Chapter 011 Consideration! (please subscribe)

When Fang Tianfeng invited Yunluo to have a normal lollipop and drank milk.

The little loli cried, and while crying, she called Fang Tianfeng a big liar.

"What else are you talking about, big baby, obviously... use your weapons to bully me."

"Bad emperor brother, stinky emperor brother, when I have a weapon, I will put it in your mouth."

"Actually, he still uses a hidden weapon.

Is this white thing poisonous?"

"If, if I were to die, I wouldn't let you, the bad imperial brother, be spared."

things like that.

Fang Tianfeng also felt a little guilty, eh.

People who practice martial arts all the year round are still beneficial, at least they are very smooth when biting.

Of course, in addition to... bullying loli, Fang Tianfeng is also very good at coaxing loli.

After making a lot of empty cheques, the little loli burst into tears and jumped away.

And this has also become a secret between her and her brother.

Well, secret.

Since it is a secret, it is naturally impossible to tell others.

Otherwise, the empty check promised by Fang Tianfeng will not be able to be honored:.

On the other side, news of Cao Zhengchun came.

Yes, Cao Zhengchun is working for Fang Tianfeng.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that the emperor is dying.

As long as Cao Zhengchun wanted to live, he could only do his best to assist Fang Tianfeng.

And after yesterday's test, Fang Tianfeng finally got the result he wanted.

So he didn't hide it, and directly confronted Cao Zhengchun.

And Cao Zhengchun was frightened on the spot, he never thought that a simple prince who was ignorant of the world could have such a profound scheming.

He even broke out in a cold sweat, because he had already figured out that everything before was the prince's temptation.

If there is any inappropriate answer in his own answer, I am afraid that his life will be finished.

Therefore, how could he fail to fulfill the orders of the prince who showed his true face? There is no doubt that there must be a way to the ninth level of the heavenly prison.

However, it is not so easy to find this way.

Let's talk about the original first.

It is a coincidence that the original work became right and wrong.

Fang Tianfeng almost didn't laugh out loud, and it was a coincidence, it would be impossible if there was no drama's power at work.

First, a man who was sold to the palace as a eunuch was locked up in the Heavenly Prison, and then because he wanted to escape, he accidentally dug a tunnel into the ground and dug a lot.

In the end, I fell to my death! I lied to a ghost! If I really fell to my death on the spot, how did Gu Santong know this person's name?

If the man who fell to his death really dug a tunnel under his bed made of stones, what kind of iron hands did he dig with? So, there are too many uncertainties.

Fang Tianfeng would rather believe that it's all a matter of course, God knows if Cheng is going to be locked in there in the future... If he can't find where this cell is, how can he find that tunnel? Is he really going to search every cell Impossible.

Don't forget, the ancient three links were locked in the ninth layer of the Heavenly Prison by Zhu Shiguang.

Although it seems that the Heavenly Prison is now in the hands of Dongchang, Fang Tianfeng is sure that at least one third of the people in the Heavenly Prison are people who are ignored by Zhu.

Once there is any trouble, the information here will be known by Zhu Ignore.

The secret agents of Hulong Villa are indeed powerful, but the most powerful is the information of Hulong Villa! To have detailed information, there must be enough intelligence personnel and spies! Therefore, there is no way to find this tunnel, Fang Tianfeng could only ask Cao Zhengchun to send someone to inspect the Heavenly Prison in an upright manner so as to find the way to the ninth level of the Heavenly Prison.

And Cao Zhengchun really lived up to his expectations.

He found it, and even saw the ancient tee.

However, he did not contact the ancient tee.

Instead, he quickly withdrew, and then directly guarded the Heavenly Prison himself, and monitored anyone who entered or exited the Heavenly Prison.

And he himself, the first time he sent his cronies to the palace to inform Fang Tianfeng.

Speaking of which, the East Factory is also wonderful.

God knows what Dongchang thinks, and put the clean room in the sky prison.


In such an important place as the Heavenly Prison, it is obvious that the imperial relatives and important ministers are imprisoned.

As a result, it was regarded as a place for castration of eunuchs, and the place like the broom was originally a place of filth.

Arranging it in the Heavenly Prison is simply an insult to those who...are being held in the Heavenly Prison.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng immediately rebuked Cao Zhengchun in a righteous manner, and asked him to find a new place to move the clean room out of the prison.

And Cao Zhengchun naturally did not dare to refute, and bowed his head and should claim it was.

After all, this wasn't a big deal at first, and Tian Prison was also in the hands of Dongchang, so he could do whatever he wanted.

The emperor is happy.

And Fang Tianfeng was naturally satisfied, so Cheng Zhengfei would have no chance to enter the prison at all.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to have the opportunity to go to Gu Santong to learn martial arts.

Fang Tianfeng didn't plan to get the ancient three links all at once, he has already made long-term preparations.

Chapter 012 ━━━━━━━━ The Ninth Layer of Heavenly Prison! (please subscribe)

Chapter 012 ━━━━━━━━Ninth Level of Heavenly Prison! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng didn't think from the beginning that Gu Santong would obediently teach him all his life martial arts, so he also started from the beginning I just figured out how to deal with the old tee.

"Your Highness, this way please."

Cao Zhengchun bowed respectfully and led the way in front, and he dismissed all the people in the prison.

He can't guarantee whether the people he trusts have... spies, so he can only kill them all with one stick.

Then, under the condition of ensuring absolute safety, he brought Fang Tianfeng to the prison.

Moreover, they also have to go to the ninth layer of the Heavenly Prison.

The jailers have been dismissed long ago, and the current Tianjing is almost a private cell in Dongchang.

The people in charge of guarding the Heavenly Prison are also the backbone of Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

But in fact, this is more of a place for the East Factory to use for lynching.

So, when Cao Zhengchun dismissed all the jailers.

The Heavenly Prison was actually more than half empty.

For the remaining prisoners, Cao Zhengchun also tried his best to avoid passing by them.

All in all, one word must not be allowed: people discover that the prince has followed him here secretly.

Otherwise, Zhu ignores it and will definitely become suspicious.

Although he had a feeling of wanting to make a clear statement when he dismissed the jailer, it would inevitably cause Zhu to ignore the suspicion, wondering if he knew about the existence of the ancient three links.

Although half of the purpose was exposed, the other half was also successfully concealed.

Zhu Ignoring would never know that Fang Tianfeng was here.

"Your Highness, this is it."

Cao Zhengchun took Fang Tianfeng all the way down, until a stone gate was closed, and then he raised his head slightly hesitantly and said, "Your Highness, why don't I accompany you in?"

In fact, Cao Zhengchun has no other meaning, he has practiced the boy kung fu for [-] years.

Even if there is another more powerful martial art in front of him at this time, it is impossible for him to practice.

Because his body has already been shaped, and after practicing Tongzi Gong for decades, the imprint of Tongzi Gong has long since penetrated into his body.

If you want to practice other martial arts, you have to do it again.

However, he is an old woman in her 70s, [-]s and [-]s.

Dare to scatter and rebuild.

What the consequences will be, needless to say.

Definitely a place to die without a burial.

As for getting martial arts and then passing it on to others, that's even more of a joke.

He was a eunuch, and he was the kind who entered the palace since he was a child, and he had no descendants at all.

Who gave his confidants the martial arts skills? A joke, passed on the martial arts to his confidants, and then waited until the confidants became stronger before rebelling against him. Therefore, Cao Zhengchun had no intention of this at all.

It's just that Gu Santong was the number one expert in the world back then, and it was only because he was defeated by Zhu that he ignored a move and was locked up here.

Even after more than ten years have passed, his strength has definitely only increased.

Otherwise, Zhu Ignore had already sent someone to kill Gu Santong, why should he imprison him? So, Cao Zhengchun was still afraid that Gu Santong would be unfavorable to the other side, and wanted to go in to protect Fang Tianfeng, just in case.

"Need not."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, glanced at Cao Zhengchun and then withdrew his gaze, "You wait outside, I'll go in alone."

Cao Zhengchun naturally did not dare to refute, the master's order, even if it is wrong, he must obey.


The huge and cumbersome stone gate slowly rises under the control of the mechanism. If the huge stone gate half a meter thick is closed, it will definitely prevent most people from going out for the rest of their lives.

However, this majority definitely does not include the ancient tee.

Therefore, this stone gate is more to prevent outsiders from entering and seeing the ancient three links.

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