Gu Santong has regained some vitality, although still a little sluggish, but at least not so weak.

"Then, in ten days."

Fang Tianfeng pondered for a while, then slowly raised his head and said, "I will now ask Eunuch Cao to help you smash this iron monument, but Senior Gu, you also need to recover your inner strength, and you also need time.

So it's better to wait until ten days later, and then you can escape on your own."


Gu Santong nodded in a very bachelor, he had no objection.

Although Fang Tianfeng absorbed most of his forty years of strength, he also left him with ten years of strength.

This is the same as earthworms. Even if three-quarters of the earthworms are cut off, as long as enough time is given, the earthworms can grow back.

But if an earthworm is cut into very small pieces, it cannot regenerate an inch.

Chapter 020 ━━━━━━━━━ Check and balance! (please subscribe)

Chapter 020 ━━━━━━━━ Check and balance! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng left a quarter of the internal force for the ancient three links, then the ancient three links can pass this quarter of the internal force, and in a short time Make up for lost energy.

After all, these... The lost internal strength can be regarded as the consumption of the ancient three links.

But if the ancient three links are really sucked dry, he will become a tree without a source, and there is no way to restore his original strength.

Yes, Fang Tianfeng is just... so greedy.

Not only to suck his internal strength, but also to let Gu Santong be a free thug for himself.

A master of the same level as Zhu Ignig and Cao Zhengchun is not... easy to find.

As long as there is a master like the ancient three links, there is absolutely no problem in containing Zhu ignoring.

And if Cao Zhengchun and Gu Santong join forces, the problem of killing Zhu Ignore is not very big.

After all, the current Zhu Ignore is not the same... invincible posture in a few years, and now he is still trying to stabilize his foundation.

After leaving Shimen, Cao Zhengchun was already waiting outside.

And time has passed without knowing it.

Fang Tianfeng just learned the two magical arts of "King Kong's Indestructible Magic" and "Sucking Power Dafa", and even "King Kong's Indestructible Magic" was just memorized.

And just like that, it has already taken a whole day, which is really a waste of time.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng did not let Gu Santong teach him other martial arts.

But let Cao Zhengchun prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and let Gu Santong write all of them by himself.

Well, that's no problem at all.

Of course, this is definitely not the reason why Fang Tianfeng was not willing to release the ancient three links until ten days later.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, His Highness."

Cao Zhengchun had a pleasing smile on his face, and bowed deeply, with a trace of fear on his face.

"Sucking Gong Dafa"! Of course he had heard of this divine art, but no one would have thought that the dignified and brave God Hou Zhu would ignore it and practice such a ruthless martial art.

Even if it is himself, if he ignores Zhu under the condition of ignorance, I am afraid that he will suffer a big loss.

It's not impossible for Zhu to ignore it even if you don't check it for a while.

More importantly, Fang Tianfeng's maddened intelligence, Fang Tianfeng, who threatened Gu Santong before, did not deliberately hide it from Cao Zhengchun, but the more so, the more horrified Cao Zhengchun was.

You must know that the emperor's most trusted and biggest information is... Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

And Zhu ignores the most powerful weave, that is... Hulong Villa.

However, Fang Tianfeng is a prince, where did he come from such a perfect intelligence agency. It can be seen from the intelligence he obtained that this intelligence agency is absolutely all over the world! However, for such a large organization, he Cao Zhengchun is the East The chief supervisor of the factory didn't notice at all! Cao Zhengchun stood outside Shimen for a day and a night, thinking about it for a day and a night.

When the ancient three links passed on to Fang Tianfeng, Cao Zhengchun wisely closed the stone gate.

Because he didn't want to eavesdrop, it was useless to eavesdrop.

His Heavenly Gang Boys Kung Fu has been practiced for almost a period of time, and he will only practice other martial arts if he is stupid.

So if you don't practice, don't listen.

Otherwise, it would be feared for no reason.

So he doesn't know.

Fang Tianfeng could be so perverted, he practiced "Sucking Gong Dafa" in one day, and also sucked the ancient three links dry.

He just thought that Fang Tianfeng had obtained these two martial arts.

At the same time, he couldn't help but be afraid.

Fang Tianfeng has such an excellent intelligence agency, so what should he do with the East Factory that has merged with Jinyiwei? If Fang Tianfeng takes power one day, will he even kill himself. Therefore, Cao Zhengchun is a little panicked.

If this is the case, wouldn't he just play the game? "Eunuch Cao, what are you afraid of?"

Even if Cao Zhengchun lowered his head, Fang Tianfeng was keenly aware of his deep fear, and could not help but say, "I'm worried that I have too much power to fear Dongchang, so I want to kill the donkey."

"Slave dare not!"

Cao Zhengchun was frightened, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

He did have this thought, but he dared not express it.

No matter how high his martial arts skills are, he is still a eunuch and a servant of the royal family.

If the king wants his minister to die, the minister has to die, and it may not be very useful to put it on the minister.

But on the eunuch, the effect is basically leverage.

At the very least, Cao Zhengchun will not resist.

But not resisting, doesn't mean he won't worry.

"Don't worry, Eunuch Cao."

Fang Tianfeng nodded with satisfaction, as if to reassure him, and said slowly, "Uncle Huang threatened my throne, and you, to put it bluntly, are just a eunuch.

Your rights are all given to you by the royal family, otherwise, you would not have the status you have today."

Cao Zhengchun understood.

Because his rights are given by the royal family, the royal family can take it back at any time.

But because of this, the royal family has absolutely no reason to be afraid of him Cao Zhengchun.

Therefore, his worries are completely superfluous.

Although it was a bit insulting, Cao Zhengchun was relieved.

Chapter 021 ━━━━━━━━━ Removal of CP! (please subscribe)

This chapter ━━━━━━━━ rectification within a limited time, please understand the inconvenience caused to you, please understand this chapter ━━━━━━━━

Chapter 022 ━━━━━━━━━Zhu Youxi! (please subscribe)

Chapter 022 ━━━━━━━━Zhu Youxi! Please subscribe to "Father Emperor."

Fang Tianfeng bowed his head slightly, now he is the crown prince.

Although he didn't want to get involved with the dying emperor, but now he had to make it clear to Zhu Youji.

This is no better than Liu Che, because when he replaced Liu Che, Emperor Jing of Han was already unconscious.

Therefore, as a prince, he can leave the palace under the connivance of the empress dowager.

But now, although Zhu Youji can't last long, he is still alive after all.

There are no relatives in power, the only threat is... Zhu ignores it.

Therefore, even if Fang Tianfeng became the crown prince, if he wanted to leave the palace, he had to convince Zhu Youxi first.

Otherwise, as soon as you leave the palace with your front and back feet, the world may be in chaos.

"Take a picture,"

The emperor nodded with some relief, because he had learned something from Cao Zhengchun.

Although Cao Zhengchun has decided to help Fang Tianfeng with all his heart, the current emperor is still Zhu Youji.

And more importantly, Zhu Youxi won't live long.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun did not want to hide from Zhu Youxi.

And he also knew that he couldn't hide it, he took the prince to the ninth level of the Heavenly Prison.

Maybe it was too much to hide from Hou Zhu, the god of iron bravery in Hulong Villa, but he definitely couldn't hide it from the people around him.

And the people around him want to replace him all the time.

Therefore, even if he doesn't say it, someone will tell the emperor about him.

Instead, it's better to take the initiative.

Taking the initiative to tell the whole story, on the one hand, he embraced his position, and on the other hand, he also showed the strength and courage of a prince who has always been frail and sickly.

It can also strengthen Zhu Youji's determination to pass the throne to the crown prince.

Otherwise, if Zhu Youji felt that the prince could not be of great use, and for the prince to live a peaceful life, he might compromise and pass the throne to Zhu to ignore.

Therefore, the emperor learned from Cao Zhengchun what Fang Tianshi had done.

Whether it is to test Cao Zhengchun, or coerce Cao Zhengchun, let him go to the heavenly prison.

Afterwards, the matter of threatening Gu Santong and letting him pass on his martial arts to him was completely clear to the emperor.

Zhu Youxi screened back and left: with the palace maid, only he, Fang Tianfeng and Cao Zhengchun were left in the room 3.

As for Yunluo, well she was kicked out even though she was a princess.

After all, she is a little loli. Generally speaking, children are ignorant and can't keep secrets.

Therefore, in order to prevent her from leaking secrets, it is inevitable to let her out.

Yun Luo pouted her little mouth angrily, although she was a little dissatisfied, she didn't deliberately make a fool of herself.

Although she is indeed a delicious little loli, she is not as naive as others think.

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