Iga and Koga are aloof among them and maintain good relations with all the daimyo.

The Shinyin-ryu is different. After the disciples of the Shinyin-ryu leave the school, they must be loyal to the Tokugawa family.

In fact, in the area under the jurisdiction of the shogunate today, almost all officials are protected by the new underworld ninja.

And the city-level leader of the Tokugawa shogunate was personally protected by Tajima Yagyu.


After all, Yagyu Taima Shou is the leader of the new Yinliu, and there are still many things to take care of.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for him to stay by the Shogun's side all the time.

Therefore, it is usually protected by his brothers and sisters.

In fact, his brothers and sisters are also extraordinary in strength.

In Xinyinliu, aside from him, his fellow apprentices are the real second strongest.

It's just that he wants to build momentum for his son Yagyu Shibei.

Because we want to build momentum, we deliberately downplay the existence of these people.

Even though they are very powerful, they are not well known.

And the reason why he was able to put these people at the side of the Tokugawa shogun with confidence was also based on the shogun's trust in him.

He doesn't need to worry about these people taking his place, and he doesn't need to worry that the Tokugawa Shogun will lose trust in him.

After all, he even dared to send his opponent to protect the shogun, which is enough to prove his loyalty.

Because he is loyal to the shogunate, he is not worried that the shogunate will abandon him and choose someone else.

Then these people died.

Chapter 053 Absorb!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 053 ━━━━━━━━ Absorption! Go! Please subscribe to the absorption method, which is undoubtedly the top martial arts in the world.

It can absorb other people's inner strength and spirit, and can even directly suck people's scum.

Although, the transformation efficiency of the Qigong Dafa is only one-twentieth.

But on the other hand, it means that as long as you absorb [-] martial arts masters of the same realm as yourself, you can double your internal strength! And internal strength cultivation, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

If you have five years of inner strength, it only takes five years at most to double your inner strength.

And if you have [-] years of inner strength, it will take [-] years to double it! In fact, martial arts and inner strength can be regarded as complementary.

Martial arts are equivalent to skills, and internal strength is equivalent to blue bars.

The more internal force, the longer the blue bar.

However, it does not mean that the longer the blue bar is, the stronger it is.

Skills are also indispensable.

What's more important is the use of internal power.

Martial arts and internal strength complement each other, and when using martial arts, the combination of internal strength can undoubtedly cause huge damage.

When using the same martial arts, different people can use different internal strengths.

This involves the efficiency of the use of internal force.

Two people use the same martial arts, one person has [-] units of internal force, but he can only exert [-] units of internal force at most.

Another person, with only fifty units of internal force, was able to exert twenty units of internal force at one time.

There is no doubt that the former is more powerful, but the latter is more powerful.

If there is a real fight, the front is just right, but the former is sure to die.

Of course, the amount of internal power... is often linked to the efficiency of use.

Because people's internal strength is accumulated over time, so if there is no accident, with the accumulation of internal strength, the more internal strength that can be used at one time.

However, there are also some people who have empty inner strength but don't fight very much, and have empty body but don't know how to use it.

This kind of person is very weak.

The more internal strength, the stronger the endurance.

But the more internal power that can be used at one time, the stronger the generation.

Most of the fights among people in martial arts are to see the outbreak rather than to consume others alive.

However, inhaling the gong method can rapidly increase one's gong power.

Just like Zhu ignored, he absorbed the internal strength of more than [-] martial arts masters.

Therefore, the total amount of his internal strength has increased by at least five times in a short period of time! However, the use efficiency of his internal strength has not been greatly improved.

If it is said that the maximum efficiency of his internal power use is [-]%%, then after absorbing the internal power of others, it is at most [-]%%.[-]%.

The internal force has increased five times by [-]%%, which is still equivalent to the original [-]%% in magnitude.

At that time, although the internal power of the ancient three links was far inferior to that of Zhu Ignore, and the use efficiency was not necessarily stronger than that of Zhu Ignore, at most... [-]%%% [-]/[-] .

However, the internal strength of the ancient three links is even more vigorous.

Although they are all internal forces, there are also three, six, nine, and so on.

It is also divided into intensity.

Water and milk are both liquids, but can it be said that the density of the two is the same? In the struggle of martial arts people, the internal strength is obviously an extremely important decisive factor.

That's why Gu Santong and Zhu ignored the battle at the top of the Tianshan Mountains, and they fought for so long.

In the end, Zhu Ignore relied on Su Xin's arrival to let Gu Santong lose his mind, and this narrowly defeated Gu Santong by half a trick.

And even so, sixteen years have passed.

Zhu ignored it but was still dormant.

Because he has never been able to condense his inner strength more vigorously, and the use efficiency of inner strength has not been improved for a long time.

He has five times or even ten times the inner strength than others.

However, the inner strength is only comparable to others, and the efficiency of inner strength is not much higher.

And this also means that he just has better endurance than others.

But when it comes to one-on-one with others, the odds of winning are still not high.

Therefore, Kong has five times ten times more internal power than others, and may be beaten to death by the other party.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Ignore has been dormant, that is... afraid that he will be besieged by the crowd after he is exposed.

Because although he has 10 shares of ten people's internal strength, he still can't equal ten.

However, as long as he can improve the efficiency of using his own internal force and make his internal force: more vigorous.

Don't need much.

He only needs to increase the inner efficiency to [-]%%, and he is enough to dominate.

Because [-]%% of ten times is equivalent to [-]%% of the original! A master of the same level can instantly kill the opponent with one move! Therefore, the gap is undoubtedly huge. .

It's a pity that Zhu ignores that there is no "King Kong Indestructible Magic", otherwise he doesn't have to lie dormant for so many years.

As long as he has the Vajra Indestructible Magic to condense his inner strength and become: vigorous, then his inner strength utilization efficiency will not be [-]%%, but [-]/[-]%%! However, Zhu Ignore the divine power without King Kong.

Fang Tianfeng has it!

Chapter 054 Suck!middle! (please subscribe)

Chapter 054 Sucks! Middle! Ask for subscription Fang Tianfeng didn't start with Edo at the beginning, but started with the masters around the daimyo in other small places.

Because of the current Dongying: it seems to be one, but it is separate from each other.

Although the Tokugawa shogunate was powerful, the other daimyo combined were stronger than the Tokugawa shogunate.

It's just because of the entanglement of interests, so there is no way to unite for the time being.

But even so, it was not something that the Tokugawa shogunate could easily bully.

The Tokugawa shogunate had powerful ninjutsu families like the Yagyu family as retainers, and other daimyo were naturally the same.

The strong people around them may not be as strong as Liu Sheng but Ma Shou, but they are definitely not in the minority.

What's more, because of these......the daimyo and the Tokugawa shogunate are inseparable.

So even if the daimyo died, the Tokugawa shogunate would only watch jokes on the sidelines.

Even, they will take the opportunity to send troops to seize the fief of the daimyo.

Moreover, Fang Tianfeng doesn't think that he can be invincible in the world if he has the invincible magic.

At the very least, if he were to fight Yagyu Tajima now, it would be at most... [-] to [-].

Moreover, it is still based on the fact that he has established the invincible position of the King Kong Indestructible Magic.

King Kong is not bad, it can only be opened for half an hour at a time.

And within this half hour, it is... invincible state.

Not to mention Liu Sheng but Ma Shou, even if Zhu ignores him, he can't break his defense.

It's just that Yagyu Tajima is a ninja, even a ninja specializing in swordsmanship is also a ninja.

So, if he doesn't get along with Fang Tianfeng at that time, but if Fang Tianfeng keeps a distance from him to fly a kite, Fang Tianfeng will not be able to kill him.

After all, Fang Tianfeng had only practiced martial arts for a few days, and he had very little experience in fighting.

Even if due to unknown reasons, he learns any martial arts extremely fast, but time is a hard injury.

Without enough experience, he can't even beat a master with only twenty years of strength.

That is, relying on his own strength to bully others.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng didn't want to confront Liusheng Taima Shou from the beginning.

He chose to stay away from Edo, starting from the fiefdoms of those... little-known daimyo.

There must be more samurai and ninjas around every daimyo, whether it is to assassinate others or prevent others from being assassinated, these are very necessary.

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