Otherwise, whoever eats too much has to come here. Since they want to make trouble, of course they must follow through.

Is it possible to walk to the door and then turn around and leave the impossible, non-existent because of a threat from your little brother?

"Last warning! Hurry up! Otherwise I'll be welcome!"

Chapter 028 ━━━━━━━━ Kick the hall! (please subscribe)

Chapter 028 ━━━━━━━━ Kicking the hall! Please subscribe. Faced with the threat of the ninjas of the two guards, Fang Tianfeng doesn't care at all.

It didn't make it: anxious, let alone slow down or even run away because of a soft threat or two.

He just walked unhurriedly, moving forward step by step towards the gate of Liu Sheng's house.

However, even if it was... a pace that was slower than that of ordinary people, it was loud.

Every time they took a step, the heavy footsteps seemed not to be stepping on the ground, but as if they were stepping on their hearts.

Even if Fang Tianfeng didn't do anything, he just stood there quietly.

That straight and straight back like a pine tree, still gave them endless pressure, giving them a strong sense of oppression.

Because, although Fang Tianfeng is not very high.

But it is still average, [-] meters.

However, everyone knows the height of Dongying people.

The gatekeeper ninja of [-] meters is already regarded as Dongying: the tallest among the ninjas.

Even if the strength is not very good, but in many cases height and physical strength are the criteria for measuring strength.

Even if it is true among the people in the arena.

One inch long and one inch strong, not only weapons, but also people.

However, in front of Fang Tianfeng, who was [-] meters tall, he was as ridiculous as a child.


The ninja gritted his teeth and put his hands on the hilt and scabbard, as if it was the most orthodox sword-drawing technique of the ninja school.

No matter how powerful it is, the posture is very standard, and it looks like the sword can be unsheathed at any time.

But yes, gatekeeper ninjas are by no means the hottest ninjas who can serve.

Because to a certain extent, they actually represent the face of the ninjutsu genre.

If even they only know a little about their own style of moves, it would be a big shame.

However, even with the long sword in hand, their legs couldn't help trembling.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, obviously they have a long sword over one meter two long swords that can be unsheathed at any time.

Even if the opponent has a height advantage, it is an indisputable fact that he does not have any weapons.

A child can still stab an adult with a knife, even if the two of them are short.

However, their weapons can also make up for the lack of height.

So, why be afraid.

The ninja cursed, but he wasn't scolding Fang Tianfeng.

The sense of oppression brought about by that majestic internal force is enough to make them clearly perceive the gap between the two sides, and there is no doubt that the other party is definitely a master.

If the other party is so ignorant, then the two of them are nothing but nothing, even if they know that the other party is a master.

However, for the dignity of the genre, they also had to go.

But his legs were trembling, and his heart was terrified.

It was obvious that the other party didn't even show a trace of murderous intent, but he was already timid.

If this is the case, how can he be worthy of the name of a disciple of the New Yin Liu?

The powerful aura that was overwhelming like an overwhelming sea drowned them like a monstrous flood.

Obviously, obviously the hilt of the sword is in the hand.

But it was as if there were [-] catties of boulders on their hands, and they couldn't pull them out no matter what.

"Bastard! Move me!"

The shorter ninja of the two roared angrily, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Even though there is fear in his eyes, he is no longer timid! Even if the enemy is so powerful that it is despairing, but the pride of being a disciple of the Xinyin faction makes him bravely face the despair.


The long sword around his waist made a clanging and crisp sword groan, and the cold sword glow gave him a sense of peace of mind and unprecedented courage.

So, he swelled.

"Don't underestimate the Xinyin faction!"

Just like the protagonist of the second animation, the little ninja was completely irritated by Fang Tianfeng's always indifferent expression and lost his mind.

This is inevitable, if it does not erupt in silence, it will perish in silence.

Under the oppression of Fang Tianfeng's huge momentum, either he was frightened like another ninja, and he didn't even have the courage to draw his sword.

Or just like him, courage made him draw his sword and let him lose himself.

Because of fear, because of low self-esteem, because of not being able to judge the situation and measure the strength of the enemy and ourselves.

So he got lost and tried to win with valiant charge and attack.

However, the reality is very skinny and will not be as plump as people imagine.

Accompanied by the roaring anger of the ninja, a sharp and piercing sound sounded out of thin air.

The silver-white blade glowed with a threatening cold glow in the sun, and it stabbed straight at the boy who was still thinking about the gate of Yagyu's house.

"It's near!"

"It's almost there!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of the little ninja's mouth, as if he had seen the young man's throat cut by himself.

The appearance of the blood gushing out made him excited.

So this fantasy made him forget how unbearable he was just now.

It also made him forget that he was only a gatekeeper.

And the other party is here to play.

Chapter 029 Kick the hall!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 029 ━━━━━━━━Kick the hall! Down! Please subscribe to the Eastern Ying people, there is no doubt that most of them have a kind of inferiority complex that is almost perverted.

This kind of inferiority makes them extremely respectful in front of people who are superior to them, even if their dignity is severely trampled on by the other party.

Even if the head is trampled under the feet of the other party, stepped on the soil.

They are equally respectful.

However, this perverted inferiority complex brings more than just such perverted humility.

There is also a perverted sense of revenge.

When they feel that they have a chance to fight back, they will not hesitate to take out the poisoned dagger they have hidden.

Then, cut the throat of the person who made him feel inferior.

Just like now.

Fang Tianfeng gave them a strong sense of crisis, and the overwhelming momentum made them despair.

But when they had the courage to raise the sword of resistance in their hands, there was an almost perverted bloodthirsty.


I didn't remember the sound of the long sword piercing the flesh.

It just deflected from Fang Tianfeng's ear and stabbed in the air.

However, the little ninja was not discouraged, because he still had a chance.

As long as he deflects the tip of the sword, he can cut off the opponent's head horizontally.

However, he failed.

Fang Tianfeng did not panic in the face of the oncoming cold light, and no matter if he was threatened, he would automatically turn into the indestructible Vajra Indestructible Magic.

Even... his current physique is definitely not something that such a spicy chicken iron sword can cut through.

King Kong is not bad magic, not just when it is activated, King Kong is not bad.

If you want King Kong not to be bad, you must also have your own physical fitness standards.

Not to mention copper tendons and iron bones, at least it must be as tough as a normal sword.

Therefore, under the premise that it is not destined to be in hand.

Fang Tianfeng will panic and have a ghost.

He just turned slightly sideways, turned his head and easily avoided the fluttering sword.

Then, with a backhand move, he easily grabbed the short ninja's arm with both hands.

The ninja only felt that his hands were firmly grasped like eagle claws, and he was unable to break free.

By the way.

Because Dongying: Ninjas are generally short in stature, so the sword is not bigger than the long sword in the middle.

However, they are used to holding knives with both hands.

There are natural advantages in this way, and it can exert its power to the extreme.

However, once the attack is blocked, it will no longer be... difficult to follow up.

Just like now, his hands have been firmly grasped.

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