As long as the tiger talisman jade pendant is placed on the keyhole of the treasure box, the power of the treasure box can be reactivated and travel back through.

However, it didn't.

When Fang Tianfeng put the tiger talisman on the treasure box, he had already expected this.

Because, crossing is not random.

Time can be adjusted.

Otherwise, how could Fang Tianfeng be able to travel through the Qin Dynasty so accurately, but this time, he did not adjust the time item.

The treasure box emits a soft glow, but that's about it.

It doesn't make any sense other than... glowing.

Until the top cover of the treasure box slowly opened.

Like a fantasy story, it was shrouded in a soft white light.

The golden treasure box floated in the air, and the top of the jade pendant with the tiger talisman also slowly lifted into the sky under the background of the light emitted from the inside of the treasure box.

Until, an obvious paper letter in the treasure box floated out.

Make no mistake, it's definitely not out of this world.

Because Fang Tianfeng did not promote papermaking in this world, let alone this kind of high-quality papermaking.

The treasure box can be opened, which Fang Tianfeng has long known.

The meaning of the existence inside the treasure box is to allow two people in different time and space to transfer certain items across time and space through the two treasure boxes.

Of course, the premise is that there are two treasure boxes.

The "Myth" world does have two treasure boxes.

One is in Fang Tianfeng's hands, and the other is in Cui Wenzi's hands.

However, now it's not... as simple as teleporting across time and space, but in a different world! However, even so, Fang Tianfeng still took out the folded letter and opened it without hesitation.

For the first time, Fang Tianfeng didn't look at the content of the letter, but at the beginning and end.

There are only two names, one Fang Tianfeng and one Cui Wenwen.

There is no doubt that this is Cui Wenwen, the letter written to him.

However, when he was in the world of mythology, Cui Wenzi said that he was going back to the fairyland.

Although when he traveled back to the modern age, Cui Wenwen had not gone back.

But, after all this time, he still hasn't gone back. Moreover, Te Miao still has the heart to write to him! And when Fang Tianfeng read the content written in the letter, he fell silent.

But after reading what was written in the letter, he did not take any further action.

He just silently put away the letter, and then slowly placed the treasure box on the meteorite, allowing it to absorb the energy of the meteorite.

However, the treasure box did not continue to absorb.

On the contrary, the treasure box is releasing energy and slowly wrapping the meteorite! "Bang-!"

With a loud noise, the meteorite did not explode, just as if some kind of chemical change had occurred.

From a meteorite more than ten meters high, it turned into a large radiant light group only the size of a palm.

This is also what Cui Wenwen wrote in the letter.

It explains in detail how to use the treasure box to extract all the energy in the meteorite.

Then inject it all at once into the treasure box, so that you don't need to constantly replenish energy through meteorites from the sky.

It's just that Fang Tianfeng is puzzled.

There is such a convenient way, why teach him when he was in the world of "Myth" but wait until he has traveled to this strange world, and suddenly tell him that there is such a method.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a bad intention.

: Pushing a book I can do whatever I want in Daqin, non-toxic.

: Next, I will write the number one in the world.

Chapter 111 Plan ahead! (please subscribe)

Chapter 111 ━━━━━━━━ Prepare for a rainy day! Please subscribe to "What's the matter?"

Liu Ling gently hugged the boy who seemed a little lonely from behind, and said softly, "What happened?"

"No, nothing."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, hugged the girl's delicate body with his backhand, and then fell onto the bed after taking advantage of the situation.

Liu Ling didn't say anything, just hugged him quietly and gave him a little comfort from himself in a clumsy way.

She is a smart girl who knows when to say something and when not to say it.

Fang Tianfeng's mood is very complicated now.

That letter is said to have been written to him by Cui Wenzi.

However, no one can prove this.

Indeed, it is only possible to transfer items across time and space through treasure boxes.

However, who can guarantee that the treasure box is still there: there is even a possibility that Cui Wenzi has it in his hands, it is the way of heaven! The letter said that Cui Wenzi had long anticipated the possibility of Fang Tianfeng crossing the wrong way.

Because, he is a variable, an existence that travels beyond the control of heaven.

Therefore, Tiandao could not prepare to capture his existence.

Because of this, when he crossed, Tiandao couldn't help to lock his position and assist him to cross according to the correct route.

Therefore, when he travels through, there is a high possibility that the time and space he travels through is wrong and appears in another world.

For example, now, he appeared in another world that was completely unfamiliar.

But the letter also reassured him not to worry, because the mistake was not absolute.

As the number of times of using the treasure box increases, he will become more skilled, and the treasure box will always record the coordinates of the world he is in.

Thus, it is possible to indirectly locate his existence and bring him back to his own world.

Even Barabara said a bunch of things like 'The sky will bring great responsibility to the people' and so on.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't believe a single punctuation mark, and scoffed at the contents of the letter.

How can't he be sure of his coordinates to deceive ghosts! When he was in the world of "Myth", he was under the surveillance of Tiandao, and he would be killed by Tiandao if he was not careful.

That's right, he was sure that he was traveling beyond the control of heaven, but when variables were mastered, they could be called variables again.

And he was already in the palm of his hand by the way of heaven in that world.

What can't locate him! Originally, he doubted why Cui Wenzi wrote to him, but now he can be sure.

Nine times out of ten, this letter was not written by Cui Wenzi, and even if it was, it was not written by him voluntarily.

He came to this world, and it was definitely not a so-called accident, it was definitely the intention of Te Miao's Heavenly Dao.

As for the reason why the other party did this, Fang Tianfeng could vaguely guess as a young man of the new era with persecutory paranoia.

Take advantage of his characteristic of being a variable that 'travels beyond the control of Heaven' and throw it to other worlds that have not yet been able to grasp his existence.

And next, no matter what the Heavenly Dao of the "Myth" world wants to do, he can't interfere.

Now, like a chess piece, he is only in the hands of the opponent.

As for the purpose of Heavenly Dao, he already had a preliminary guess.

It is very likely that it is like the main god space.

Throw him into other worlds as a reincarnator and plunder something.

Is it the origin, or luck...he doesn't know.

But he knew that even if he traveled through again, the possibility of returning to the "Myth" world was not high.

0 As for the so-called 'as the number of times you use the treasure box, you will become more skilled', this is completely... nonsense.

Even the main god space gave his subordinate workers time to rest, and Tiandao, an existence that pursues a fair idea, will definitely pick a time for him to go back.

However, when it will be is uncertain.

He has already made a preliminary judgment on the ins and outs of the matter, but it is of no use.

Because he has no ability to resist.

So, even if he doesn't accept it, he can only hold back! No matter whether what the letter says is true or not, he is just relying on others.

Even if it is false, he will take the above content as true.

......Because, now he can only follow the instructions of Heaven.

As long as he still wants to go back to the "Myth" world, and wants to go back to see Xiaoyue and Gao Lan and his daughters, he must take everything Tiandao says as true.

Because only in this way can he have a chance to survive.

After all, pawns have no right to say no.

However, before continuing to cross, he still has to find a way to settle the Han Dynasty here.

After all, there are still Nian Nujiao and elder sister here, so I can't just leave them alone.

At the very least, let the Han Dynasty settle down and prevent it from happening.

in spite of....

Is it the Xiongnu, or the Dou family, or those princes who want to usurp the throne.

One of these people counts as one, and all of them will be killed.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to leave this world with peace of mind.

He's a scumbag, but not a scumbag.

He can't do anything like always messing up and giving up.

: Pushing a book I can do whatever I want in Daqin, non-toxic.

: Next, I will write the first inch in the world.

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