She knows very well that the more capable a man is, the more careless he is, and he can only be a woman.

If she really just pursued it like this, then marrying Cao Shou is just a coincidence that Cao Shou's cowardly character can be completely controlled by Princess Pingyang, just like the Liu family in the Han Dynasty has always been ruled by a foreign relative.

Princess Pingyang can also do this, making Cao Shou unable to take a concubine.

But, what's the point of it than her husband who only loves herself, she wants a husband who likes the other person and her husband more.

However, she really had no feelings for Cao Shou.

All, just utter disgust.

Because the other party even placed a spy like Wei Zifu beside her.

Speaking of Wei Zifu, "Sister, can you call Zifu over?"

Fang Tianfeng said suddenly, facing her sister's puzzled eyes, and explained, "I have something I want to discuss with her."


Princess Pingyang hesitated slightly, then nodded and said, "But you are not allowed to use your identity to bully Zifu, but I like this sister very much."


Fang Tianfeng stopped talking. Did he recognize Zifu as his righteous sister? Even though he knew Wei Zifu, he still kept her by his side, and even wanted to influence her.

It must be said that Wei Zifu does have an attractive charm.

Therefore, no matter how much Princess Pingyang hates Cao Shou, she will not anger Wei Zifu.

Soon, Princess Pingyang brought Wei Zifu back.

Because although Wei Zifu got Fang Tianfeng's order to take Nian Nujiao out for a shopping trip, Nian Nujiao didn't have the intention.

She is still worried about her future.

............ She is not completely indifferent to Tianfeng, but her heart is still very messy.

So, she didn't really go out for shopping, but just asked Wei Zifu to arrange a room for them to rest.

Therefore, Wei Zifu is still in the mansion.

"This servant has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Wei Zifu lowered his head slightly, his tone soft and tactful.

Her posture was kept very low, but it also brought out her desire to keep a distance from Fang Tianfeng.

And Fang Tianfeng also saw this.

Therefore, he did not hide it and said bluntly, "Zifu, I want to accept you as a concubine, what do you think?"

"Thank you for your kindness, His Royal Highness,"

Wei Zifu's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected it, and said softly, "It's just that, as a slave, I'm afraid I'm not worthy of His Highness.

I just want to serve Her Royal Highness the eldest princess well, and I have nothing else to ask for.”

The eldest princess, there were two more eldest princesses in the period of Emperor Jingdi of the Han Dynasty.

One was the eldest princess Liu Prostitute, the elder sister of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty.

The other, of course, is Princess Pingyang, worthy of Liu Che's sister.

Not because Princess Pingyang is the oldest among all the princesses, but because she is the elder sister of the prince.

Chapter 067 ━━━━━━━━ Gillian vs Wei Zifu! (please subscribe)

Chapter 067 ━━━━━━━━ Gillian Wei Zifu! Please subscribe As before, Wei Zifu still doesn't show any heartbeat.

It was just as elegant as always, rejecting Fang Tianfeng's proposal.

However, this is very unscientific.

Although Fang Tianfeng is not narcissistic, he is the future emperor anyway.

The emperor accepts you as a concubine, an ordinary servant of the Hou's mansion. It's okay to be ungrateful, but you can still refuse it so indifferently.

So, is it hard-to-get? If you look at the original work, it's probably... like this.

Wei Zifu's mentality is actually similar to that of Gillian.

They all hope that "seven seven zeros"

The man they love only loves her in this life, but what they love is an emperor who is destined to have seventy-two concubines and three thousand harem beauties in three palaces and six courtyards.

Therefore, repeated rejection can be regarded as a little self-willedness of a girl.

However, this is not the original.

He couldn't be sure of Wei Zifu's mentality, because even he, who had been acting for many years, couldn't see whether Wei Zifu was really indifferent or a little girl's mentality.

Therefore, he could only wave his hand and let Wei Zifu leave.

However, he already had a calculation in his mind.

According to his investigation, Wei Zifu has two older sisters and a younger brother.

The two elder sisters were in the Princess Mansion at this time, and both belonged to the maids of Princess Pingyang.

This is different from the original history, because in the original history, Wei Zifu's second sister Wei Shao'er should be Huo Qubing's mother.

However, at this moment, Huo Qubing was already born.

However, Younger Wei was still a virgin.

As for Wei Qing, it was even more different.

The three Wei Zifu sisters were all born to their mothers, but they were all girls, and they were beautiful.

Therefore, it has also received attention and received a certain amount of education.

Because the Cao family of the Marquis of Pingyang went there with the idea of ​​cultivating them into talents.

After all, she is the daughter of a servant. It is not enough to be beautiful, she also needs to be talented.

That is to say, in fact, they were originally looked upon by the Cao family and were raised as concubines.

But it was just cultivated, and it was sent.

main house.

And Wei Qing, it was different.

He is a man, and Houfu is not a man.

So, he was sold by his mother.

Wei Zifu knew about this younger brother, because when he was remembering things, he had such a younger brother in his memory.

But suddenly, Wei Qing disappeared.

For a long time, Wei Zifu thought he was taken away by traffickers.

But no, it was because Wei Zifu's mother was overburdened and could not support Wei Qing to grow up.

So Wei Qing was sent to the home of his biological father Zheng Ji.

However, Zheng Ji looked on his biological son with a cold eye, and the son born to Zheng Ji's wife did not regard Wei Qing as a brother, and treated him like a slave and beast.

According to the original track, Fang Tianfeng should have met Wei Qing on the edge of the Yellow River.

However it didn't.

Because, the track and wheels of history have been changed by him.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng is thinking, if he finds Wei Zifu's younger brother.

Then... "Okay, so you treat me like that because of this servant!"

Fang Tianfeng was thinking, but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

Wei Zifu had already closed the door when he went out, but at this time, someone pushed it open again.

Light green Luo skirt, dotted with lilies,,,, pattern.

There was a mocking smile on her delicate and pretty face, her eyes were red, but it was clear that she had just cried. Hao Ran was the Gillian who ran out crying before.

Now, she is running back.

And depending on the situation, it seems that he came back specifically to satirize Fang Tianfeng.

"Why haven't you left yet"

Fang Tianfeng frowned slightly, he was a man after all, with machismo.

Even though he felt a little guilty towards Gillian in his heart, it was always a little uncomfortable to be ridiculed by her like this.

"Why should I go"

A Jiao asked in return, then she closed them and sneered, "If I leave, how can I see such a good show, the prince, the future emperor of the Han Dynasty promised a servant to be the queen. , want to make him a concubine.

But being rejected by the other party neatly and neatly, this is really a big joke."

"Prince, you said, if I spread this matter out."

A Jiao said, suddenly paused, smiled sweetly and said, "If I tell the Empress Dowager about this, she will use this scandal to deal with you.

Even if you have an imperial edict in your hand, I am afraid it is useless."

"At that time, King Liang will sit firmly in the position of emperor.

4.6 You said, if I negotiate conditions with King Liang.

Let him marry me as the queen in exchange for the opportunity to completely bring down your prince, will he agree?"

There is no doubt that Gillian is trying to kill, she is trying to anger Fang Tianfeng.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng was provoked.

However, he still couldn't do anything like hitting a woman.

So, he just gave Gillian to Japan very simply and friendly.

Well, very simple and very friendly.

At most, it's just... a little rude.

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