Cao Zhengchun answered vaguely, but he suddenly woke up and asked carefully, "His Royal Highness, the servants dare to ask, who told you..."

"My uncle told me."

Fang Tianfeng answered nonchalantly, and continued to ask excitedly, "Eunuch Cao, if your martial arts is not high, then do you have any... little eunuchs with high martial arts or martial arts secrets, and so on, bring them to this palace."

Cao Zhengchun finally let go of his heart, he can be sure that Fang Tianfeng is only here for his martial arts.

And it wasn't a whim, it was deliberately guided by the uncle Zhu Ignore.

Its purpose is to make the prince find him trouble.

Cao Zhengchun lowered his head, his eyes filled with haze.

A good Zhu ignored it, knowing that the emperor's condition was too serious to last, so he deliberately came to provoke the relationship between the prince and him.

Once the prince ascended the throne, there was a estrangement with him Cao Zhengchun.

Then, the prince is likely to deliberately target him Cao Zhengchun, and even take the initiative to weaken his strength.

...... But how did the prince know that the reason why the emperor acquiesced to Cao Zhengchun's annexation, Jin Yiwei, was to prevent Jin Yiwei from being controlled by Zhu Ignoring.

It is to allow the somewhat weak Dongchang to be annexed, and Jinyiwei to strengthen himself, so as to compete with the Hulong Villa, which Zhu ignores.

And once the prince weakens his power, or directly separates Jinyiwei.

Then he Cao Zhengchun is definitely not an opponent that Zhu ignores because of a weakened Dongchang.

By then, it will be all over.

Thinking of this, a cold smile suddenly appeared on Cao Zhengchun's face.

"It's a pity that Zhu ignored all your calculations, but didn't think that His Royal Highness was not interested in my power.

What he is interested in is my martial arts."

in spite of....

Does the prince really have no political wisdom or simply ignores this point? In short, Cao Zhengchun no longer needs to worry about the relationship between the prince and himself after he ascends the throne.

On the contrary, the prince's remarks just now clearly revealed the information that he wants to practice martial arts.

And he can use the opportunity to teach the prince to practice martial arts to draw closer the relationship between the ruler and the minister!

Chapter 005 ━━━━━━━━━ Each has his own thoughts! (please subscribe)

Chapter 005 ━━━━━━━━━ Each has his own mind! Please subscribe to "Prince rest assured,"

Thinking of this, Cao Zhengchun couldn't help showing a diligent smile, and quickly walked to the prince's side, saying, "If the prince wants to practice martial arts, although the servants are not talented, they believe that there are few rivals in martial arts in the world.

If the prince doesn't dislike it, then let the servants teach the prince's martial arts."

"What is there to dislike and not dislike,"

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand and said indifferently, "Eunuch Cao has devoted his life to my royal family, which is a great loyalty.

Moreover, when the father was seriously ill, it was also the Dongchang under Cao Gonggong who searched for medicinal materials for the father to heal the wound.

It's too late for me to be grateful, how can I "eight three seven"

would despise it"

"The prince said yes."

Cao Zhengchun bowed his head respectfully, but the haze in his heart was even worse.

He could imagine that Zhu ignored these things and told the prince.

Such a cruel heart.

However, this will not work, not only rely on yourself, but also report the matter to the emperor.

There must be no estrangement between him and the prince, otherwise it is simply not enough to fight against the increasingly powerful Hulong Villa, and the ambitious Zhu Ignore.

Thinking like this, Cao Zhengchun couldn't help but raised his head, looked at Fang Tianfeng with a little hesitation, and said, "I don't know what martial arts the prince wants to learn, whether he wants to learn swordsmanship, swordsmanship, or marksmanship."

Cao Zhengchun did not talk about internal skills, nor did he talk about boy skills out of time.

That's a big joke.

As the crown prince, the only heir of the emperor, if he really wants to practice the boy's kung fu, then the royal family will never end.

At that time, he, Cao Zhengchun, is... a great sinner.

What's more, Cao Zhengchun doesn't think that the prince has been practicing martial arts for how long.

Because the emperor is about to go to heaven, he is expected to leave the prince for less than a year.

A year later, the prince will succeed to the throne as the new emperor.

Once you become an emperor, you will have to deal with inexhaustible memorials every day ━━━━━━━━and government affairs. How can you have the time and mind to practice any martial arts? Even if Cao Zhengchun wants to teach, the prince may not want to. practice.

And in one year, even if he really worked hard to practice martial arts, to what extent would he be able to achieve what he has practiced for decades. It is impossible for the prince to do it overnight.

In a year, even if you are practicing the Crop Handle, you can practice it.

Not to mention, at every turn...that takes hundreds of years of internal strength to be regarded as the internal strength of the hall.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun didn't think about teaching the prince any internal skills at all, because it was a waste of time.

The emperor will not allow himself the time of the prince, not to mention, the prince himself probably won't want to learn this kind of internal skills that take decades to master.

So instead of... making both parties unhappy, it's better to be direct.

Teaching the prince two more beautiful swordsmanships and the like can be considered fooling.

"Eunuch Cao, you fool me"

Fang Tianfeng stared at Cao Zhengchun pretending to be angry, "Everyone knows that the most important thing in martial arts is to practice internal skills, but you told me about swordsmanship."

"Prince, calm down, how dare the servants fool the prince."

Cao Zhengchun smiled helplessly, serving the master is not... an easy life, so he had to explain, "It's just internal skills that often take twenty or thirty years to achieve a small success, similar to slaves, it takes a lifetime of internal skills to achieve what it is today. Achievement."

"But the crown prince is the body of a thousand gold, and in the future, he will be enthroned as the emperor.

At that time, if the time of the prince is delayed because of these things, then the sin of the slave will be worse...."

"Twenty or thirty years."

Fang Tianfeng was suddenly silent, as if thinking about the gains and losses.

However, there is no gain or loss.

These are all things he knew a long time ago, but because he is now playing the role of a prince who is 'incomprehensible', he tries his best to be a little ignorant.

What's more, he just wanted martial arts secrets, but he didn't really want Cao Zhengchun to teach him martial arts.

"Then forget it."

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand, and Cao Zhengchun was relieved to hear the prince's words.

If you are willing to give up, it is fine, if you are not willing to give up.

Then he, Cao Zhengchun, really has to work hard to find a way to communicate.

In fact, Cao Zhengchun is not really unable to make the prince become a martial arts master in a short time, but this method is not realistic.

Legend has it that there is a martial art in martial arts that can absorb people's inner strength, relying on this martial art.

It doesn't take a year, as long as there are enough martial arts masters, even ten days and a half months can train the prince to become a master.

However, Cao Zhengchun did not have such martial arts.


So Cao Zhengchun didn't want to say anything about this kind of uncertainty.

Because speaking out is to give hope to the prince, and to give hope to himself, he must take the corresponding responsibility.

Once his own hope is not in place in time, the prince's disappointment and even despair will be borne by him.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun will never take the initiative to die to mention this kind of thing.

"If that's the case, then Eunuch Cao, get more martial arts secrets, and I'll just pick them up slowly."

"Don't worry, the prince, the servant will do it now."

Cao Zhengchun felt relieved when he saw that the prince finally gave up.

A willful master is really too hard to serve.

Chapter 006 ━━━━━━━━━Everyone has their own thoughts!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 006 ━━━━━━━━━Everyone has their own thoughts! Next! Please subscribe to Cao Zhengchun's martial arts really powerful.

Strong enough to be in this world, except... Gu Santong and Zhu ignoring him, he really has no fear of anyone.

And the ancient three links, who were defeated by Zhu Ignore more than ten years ago, have long since disappeared.

That is to say, only a Zhu Ignore can compete with it.

However, some helpless is that Cao Zhengchun is practicing boy kung fu.

The boy's kung fu is a man who needs to ensure that he is a boy before he can cultivate, and cannot touch women.

And the eunuchs don't have that stuff anymore, so naturally they are the most suitable for practicing this kind of martial arts.

Don't worry if you have practiced the boy's kung fu, and you will fall down: women can't help but go up, and as a result, they will vent their bodies and thus vent their gong.

But this martial art is not very suitable for the prince.

Cao Zhengchun was able to win the emperor's favor and trust, in addition to his ability and loyalty.

The appearance of 0 cannot be ignored.

Yes, although it is cruel, this has always been a face-to-face world.

The face is white and beardless, but it is not that kind of... morbid pallor, but a kind of red and full of white.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that Cao Zhengchun is very healthy.

His facial features are decent, and his appearance is only in his thirties and forties, and he looks like a middle-aged man. It can be seen that he was definitely a handsome eunuch when he was young.

No one could have imagined that Cao Zhengchun was actually in his [-]s or [-]s.

Most of the martial arts in this world reach their peak when they are in their thirties and forties.

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