Chapter 031 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ unique skills! (please subscribe)

Chapter 031 ━━━━━━━━ Fabulous! Please subscribe to "Who is Your Excellency?"

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, frowned and looked at Fang Tianfeng, and said solemnly, "It would be fine if I came to seek revenge, but my Liu Sheng family should not have offended your Excellency. Then please another day, there are important guests in the house today."

Well, the important guest is naturally not Duan Tianya.

It was Sato Yoshinosuke who brought Duan Tianya to see Yagyu Tajima.

And the reason why Liu Sheng but Ma Shou was so polite to Fang Tianfeng, who was obviously here to do things, was because of his good self-cultivation.

Another one is...I don't want to lose face in front of Sato Yoshinosuke.

It is also one of the three major Shangnin, and it is impossible to say that Liu Sheng but Ma Shou does not want to be the boss.

But it happens that Sato Yoshinosuke is the first of the three great ninjas.

However, Yagyu Tashima does not think that he is weaker than Sato Yoshinosuke.

Really want to say why Sato Yoshinosuke is the head of the three great ninjas, nothing more than because his life experience is relatively innocent.

It goes without saying that Yagyu Tasuma Shou, he is a retainer of the shogun and has a distinct label.

And Iga Zongyuan, he is the head of the Iga faction.

Although it is not as distinct as the label of the Yagyu family, it also has the label of the Iga clan.

But Sato Yoshinosuke does not belong to either.

In comparison, his life experience is much clearer.

In fact, these rankings also have factors of the game of major forces in it.

Sato Yoshinosuke was able to rank first because he was not affiliated with either party.

Of course, another important reason is naturally that Sato Yoshinosuke's strength is not weak.

Sato Yoshinosuke is more like a ninja than the other two.

Because his ninjutsu is indeed stronger than the other two.

But relatively speaking, Sato Yoshinosuke's swordsmanship is much worse than the other two.

Especially Yagyu Tajima Shou.

In general, it is... Sato Yoshinosuke belongs to the ninjutsu hanging sword.


And Yagyu Tajima Shou belongs to swordsmanship.

The technique is rather sloppy.

In contrast, Iga Zongyuan is more balanced, not eloquent, and somewhat unremarkable.

The Iga School believes that the Shinyin is heretical, and for the Shinyin it is completely...mainly swordsmanship and spear, supplemented by traditional ninja ninjutsu.

And this is something the Iga faction can't do, because they think that the ninjas don't have to be a last resort and others will play close combat, just throw two darts.

The same is true of the new Yinyu, looking down on the traditional old Iga faction, always trying to pull Iga down from the position of the boss.

Therefore, for a long time, the Iga faction and the Shinyin faction did not break out disputes for the stability of Edo.

But it is also discordant between face and heart: no one obeys another.

On the contrary, Sato Yoshinosuke is an exception, because his relationship with the Iga faction and the new Yinyu is not very tense.

It even acts as a bridge of communication.

It's like Iga Zongyuan can send Duan Tianya to Sato Yoshinosuke for training, and Sato Yoshinosuke brings Duan Tianya to Liuyu's house for training.

It can be said that Duan Tianya is really lucky and gathers the strengths of hundreds of schools.

In the future, he will also worship Dongying: the famous swordsman.

Miankuushiro learned to become a "phantom sword"

And the reason is because Duan Tianya's net worth is cleaner than Sato Yoshinosuke.

Because he is a Chinese native, and has talent, he is willing to endure hardship.

So, others don't worry about which faction he's completely loyal to.

Therefore, they are willing to teach him.

However, because he is an outsider and not a native of Dongying, the three major Shangren actually kept their hands.

None of them were willing to teach Duan Tianya the secret skills of their sect, so they all prevaricate to others.

Duan Tianya's talent is very good, but also very hard.

Therefore, he made rapid progress in his studies in the Iga School, and even reached the point where he could inherit the unique skills of the Iga School.

So Iga Zongyuan didn't want to teach him, so he left him to Sato Yoshinosuke.

And with the good foundation laid by the Iga School in the past few years, Duan Tianya learned quickly from Sato Yoshinosuke.

And so, it has come to the point where Sato Yoshinosuke's unique skills can be passed on.

So, Sato Yoshinosuke took him to Yagyu's house.

After all, it was because he was an outsider.

Therefore, if you can't pass on the secret knowledge to him, you will go to trick other people.

After that, Duan Tianya was able to learn the magic sword, which was also the only unique skill, and it was completely a coincidence.

So, don't look at Duan Tianya, he seems to be the leader of a hundred schools of thought.

However, in fact, he did not learn all the core things.

They are all basic things, even the ones that he can practice well on his own.

For example, throwing a shuriken, throwing a shuriken, and throwing a shuriken, etc.

The three Shangnin are all very good to him, but that's about it.

Being nice to him doesn't mean that you want to teach each other, it's just a relationship of mutual use.

Of course, this is all off-topic.

The problem now is that Yagyu Tajima Mori doesn't want to lose face in front of Sato Yoshinosuke.

That's why he would talk to Fang Tianfeng with Yan Yue's color, otherwise he would have been hit long ago.

Chapter 032 Apprenticeship! (please subscribe)

Chapter 032 ━━━━━━━━Apprenticeship! Please subscribe "I'm not here to seek revenge, nor to kick the gym."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head gently and said slowly, "I'm here to apprentice."


Liu Sheng but Ma Shou was stunned, although he had never fought against this person.

But just standing there put a lot of pressure on myself.

You must know that you are Shangnin! This person can put pressure on himself, only the same person can do it.

As for such a person, he actually said that he was going to be a teacher, Fang Tianfeng shrugged, he was very desperate.

He now has a whole body of inner strength, possessing the peerless martial arts of various sects.

However, he has no experience! No one has taught him how to fight, Gu Santong is not a good teacher, and he does not have enough patience to teach himself.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he didn't want the ancient three to teach.

However, there is always someone to teach.

It is better to be taught by someone than self-taught, because he is not a genius.

Therefore, it is best if you can worship the new Yin current.

If not..."Sorry."

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou was stunned for a while, looked at Fang Tianfeng a little strangely, and asked, "Where did your name come from?"

"My name is Fang Tianfeng, and I come from Dongtu Daming."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the other party with a serious face, and he didn't mean to lie at all, and there was no need for it.

"The Original People"

Yagyu Tajima Shou looked at Fang Tianfeng with deep meaning, it seemed that the previous... Takizawa Ichiro was also from the Central Plains.

The Central Plains has repeatedly sent people to Dongying: Why is it that you learn martial arts secretly? He doesn't think so.

Although I don't want to admit it, there is no doubt that Dongying:'s ninjutsu originated from the Five Elements of Middle Earth.

Later, it was introduced to Dongying:, and under the influence of some books and ideas from China, it gradually formed a ninjutsu with the characteristics of Dongying:.

Ninjutsu in Dongying: The development is very fast, and there is a slight threat to the martial arts in the Middle Earth.

However, compared to the martial arts schools in Middle-earth, where a hundred flowers bloom, Shu can only be regarded as a small path among a hundred schools.

"Feel sorry,"

Liusheng Taima Shou tried to make his tone as sympathetic and tactful as possible, "I don't teach Chinese people, and Shinyin's ninjutsu cannot be passed on."


Fang Tianfeng didn't speak, just looked deeply at Liu Sheng but Ma Shou.

Rather, he is... just wait for Liu Sheng but Ma Shou to say this.

If Liu Sheng and Ma Shou agreed to his apprenticeship, then everyone would be happy.

He thinks he's better than Duan Tianya and doesn't know where he is. With him around, Duan Tianya wouldn't have any chance.

And if it's rejected, so much the better.

Liusheng Tamar Shou said in front of everyone that he did not teach Han people, and he only cared about his own reputation as long as he had to face.

It is impossible for him to teach Duan Tianya, and naturally he will not lead wolves into the room.

It is certain that after today, Taman Yagyu will keep a distance from Duan Tianya.

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