Chapter 0107 ━━━━━━━━━ Acting and acting skills! (please subscribe)

Chapter 010 ━━━━━━━━ Acting and acting skills! Asking for a subscription to acting or something is the most basic professional quality of being a royal child.

The reason to say good things for Cao Shou is naturally to gain sympathy.

Otherwise, God knows what the hell the Empress Dowager is going to do.

But the Empress Dowager finally softened her heart and cried bitterly while hugging Princess Pingyang.

Even out of guilt, and out of the protection of Princess Pingyang, who was newly widowed just after the wedding, she directly promised to take Princess Pingyang back to the palace.

After all, this is not a good place after all.

Before Cao Shou was buried, Princess Pingyang did not come back.

"seven eight, three"

And even if it is buried, as long as the Empress Dowager does not regret it, Princess Pingyang can continue to live in the palace.

The Empress Dowager is the Empress Dowager after all. Although she came to cry, she was just crying.

After crying, he took Princess Pingyang's little hand into the carriage, and then went straight back to the palace.

As for Cao Shou, who was truly heartbroken by Cao Shou's death, he was probably the only mother.

The other guests also went back to their respective homes after the Queen Mother left, and hadn't slept all night. Who would have to wait here to help dispose of Cao Shou's body is beyond imagination.

The reason why they didn't leave was because they were afraid of getting involved because of Cao Shou's death, so they insisted on waiting for the arrival of the Empress Dowager.

Otherwise, once it has anything to do with Cao Shou's death, it is really a wrongful death.

Cao Shou's death is indeed very strange.

Even if it's all a coincidence, it's all witnessed by someone.

However, this is too surprising.

Dongfang Shuo just calculated a hexagram and said that Cao Shou had a disaster of blood, but it turned out that there was a disaster of blood.

As for Dongfang Shuo, he himself was miserable.

What's so special, who is the one who did the math on his behalf and made mad rants in public, saying that he would publish a book called "Explanation of Words and Words".

Didn't this cut off his job? Others don't know, but Dongfang Shuo is very clear as a Taoist.

The so-called fortune-telling is actually mental calculation.

For .. charlatans, they have no real copy.

Yes, but I also understand a little bit of psychology.

Therefore, it is necessary to ask the person who comes to ask for a hexagram to say a word.

And these people are fortune-telling with all kinds of things on their minds, so even if they say words, it is inevitable that they will not be thinking about the thing in their hearts.

Therefore, the word that came out is also linked to self-love, so that there is a lot to do. …

And then, as long as you further test out the mind of the person who asks for the hexagram, and then look at this word, it is no problem to talk nonsense with your own three-inch tongue, as long as you move closer to the other party's mind.

In this way, even if it is done.

And he Dongfang Shuo, although he thinks that he has real talents and practical learning.

However, if you want to be convinced, you still have to give some reasons.

And these reasons are also in the words of the person who asked for the divination.

After all, Dongfang Shuo's true fortune-telling ability relies on pinching his fingers.

But you are just a fortune teller, not a fairy.

You can't count the fortunes of others. You can tell the result of your own calculations without waiting for others to speak. In this case, others will only think that you are insane and curse him.

Therefore, a medium is also needed, and through this medium, the other party can feel convinced of himself.

Thus, let the other party feel that what they have calculated is true.

So, he is completely...relying on other people's words to eat.... If he really wrote "Shuowen Jiezi", wouldn't he ruin his own job? If so, then How could he fool people, not to mention that if a doctor doesn't heal himself, he can't help others but not himself. His fortune-telling can't be considered himself.

He didn't know who knocked him out, even if he had guesses in his heart, this person was probably the emperor's person.

But he had no evidence, and he could not clear the relationship.

Because it involves his own fortune-telling, it also involves the trust of the empress dowager in herself.

So no matter what, he had to put the pot on his back.

Not only have to take the blame, but also find a way to lie.

To make the Empress Dowager think that this hexagram is... he calculated it, and it is quite accurate.

The only thing that is unreliable is... Cao Shou foolishly refuses to listen to him, and finally finds his own way.

"Dongfang Shuo, what do you think about what happened last night?"

The Empress Dowager settled down Princess Pingyang, returned to her own bedroom, looked at the people in the audience with some headache and asked.

"Back to the Empress Dowager, this matter is indeed the fault of Cao's concubine."

Dongfang Shuo's face was indifferent, and he was 4.

6 No one could see that he was actually smiling bitterly in his heart, "This hexagram is not something to be calculated, it is they who asked me to calculate it.

I am only responsible for fortune-telling, whether they believe it or not is their own business.

But even if you don't believe it, you can't beat me and shove me under the bed.

This is not what nobles do."

"He hit you"

The Empress Dowager was startled, and then, he saw the bag on Dongfang Shuo's head... that had not yet subsided, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Indeed, who made Dongfang Shuo's words rude? Cao Shou doesn't seem to have seen Dongfang Shuo's ability to fortune-telling, and it is normal not to believe it.

But as Dongfang Shuo said, even if you don't believe it, you can't beat people.

Chapter 0108 Back the pot!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 010 ━━━━━━━━ Take the blame! Next! Please subscribe to "Return to the Empress Dowager."

Dongfang Shuo slightly arched his hands, and said slowly, "Yesterday's incident was entirely caused by Cao's concubine.

I reminded him, but he didn't believe it, and knocked me out, even if I wanted to solve the disaster for him, I couldn't help it.

Furthermore, the purpose of the empress dowager has been achieved.

Even if he dies, it won't matter much:."


Empress Dowager Dou sighed with a long sigh, with a slightly tired look in her eyes, "Cao Shou is unbearable, and if he dies, he will die.

But I never thought that he would treat Pingyang like that!"

"Princess Pingyang is indeed quite regrettable."

Dongfang Shuo's expression did not change, and he said lightly, "It's just that the Empress Dowager has already brought the princess back to the palace, right? 04 What happened can't be changed, the Empress Dowager should be careful.

However, if the Empress Dowager feels sorry... Princess, it would be hard to make up for Princess Pingyang."

Dongfang Shuo was also quite helpless in his heart.

He could be sure that he was impersonated, and then he escorted the car in front of the public, pretending to be him to give Cao Shou a bloody disaster.

Moreover, I am afraid that it was not Cao Shou who knocked him unconscious, but he knocked Cao Shou unconscious!

In the end, he directly led Cao Shou away, knocked Cao Shou unconscious, and pretended to be Cao Shou to attend the wedding.

Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, Dongfang Shuo is almost certain that the script is like this.

The person who attended the wedding in place of Cao Shou, even with the princess, was actually not Cao Shou at all, but the person who pretended to be him.

Also, the bridal chamber is fake.

As soon as the door was closed, as long as the two of them made some noise in the room, the ghost knew what was going on, but he couldn't figure it out.

There is a height difference between him and Cao Shou, and there must be people who impersonate them.

So, how did he impersonate them in the public without being discovered, even if they look the same, but the difference in height is not so easy to be ignored, but it is too late to think about this now, at most it is... .As an afterthought, Zhuge Liang.

And what's the point of that? What's the truth, no one is interested.

People only care about the truth they see, they have seen Cao Shou's repeated rude actions, and they have also seen him fall into a well and die.

As for what the truth is, even if he finds out the truth, the most important thing is... let him comfort himself.

Anyway... now he has carried the pot, and Cao Shou is also dead.

If he finds out the so-called truth again, he can't get rid of it.

At that time, the first person to be punished is... himself.

Such a thankless thing, he is not.

It's not that he can't investigate the truth, it's just that he doesn't want to.

He was not without clues, the girl who... led him to the backyard, he remembered that the other party seemed to be called Wei Zifu.

No doubt she must be involved.

So, as long as you find her, you can follow the trail.

However, the goose still said that, the truth has no meaning.

"Empress Dowager, the matter has passed, let's take a look."

Dongfang Shuo slightly sorted out his thoughts and words in his heart, and said slowly, "Cao Shou's death is not a bad thing.

At the very least, the Empress Dowager doesn't have to worry that it will be difficult in the future."


The Empress Dowager nodded slowly, and her face was relieved a lot.

Once Cao Shou died, then she would not have to worry about the contradiction between Cao Shou and Princess Yang.

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