By then, there will be nothing left.

Zhu Youji left soon, he didn't want to stay too long.

Because that would easily arouse the suspicion that Zhu ignored.

It is also sad to say that the dignified emperor is actually afraid of causing a suspicion that Zhu ignores.

And not long after Zhu Youji left, the door opened again.


Yunluo quietly opened the door and looked around, only to find that Fang Tianfeng was the only one.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, then jumped on Fang Tianfeng and hugged his neck affectionately.

"Brother, what did the royal father tell you?"

Yunluo's pink and tender face had a heart-wrenching expression, which could be seen.

For her own father, she still has a lot of shadows.


Fang Tianfeng shook his head. Just as he was about to pass this on, he suddenly had an idea and pretended to be heartbroken, "Royal Father and I talked about your marriage, Yunluo, and I'm going to marry you."


Like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, Yunluo jumped up and stood on Fang Tianfeng's lap, "No, I will never marry!"

Although she is still young, Yunluo is not ignorant of marriage.

In her impression, getting married means having to marry a husband and teach children, to stay at home every day, and to give up her martial arts dream.

She can accept other things, but just... she has to practice martial arts.

"Don't worry, how could the emperor let you marry."

Fang Tianfeng gently hugged the girl and comforted, "My father promised me that you can continue to practice martial arts, and you don't have to marry.

However, you have to help the emperor to do something."


Yun Luo hurriedly nodded her head, but after a while, she seemed to remember something. She frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Do you still want me to eat a lollipop? But, it's very uncomfortable, brother."

Yunluo pouted her small mouth in dissatisfaction, "Every time I get stuck in my throat, it's so long and so thick.

And it's not tasty at all, and the milk doesn't smell bad at all..."

Fang Tianfeng blushed a little when he heard that the little loli was like a treasure and complained about the disadvantages of lollipops as usual.

There is a deep sense of guilt.

However, he is someone who has experienced several crossings, his toughness of heart, and thick skin are absolutely incomparable.

"Don't worry, it's not about this."

Fang Tianfeng patted the little Loli on the head, causing the little Loli to glare at her, "Brother Huang, if you are shooting like this, President Yunluo won't be tall!"

"Good good."

Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to retreat, after all, he still wanted this little loli to do things for him.

"No, the emperor has no sincerity at all."

Yunluo raised her little mouth in dissatisfaction, "Don't think that Yunluo doesn't know anything, brother Huang, you have done that kind of thing to Yunluo, and you must compensate me.

Otherwise, I'll go tell the emperor."

Fang Tianfeng had a black line on his face, he couldn't be sure that Yunluo didn't understand what a spat was.

But there is no doubt that Yunluo is very smart. She has read from Fang Tianfeng's expression and behavior that the quarrel cannot be let: other people know.

So, she turned to blackmail Fang Tianfeng.

"then what do you want"

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, but he always wanted to coax his sister.

Otherwise, it would be bad if she really said it.

"I want to ride a big horse!"

Yunluo jumped up excitedly, and stepped on Fang Tianfeng's thigh, "Ride a big horse, ride a big horse!"

Fang Tianfeng's face turned even darker, he was riding a big horse, he still wanted to ride a big horse.

It's not that he can't let Yunluo ride a big horse, anyway... he doesn't reject... men or women.

But there is no doubt that he and Yunluo want to ride a big horse is not the same thing.

"Is it good for the emperor to teach you martial arts?"

Fang Tianfeng said helplessly.

"it is good."

Yunluo was even more excited, she sat obediently on Fang Tianfeng's lap, her eyes were full of little stars, and she looked at Fang Tianfeng with hope.

Sure enough, her obsession with martial arts has gone deep into her bones.

Chapter 024 Give martial arts! (please subscribe)

024 Teaching martial arts! It is naturally no problem to subscribe to teach martial arts.

For his sister, a sister who is destined to marry, he is naturally very spoiled.

Zhu Youji was also very fond of Yunluo, so he invited a few masters to Yunluo and asked them to give Yunluo martial arts.

However, all they teach are the three-legged cat martial arts, the crop-hand style.

But what Fang Tianfeng wants to teach is written down by Gu Santong himself, the martial arts of the eight sects! It can be said that these... martial arts are the foundation of the major sects. But all of them were thrown to Yunluo by Fang Tianfeng.

As for the two gods.

Yunluo is only willing to practice Qigong Dafa, but she is unwilling to practice the Vajra Indestructible Magic.

It's not that Fang Tianfeng couldn't understand, after all, girls love beauty.

Even if Fang Tianfeng has said it countless times, practicing the Diamond Indestructible Magic will only become when the magic is activated: the copper wall is impenetrable.

As usual, it's just how it should be.

However, Yunluo was unwilling.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng had no choice.

And as the price of martial arts.

Fang Tianfeng coaxes Little Loli to help him handle government affairs.

Well, government affairs.

Just as he let his daughters handle government affairs in the world of "Myth", and let Gillian and her sister Princess Pingyang handle government affairs in the world of "The Son of Heaven".

In this world, he is still unswervingly walking on the road of eating soft rice.


Sister do, nothing to do sister.

It's dashing and capricious.

Of course, Yunluo was only eleven years old after all.

It's too hard for her to put all the pressure on her now.

So Fang Tianfeng just let her try to deal with it first, the main purpose is to cultivate her rather than crush her.

More, it is to deceive Zhu to ignore.

Let Zhu Wushi know that Yunluo is looking for Fang Tianfeng to play, and Fang Tianfeng is still in the palace.

Only in this way, Fang Tianfeng can go out with peace of mind.

Although Yunluo didn't think Zhu Ignore would be able to do it, she was obviously closer to Fang Tianfeng.

So he also promised to lie in front of Zhu Ignore, and lied that he was still in the palace.

However, the little loli is still very different.

Dissatisfied with Fang Tianfeng going out to play without her, she didn't calm down until Fang Tianfeng made a pair of promises.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he now has nearly thirty years of internal strength.

And because his internal strength comes from the ancient three links, and the internal strength of the ancient three links comes from practicing the two martial arts of "King Kong Indestructible Magic" and "Sucking Power Dafa".

So fundamentally speaking, the inner strength of the two people is the same root and the same source.

Gu Santong practiced for more than ten years before he mastered the magical power of indestructible diamonds, and was able to transform for the first time.

At that time, he had already been defeated by Zhu Ignore, and had already been locked up in the ninth layer of this prison.

And Fang Tianfeng, you can do it now! "King Kong's Indestructible Magical Art" can actually be regarded as a big opening.

And the inner strength of practicing "King Kong's Indestructible Magic" is... Blue Bar.

After cultivating for more than ten years, Gu Santong had enough blue bars to open up.

And Fang Tianfeng absorbed his inner strength, so he can transform now.

Although it is not invincible in the world, it can be regarded as a small achievement in martial arts.

Not to mention hanging and beating Zhu ignored, but hanging and beating ordinary martial arts masters is still no problem.

Fang Tianfeng was a little bit swollen, even if he became the emperor for two generations.

But he has never practiced real martial arts, even if he has secretly learned Meng Tian's martial arts.

But there is no such thing as the so-called internal strength. It's just...strengthening the body. It's not as good as the physical quality brought by him eating the Transforming Pill.

But now, he could clearly feel the warm currents flowing in his body.

That is internal power! His powerful capital! He has seen a real immortal, Cui Wenzi is...

But the old guy Cui Wenzi gave him an encyclopedia, but he was unwilling to give him the method of immortality after being beaten to death.

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