And Fang Tianfeng naturally came to join in the fun.

Nian Nujiao was waiting for him early in the morning, the second marquis and Liu Yi went first, because they were going to have a rabbit party.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he waited at the end before slowly walking out of the Hou residence.

Behind him, Li Ling's group of dog-legs followed.

A group of dog legs surrounded each other, and there should have been a group of guards on the periphery.

However, these guards were all given by Guan Fu and the others, and Fang Tianfeng also rejected the kindness of Hou Yanci.

There are too many people around, although they are more arrogant and arrogant, but they also have a lot of shackles.

After all, these people are not his younger brothers, but they are hated by the princes.

As for Guan Fu and the others, they didn't want these guards to compete with them.

, They were exhausted and escorted in front of the crown prince. What do you need to do to take credit with them? It can be said that these few people and Liu Yi are just as incompatible with each other.

Liu Yi looked down on them....... scumbags, but they were also hostile to Liu Yi and didn't want Liu Yi to be this scumbag.

And Fang Tianfeng, he doesn't care about these.... He is happy to watch the excitement.

Anyway... In the end, Liu Yi and his son will definitely not survive, and Guan Fu and the others, whether to kill them or not depends on the situation... Anyway... In any case, Fang Tianfeng will not reuse them.

Li Ling was the only one of the four who still had a little training value, after all, he was a descendant of the flying general Li Guang.

Well, speaking of Li Guang's descendants, one can't help but think of Li Ling as a scumbag.

According to the memory of Li Guang's history in Fang Tianfeng's mind, the Li family and Huo Qubing can be said to be pitted against each other.

It's like Li Ling, who was overheating with Qiu Chan at first, but Li Ling was defeated and captured.

In the end, he married the princess of the Xiongnu, and Qiu Chan married Huo Qubing.

However, the grievances between the two of them are far more than that.

In the Han Dynasty, the two most famous generals against the Huns were undoubtedly Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

At that time, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were the generals. From Dingxiang and Daijun, they attacked the Xiongnu across the desert, which is called the Battle of Mobei in history.

Because of his old age and frailty, Li Guang could only serve as a lieutenant general.

At that time, Li Guang originally wanted to be hired to be a forward, but Wei Qing felt that Li Guang was much older than 4.

6 Shao looked down on him a little, plus Wei Qing had to take credit for his confidants.

At that time, they all felt that the Xiongnu Shan was a turtle in the urn, Li Guang fought against the Xiongnu for many years and wanted to capture Shanyu alive and fulfilled his wish for many years, and Wei Qing wanted to make a great contribution in person.

Therefore, Li Guang was transferred away, and Wei Qing did not give a guide, so he lost his way.

In the end, because Li Guang's department was unable to arrive at the scene, Shan Yu ran away.

Then, this pot was handed over to Li Guang.

It was obviously Wei Qing who asked Li Guang to take a long way to block the Xiongnu's back road, but he didn't let the guide get lost.

However, Wei Qing's men suddenly ran out and questioned Li Guang!

Chapter 047 Thinking!Down! (please subscribe)

Who is Li Guang, the flying general Li Guang?

From Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty until the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was always stationed in the north to fight against the Huns.

He even deterred the Xiongnu from fearing him, calling him a flying general, and did not dare to commit crimes for several years.

It can be said that he is an old man.

It's just that by the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was already old, but Lian Po was old enough to eat or not. Wei Qing looked down on him, and he wanted to fight for merit, so he led someone to take charge of the frontal confrontation, and then sent Li Guang to take a back path to block the order. The way back.

However, because there was no guide, Li Guang's department got lost, and Shan Yu ran away.

If they ran, they ran away. In fact, they had already defeated the Xiongnu troops at that time, and it was no big deal to run a single Shanyu.

This is already a very great achievement, even if Li Guang has done it, but in fact Wei Qing has to bear a certain responsibility.

Because, it was Wei Qing's order to let Li Guang go the long way.

It was also because of Wei Qing that Li Guang's department did not have a guide to lead the way.

When the battle is over, even if Li Guang has had one, he is still a senior.

Even if there is really a problem, it should be handed over to the emperor to convict him, and no matter how bad it is, the general Wei Qing should be brought in.

However, Wei Qing's younger brother ran over to question Li Guang, just like a prisoner.

Li Guang, a 70-[-]-[-]-year-old senior, guarded the north of the big Han all his life, but ended up being scolded, questioned, and interrogated by a [-]-[-]-year-old junior.

Anyone who changes this will be angry.

Just like the revolutionary generals who were persecuted by the Red Guards, the grief and anger in their hearts can be imagined.

And Li Guang was more stubborn, couldn't stand this grievance, and didn't want to continue to be insulted by those ... swordsmen.

So, he drew his sword and killed himself.

Li Guang, the flying general who had been fighting for his whole life, was forced to death like this.

Then, then came the problem.

The situation at the time was that Li Gan was Li Guang's third son and the only surviving son.

And Li Guang's eldest son Li Danghu and second son Li Jiao have all died.

It just so happened that Li Guang was sent to Wei Qing as a pioneer because of his old age.

And Li Gan, he was also sent to Huo Qubing as an official.

And Wei Qing, he is Huo Qubing's uncle.

Well, that's pretty desperate.

Because of Wei Qing, Li Guang was killed.

No, Wei Qing has a responsibility that he cannot shirk.

The hatred of killing his father is not shared by the sky. Li Gan did not die at the hands of the enemy in his life, but died because of his own persecution.

As a son, he couldn't be angry.

So, he left Wei Qingyi, and Wei Qing also knew that he was wrong. After all, his father died, and it was already very restrained to beat him instead of looking for you.

This is what happened in the first place. Wei Qing killed Li Gan's father Li Guang, and if he dares to... beat him again, even if he vents his anger.

However, Wei Qing's nephew Huo Qubing was Li Gan's immediate boss.

Hearing the news that his subordinate beat his uncle Huo Qubing, he was furious and decided to take revenge on Li Gan.

As for Li Guang, who was killed by Wei Qing, who was not a relative, he was just...helping relatives and not helping! If you beat my uncle, I will kill you! And he happened to defeat the Xiongnu and made a great contribution, Therefore, Emperor Wu of Han was very happy and decided to let his generals go to Ganquan Palace to hunt with him.

Originally, it was a good thing for everyone to go hunting and exchange feelings after winning the battle.

As a result, Huo Qubing took the opportunity to shoot Li Gan with one arrow in the name of hunting.

Well, it's just... so neat.

Li Gan was just because of the grief and anger in his heart because of the death of his father, so he beat Wei Qing in a hurry: he was slightly injured.

In the end, Wei Qing didn't care about it, and instead helped to hide it.

But Huo Qubing heard the wind just like... rain, and when he heard a little news, Li Gan was killed.

At this point, the Li family was full of loyalists, and they died cleanly, leaving only one Li Ling.

And Huo Qubing murdered, but nothing happened.

Who is the wife of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wei Qing's sister Wei Zifu! And Huo Qubing was favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. After all, he was really good at fighting the Huns.

Therefore, Huo Qubing was covered up. As for Li Gan, he claimed that he was killed by a deer.

767 Well, he was hunting on a tall horse with an arrow, but was killed by a deer.

Dare to ask, He Luhuo Qubing is undoubtedly a famous general, and his achievements in life are also extraordinary.

Although there is an accumulation of Wenjingzhizhi, but without Huo Qubing, the famous general of Han Wudi, he could not have achieved such great achievements.

However, he has a fatal weakness.

Air volume is small.

But it was because his subordinates injured his uncle Wei Qing in grief and anger because of his father's death.

If you want to get revenge, then you can hit dozens of military sticks on the grounds of the following crimes.

But Huo Qubing was not, he just wanted to shoot Li Gan, this little bitch, to death with one arrow.

However, in addition to this, Huo Qubing is also able to achieve both loyalty and filial piety, and even said the famous saying of the ages: "The Huns are not destroyed, why should they be family?"

So many times people ignore this flaw of him, because it's really not a big problem.

It can only be said that both Li Gan and Li Guang died in vain.

Chapter 048 Noisy! (please subscribe)

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Li Ling was surrounded by Fang Tianfeng, looking at Fang Tianfeng who was sighing, he couldn't help but look at him with some doubts.

"No, nothing."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly and patted Li Ling's shoulder lightly, "It's just that you have a bad fate.

Li Ling, don't worry, as long as you follow me faithfully, you will be guaranteed endless prosperity and wealth."

Li Ling became excited all of a sudden, because in his opinion, this sentence is... Fang Tianfeng has made his heart out with him.

This also means that he, Li Ling, was truly recognized by Fang Tianfeng.

A look of envy flashed in Zhang Gu's eyes, but they were only envious.

The four of them are good friends after all, and Li Ling's existence today was also earned with his life.

Because in their opinion, the reason why Li Ling can be taken seriously by Fang Tianfeng.

It's nothing more than because the gun was in the daytime yesterday: I first blocked it in front of the prince, and last night I discovered King Liang's assassin.

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