the nightlife is, it is already the limit to work a half-hour gun.

Even if there is a prelude before, and a wash after finishing, there is absolutely no problem at that hour.

So even if it is a brothel, it will be closed before the third watch.

Of course, guests can choose to live in a brothel.

However, no one would get up at the fourth watch, or even tiptoe for fear of being discovered.

Because even if you go to the toilet, there are urinals in the room.

So, it's probably a thief.


Qiu Chan quietly opened the door, looked at the figure still sleeping on the bed and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, then quietly closed the door and backed out.

Qiu Chan didn't live in Haitangchun, because when they fled from their beloved home, they wanted to prevent them from being caught.

So Nian Nujiao joined Haitangchun, while Qiuchan bought a house nearby with the money.

The reason why Qiu Chan went to a brothel before going home was mainly because of her high martial arts skills that she could not attract the attention of others.

Under this premise, let's see if Nian Nujiao is asleep.

Although she is the daughter of Nian Nujiao's mother's maid, Nian Nujiao has always regarded her as her younger sister.

Therefore, her younger sister is also very afraid of Nian Nujiao, the elder sister, afraid that she will blame herself.

In the past, every time she went out at night, she would always see Nian Nujiao in her own home.

Because every time she will be discovered by Nian Nujiao, and then she will be disciplined by Nian Nujiao when she comes back:.

Just like last night, she trespassed into the Marquis Mansion, but Nian Nujiao actually didn't want her to go.

In addition, she was found, so she stayed with Fang Tianfeng: for a long time, she even fell asleep.

If she wasn't afraid that she would be found when she woke up the next morning if she went to sleep again, she might still be lying in someone's arms and didn't want to wake up.

However, even when she came back, she learned how to behave.

Don't go home first, come to the brothel first to see if Nian Nujiao is asleep.

If you sleep, you will be fine.

If no one is there, it must be at her house, so Qiu Chan will not go back.

Well, perfect.

Qiu Chan happily looked at the sleeping figure on the bed, then closed the door gently, and jumped down from the window on the second floor.

In fact, her home is not far away, just near the brothel.

The reason to live separately is just to be discovered by people who are tired of the next time, and then they will be wiped out.

So until now, even the brothel prostitutes don't know their relationship.

Chapter 044 Talk!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 044 Negotiation! Next! Please subscribe to Qiu Chan's return home, the house is dark.

This is of course, although there is still moonlight outside to illuminate, but there is no light inside the house.

However, Qiu Chan has martial arts skills, even if there is no light, she knows everything about her family like the back of her hand, and she won't hit a wall.



The girl exclaimed, apparently hitting something.

But it's not painful, it's soft and has a very comfortable feeling.

In an instant, Qiu Chan knew that it was not good, and immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

However, her reaction was very fast, but the other party's speed was even faster, grabbing her clothes all at once, making her unable to run.

"You know how to come back."

"Sister, let me go, I won't dare next time."

Qiu Chan also knew that it was impossible to do anything, and she would definitely not be able to run away, so she hugged her head to prevent squatting, and looked at the figure behind her with tears in her eyes.

However, it was of no use, and there was no light in the room, no matter how pitiful she was, she couldn't see her.

"Next time, I don't know how many times you have said this."

Nian Nujiao rolled her eyes at her angrily, even if she knew that the other party couldn't see it, these... subconscious actions should still be done.

After all, doing these actions is not to be seen by others, it is just that you want to do it subconsciously.

However, although she was a little annoyed, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, after Qiu Chan sneaked out, she was also very worried.

Especially this time I have been gone for so long, and I haven't come back for several hours.

However, Nian Nujiao also knew that she couldn't be in a hurry, because even if she was in a hurry, it was useless, and she didn't know where to find someone.

And then, the whole city suddenly began to hunt for assassins, causing many people to fall asleep.

And Nian Nujiao was even more worried, but she was relieved because of these...

Because since they are hunting down a lot, it means that the people they want to arrest have not been caught.

But even so, it's just not caught for the time being, and there is still a risk of exposure.

Until he heard Qiu Chan's energetic voice, Yu felt relieved.

"Going to Yancihou Mansion again"

Nian Nujiao hugged the girl tightly, and people couldn't see her expression in the dark night, "Don't go on an adventure next time, I already have only one relative like you."

"Don't worry, sister."

Qiu Chan's body softened suddenly, and in turn comforted Nianjiao, and said excitedly, "Sister, this time I'm going to Yancihou Mansion, you don't know me..."

Qiu Chan's voice stopped abruptly, because she suddenly didn't want to directly reveal Fang Tianfeng's identity.

"elder sister,"

Qiu Chan pondered for a while, and she didn't know what her mentality was, she chose to hide something from Nian Nujiao, and said softly, "You guessed it right, that... the identity of the ninth brother is very noble.

I saw that... Liu Yi was like a jerk, he didn't dare to fart, and he didn't dare to speak too loudly.

It's just that I don't know what identity it is, and they haven't said it."

"You girl, how can this kind of top-secret information be so easy for you to know."

Nian Nujiao had no doubts, but just reached out and tapped Qiu Chan's little head lightly, and said softly, "Since they choose to hide their identities, they won't expose them easily, even when they are alone.

Otherwise, it would be worthless."


Qiu Chan nodded lightly, but felt a little guilty in her heart, because she deceived Nian Nujiao.

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