But even so, Qian Hao, Zhao, she was ready to steal Liu Sheng's martial arts to teach Fang Tianfeng.

In fact, it's more just a vent for her dissatisfaction with the Yagyu family.

And if you really love it.

Then it's over.

Not to mention that Liu Sheng's family is only a hundred years old, even if it is a thousand years old, it will not be able to withstand Liu Sheng Piao Xu's deliberate defeat.

"However, it doesn't matter."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged and showed a confident smile, "I don't want to practice martial arts anyway, because I fell in love with your sister at first sight."


Liu Sheng Piaoxu was stupid at the time, the script is not like this, "It's too troublesome to practice martial arts, I like your sister, so I decided to pursue your sister!"

Chapter 047 Brother-in-law! (please subscribe)

Chapter 047 ━━━━━━━━ Brother-in-law! Please subscribe "Hey!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu suddenly exclaimed, and the green jade pointed at Fang Tianfeng with an incredible expression, "Don't you have no consciousness of wanting to practice martial arts at all?"

I think she had suffered a lot in order to practice martial arts.

As a child of the Yagyu family, no matter what...

She wants to practice martial arts or not.

And because it's a girl, I don't care...

No matter how talented she is, Liusheng Dan Ma Shou can't really give her the core martial arts inherited from the Liuyu family.

In order to persevere on the road of practicing martial arts, her character must be much more mature and tenacious than the average person.

However, Fang Tianfeng's series of actions made her have the urge to beep! Isn't this completely helpless? He is so talented, but he didn't want to practice martial arts and actually wanted to soak up her sister! Why is it her sister? It's not her! Liu Sheng Piaoxu's face turned pale for a moment, and she quickly shook her head to put that unrealistic idea behind her.

Now is not the time to think about these things! After all, why does she think about these things! "Is there any conflict between these two things?"

Fang Tianfeng shrugged his shoulders with a natural look on his face, "Anyway..., if I and your sister Liuyu Xueji get married.

Wouldn't that even save you from being a teacher? Just let your sister teach me martial arts."

"You, you really..."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu pointed at Fang Tianfeng, her petite body trembled slightly, unable to say a word.

This person is really too careful. Although it is said that the children of the Yagyu family are obliged to keep the family secrets, they must not pass on the family's martial arts.

However, this child never includes the daughter.

Also, no one will ever trust their daughter.

The water splashed by the married daughter, the girl who is carried away by love will always do all kinds of irrational things.

Liu Sheng Piao Xu can guarantee, based on what she knows about her sister.

If she is really caught, then Liusheng Xueji will definitely not be stingy to teach Fang Tianfeng the martial arts of the Liusheng family! So, is this person a pervert? Sure enough, she should call the police! However, before she called the police, she was already arrested. Fang Tianfeng hugged tightly.

The girl's originally stiff body showed signs of softening for a moment, but she was a little scared because of the deep misunderstanding of the other party.

"Hey...!!!, what do you think of me being your brother-in-law?"

Fang Tianfeng caressed the girl's pink back through the night clothes, and his gentle words seemed to be asking for her opinion.

It's a pity, why can't it be her sister's brother-in-law if it must be her brother-in-law? "Impossible!"

As if being stimulated, the petite girl struggled fiercely, looking at Fang Tianfeng and said decisively, "My father will not allow outsiders to contact my sister, and you were kicked out of the Liusheng house during the day.

Everyone knows that you have already lost, and you don't even have a chance to enter the Yagyu family."

In other words, it's...incapacity, daydreaming.

What's more, Fang Tianfeng is an outsider after all.

Even Dongying people can't be counted.

Yagyu Tajima gave birth to a daughter, and also spent a lot of effort to cultivate her into a chunin.

It is impossible to say that he was casually hooked up by an outsider.

If you marry a daughter, you will definitely get married.

It's like Yagyu Tajima had given the two sisters to the shogun in exchange for greater rights for the Yagyu family.

However, the shogun was afraid that his life would be out of control, so he refused.

However, the shogunate refused, which does not mean that Yukio Liusheng and Liusheng Piaoxu have lost their value.

Yagyu Tasuma Shou will definitely maximize the usefulness and interests of the two sisters, even if they are married, it must be because of interests and a certain school.

Or, it is used to win over a talented young man.

Although Fang Tianfeng is extremely talented, he is an outsider after all.

It's not that Yagyu but Ma Shou is hostile to the people of Middle-earth. The neon of this era is far from being able to provoke Middle-earth.

Even if there is, it is a certain martial arts person who thinks that martial arts are the best in the world and can beat the Central Plains martial arts.

However, they never thought of conquering the martial arts in the Central Plains.

Today, they are already a little inferior in the face of Middle-earth.

But without the support of science and technology, they have no ability to resist.

However, Fang Tianfeng came from Middle Earth after all.

Sooner or later, he will return to Middle-earth.

And the Liusheng family's family business is in the East: it is impossible to say that they will move to the Middle Earth.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng cannot provide any benefits to the Liusheng family.

Since there is no benefit, why should it pay for a daughter to go in? It's not worth it, and it doesn't make sense.

Even though Fang Tianfeng has huge support in the Central Plains Martial Arts, he can't dispel the fire from far away.

And the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.

I can't control Dongying at all: this way.

In case Liusheng's family is in Dongying: If something happens, Fang Tianfeng can only see each other across the sea.

Of course, if he is the emperor, it is another matter.

However, Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou did not know his identity.

Otherwise, he may regret to death.

How can a mere shogunate be compared with the emperor of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 048 Support!superior! (please subscribe)

.. This chapter ━━━━━━━━ rectification within a limited time, please understand the inconvenience caused to everyone, please understand this chapter ━━━━━━━━

Chapter 049 Support!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 049 ━━━━━━━━Support! Next! Please subscribe" Mingming is only 1212 years old, four years younger than your sister 4.

You are not yet an adult, you are not a child what is it?"

Fang Tianfeng said it as a matter of course, but suddenly angered the girl who was still enjoying herself.

"People are not children!"

Like a tiger feeling the danger, the girl suddenly shook off Fang Tianfeng's hand that was touching her little head.

Looking at Fang Tianfeng with an angry face, he opened his small cherry mouth threateningly, revealing the two sharp tiger teeth, with an expression of 'I am super fierce, quickly withdraw what you said'.

However, this kind of cute threat only made Fang Tianfeng more unable to resist and want to bully her.

"A child has to look like a child."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it hard on the top of the girl's head, pressing down the girl who raised her head at once.

The super fierce expression disappeared, replaced by a grievance that was almost crying.

"You only see your elder sister, your father is like this, you are like this, all of you are like this."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu shouted excitedly, tears almost bursting out of her eyes.

However, she was strong enough to hold back her tears.

Because, she is no longer a child who uses her tears to win the sympathy of others.

It is fortunate and unfortunate to grow up under the halo of my sister all the time.

Fortunately, Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou, who noticed Xue Ji's talent, took his eyes away from Liu Sheng's fluttering flakes early and put it on Liu Sheng Xue Ji's body.

As a result, Xue Ji endured the pressure that should have been shared by her and Piao Xu.

Yagyu Tasuma Shou is taking advantage of Xue Ji and wants to maximize her interests.

But at the same time, he also had more thoughts of wanting to demand Xue Ji more strictly, to let her show her value more.

Only in this way can the value shown by her be exchanged for greater benefits.

Therefore, Liu Sheng Piao Xu does not need to grow up under pressure like her sister.

However, it is also because of Yukihime Yagyu's excellence and the pressure she bears.

So she grew faster, and her aura became bigger and brighter.

On the other hand, Liu Sheng Piao Xu was crushed even more miserably.

No one noticed her, and no one cared about Liu Sheng Xue Ji, who was undoubtedly concerned about this younger sister, but Xue Ji couldn't call the shots in this family.

She can only passively accept the arrangements of Tajima Yagyu, and she can only obey the arrangements of Tajima Yagyu, her father, and train hard day after day.

Therefore, she didn't even have time to play with Liu Sheng Kao Xu.

So, the only person who cares about himself has no time to care for himself.

It is conceivable how lonely Liusheng Piaoxu has lived for more than ten years.

Not even a playmate of the same age.

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